Basic support for the TypeQL language on JetBrains-based IDEs.
This plugin is published on the JetBrains Plugin Repository:
Preferences → Plugins → Browse Repositories → Search for "TypeQL"
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
$ cd typeql-plugin-jetbrains
Build the plugin zip file:
$ ./gradlew buildPlugin
Install the plugin from ./build/distributions/typeql-plugin-jetbrains-*.zip
Preferences → Plugins → Install plugin from disk
Execute an IntelliJ IDEA instance with the plugin you're developing installed:
$ ./gradlew runIde
Run the tests:
$ ./gradlew test
- Syntax highlighting and colouring (JetBrains and TypeDB color schemes) based on the official TypeQL grammar.
- Find Usages, Go To Declaration.
- Rename (currently excluding references to relations in "plays" constraints).
- Code completion.
- Unused, Invalid and Duplicated items inspections.
JetBrains Color Scheme-based syntax highlighting automatically works out of the box. However, it is possible to import TypeDB-specific color schemes used in TypeDB Studio by downloading the needed color scheme files from the corresponding resource directory and importing it in the IDE via Preferences → Editor → Color Scheme → Import Scheme
For more information about how this plugin works and how to add additional functionality please see: