This is a load monitoring app. It runs the uptime
command every ten seconds and displays that data in a chart that is updated live. It creates alerts when the two-minute average load exceeds 1.
Uses node v5.7.1 (npm v3.6.0).
Make sure MongoDB is running. mongod
Run npm i
, and gulp
to get started
Works best in Chrome browser.
Optimal display of data happens when we have ten minutes worth of data. Must wait 20 seconds for enough data to exist to display a line. (This was improved upon based on feedback.)
The main logic for the application live in the app/managers
directory for the server, and then in app/src/alerts.js
and app/src/uptimes.js
for the client.
##Areas to improve
Need to handle the first ten minutes before enough data has accumulated more elegantly.
I would prefer to use sockets to eliminate AJAX polling.
The src scripts could be divided up into views and models for a cleaner separation of concerns.
I would love to have indiviudal data points appear with more statistics when you hover over them on the chart.
Definitely need to expand error handling. The problem where there was no line being drawn without a refresh upon starting the application could have easily been caught with proper error messages.
To run tests, make sure you have mocha installed. npm install -g mocha
and run mocha
from inside the directory.