rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Run the rake task bundle exec rake copy_sounds:run
This will convert the .mp3 sounds in the lib/assets/sounds directory and add them into your database.
- libsodium
- A compiled libopus distribution for your system, anywhere the script can find it. See here for installation instructions.
- FFmpeg installed and in your PATH
To start the bot, run the rake task bundle exec rake bot:run
The sounds should be in the .mp3 format.
The sound name will be the same that you use to play them in Discord, so make sure that they are:
- unique,
- short,
- lowercase and
- without any spaces or special characters.
BAD: Ronaldo saying SIUUUUU!!!!!!.MP3
GOOD: siuu.mp3
To upload, you can use the bot command in Discord .uploadsounds [LINK TO A DIRECT .ZIP FILE CONTAINING .MP3 FILES]