gowork, which sounds like "狗窝" in Chinese, is a tiny server framework implemented using golang.
It is aimed at developing server faster.
It is also an exercise to improve myself.
name : tynia
email : [email protected]
The gowork is released under the MIT LICENSE.
you can import it without ANY concern on copyright.
I hope you can retain my nickname(tynia) and repository in your project which you import the gowork.
The gowork framework contains several modules, including:
The directory extern is the location used to place the third-party library, such as logging---- clone from @xuyu.
It is a simple framework for server application development.
When using the gowork, you need to do as follows(REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR GOPATH AS THE PREFIX OF GOWORK):
import (
... // other imports you need
func main() {
config := map[string]string{}
// set an value into map
value := "hello, gowork !"
config["say"] = value
// new application using the map, which contains an key "say" and value "hello, gowork !"
app := application.NewApplication("sample", config)
// now we can get the value of key "say"
v := app.Get("say")
str, _ := convertor.ToString(v)
fmt.Println(str) // the console will print the value of "say" is "hello, gowork !"
// set another key/value into the instance of application
app.Set("another", 100)
v = app.Get("another")
vInt, _ := convertor.ToInt(v)
fmt.Println(vInt) // the console will print the
// add handler to serve as http server
app.AddHandlerFunc("/hello", HandlerHello)
// application run
err := app.Go()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: %s", err.Error())
Above is the sample code to setup a server application, see the file: gowork/sample/sample.go
In application.Go(), it will parse a json file. the file must be like this:
"Log": {
"Level": "debug",
"Suffix": "060102-15"
"Prog": {
"CPU": 0,
"Daemon": false,
"HealthPort": "localhost:25169"
"Server": {
"PortInfo": ""
Log.Level: the logging level, it must be the one of "error/warning/info/debug"
Log.Suffix: is the suffix of log file
"060102-15" means the name of logging file output is ending with 170328-20.log.
17 is short of year 2017;
03 is the month March;
28 is the day of month;
20 is the hour of the day.
Prog.CPU: a limit of CPU usage. 0 is default, means to use all cores
Prog.Daemon: you know
Prog.HealthPort: the port for monitior, if you need
Server.PortInfo the port for service
Those items mentioned above are the base need of a server application. And they are defined in config file: gowork/conf/config.json
You should replace the configure items defined in config-template.json according your server application.
The sample code located in gowork/sample/sample.go
is an example of http server.
# cd $GOPATH/gowork/sample
# go build
It will product an executable file named sample
, after you do go build
./sample -c config.json-path
NOTICE: The config.json-path
in command line should be specified, or the sample
built will run using the default path conf/config.json
[Using gowork as a library]
- clone gowork in your
The RELATIVE PATH is not supported in Go language. When building projects, we should import the ABSOLUTE PATH of library we import. In order to use gowork conveniently, we should clone the gowork under the
to make gowork is the top level directory under GOPATH.
My GOPATH is set to/home/tynia/Go
I clone gowork under the path/home/tynia/Go/src
Then the gowork is located as/home/tynia/Go/src/gowork
I create a directory named PROJv1 under the path/home/tynia/Go/src
(the samle level with gowork). Then we write code in PROJv1.
SOURCE TREE is as follows:
|- gowork
|- application
|- convertor
|- net
|- PROJ1
|- source file
|- source file
|- ...
|- PROJ2
|- PROJ3
There are more features, and shall we add them one by one?