Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | brotli | 11021 | ||
2 | X-TRACK | FASTSHIFT | 3314 | |
3 | Bedrock | Expensify | 812 | |
4 | RediSearch | RediSearch | 3696 | |
5 | pglogical | 2ndQuadrant | 593 | |
6 | jsmpeg-vnc | phoboslab | 2156 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | docker-lambda | lambci | 5711 | |
2 | jynew | jynew | 4690 | |
3 | CDM | The Common Data Model (CDM) is a standard and extensible collection of schemas (entities, attributes, relationships) that represents business concepts and activities with well-defined semantics, to facilitate data interoperability. Examples of entities include: Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunity, Product, etc. | microsoft | 1150 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | osquery | osquery | 18841 | |
2 | tesseract | Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) | tesseract-ocr | 44901 |
3 | nightcore | ut-osa | 42 | |
4 | scylla | scylladb | 7780 | |
5 | squid | squid-cache | 1301 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | You-Dont-Need-JavaScript | you-dont-need | 16996 | |
2 | enlargify | merictaze | 18 | |
3 | backreads | 2 | ||
4 | todo-app-pagination | A simple todo app that showcases pagination with AppSync and the Amplify @model directive. Select a user to retrieve their todos sorted by due date. | onlybakam | 20 |
5 | Arc | A cross-platform, password manager app with advanced security features. | Mwpereira | 5 |
6 | Healthcare-Supplychain-Blockchain | Blockchain solution for Healthcare Supplychain built with Hyperledger Fabric and designed for AWS | murughan1985 | 5 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | penpot | Penpot - The Open-Source design & prototyping platform | penpot | 10097 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Flutter-food-delivery-app-ui | Flutter Food Delivery Application design and Animation - day 3 | afgprogrammer | 193 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | store-functions | openfaas | 40 | |
2 | nocode | kelseyhightower | 52398 | |
3 | docker-hyperledger-fabric-peer | yeasy | 25 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | ecto_adapters_dynamodb | circles-learning-labs | 49 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | grpc-go | grpc | 15822 | |
2 | k6 | grafana | 16201 | |
3 | drone | harness | 24875 | |
4 | gitea | go-gitea | 29587 | |
5 | tidb | pingcap | 31125 | |
6 | prometheus | prometheus | 42134 | |
7 | mizu | API traffic viewer for Kubernetes enabling you to view all API communication between microservices. Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented for Kubernetes | up9inc | 3177 |
8 | scope | weaveworks | 5390 | |
9 | kratos | go-kratos | 17387 | |
10 | go-micro | asim | 18095 | |
11 | kit | go-kit | 22901 | |
12 | awesome-go | A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software | avelino | 79669 |
13 | consul | hashicorp | 24650 | |
14 | linkerd2 | linkerd | 8351 | |
15 | kube-scan | kube-scan: Octarine k8s cluster risk assessment tool | octarinesec | 692 |
16 | fiber | ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go | gofiber | 19779 |
17 | karpenter | Kubernetes Node Autoscaling: built for flexibility, performance, and simplicity. | aws | 2719 |
18 | arkade | alexellis | 2749 | |
19 | ofc-bootstrap | openfaas | 179 | |
20 | nerdctl | containerd | 3678 | |
21 | oauth2-proxy | oauth2-proxy | 5119 | |
22 | pipeline | A cloud-native Pipeline resource. | tektoncd | 7046 |
23 | crossplane~~~~ | crossplane | 5050 | |
24 | eksctl | The official CLI for Amazon EKS | weaveworks | 3846 |
25 | rclone | rclone | 32485 | |
26 | go-grpc-k8s-serverless | Golang GRPC blog server on deployed kubernetes made serverless with Knative | narenarjun | 1 |
27 | sealed-secrets | A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets | bitnami-labs | 4862 |
28 | okteto | Develop your applications directly in your Kubernetes Cluster | okteto | 2226 |
29 | copilot-cli | aws | 2180 | |
30 | terraform | Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. | hashicorp | 32254 |
31 | excelize | qax-os | 11579 | |
32 | kopia | kopia | 1675 | |
33 | casdoor | An Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and CAS, QQ group: 645200447 | casdoor | 2511 |
34 | casbin | An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang | casbin | 11794 |
35 | opa | An open source, general-purpose policy engine. | open-policy-agent | 6517 |
36 | turborepo | The High-performance Build System for JavaScript & TypeScript Codebases | vercel | 7124 |
37 | iris | kataras | 22216 | |
38 | terraformer | CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code | GoogleCloudPlatform | 7301 |
39 | cloud-nuke | A tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it | gruntwork-io | 1901 |
40 | certificates | smallstep | 4266 | |
41 | aws-lambda-extensions | A collection of sample extensions to help you get started with AWS Lambda Extensions | aws-samples | 262 |
42 | waypoint | hashicorp | 4399 | |
43 | k8s-voting-app-aws | ☸️ Example of a distributed voting app running on Kubernetes. Written in Golang with Terraform definitions to deploy to AWS EKS | hbollon | 25 |
44 | kubesphere | The container platform tailored for Kubernetes multi-cloud, datacenter, and edge management ⎈ 🖥 ☁️ | kubesphere | 9597 |
45 | containers-the-hard-way | shuveb | 1399 | |
46 | glab | profclems | 1861 | |
47 | TopList | tophubs | 4423 | |
48 | erda | erda-project | 2301 | |
49 | learning_tools | hwholiday | 1844 | |
50 | go-fly | 开源在线客服系统GO语言开发GO-FLY,免费在线客服系统/open source live customer chat by golang | taoshihan1991 | 1248 |
51 | istio | Connect, secure, control, and observe services. | istio | 30105 |
52 | gatekeeper | open-policy-agent | 2485 | |
53 | activity | ActivityStreams & ActivityPub in golang, oh my! | go-fed | 463 |
54 | baur | simplesurance | 310 | |
55 | faas | openfaas | 21460 | |
56 | neutron | emersion | 502 | |
57 | ko | 4423 | ||
58 | esbuild | An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier | evanw | 31511 |
59 | schema | resumic | 64 | |
60 | velero | Backup and migrate Kubernetes applications and their persistent volumes | vmware-tanzu | 6208 |
61 | up | Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS. | apex | 8526 |
62 | nsq | nsqio | 21219 | |
63 | cockroach | cockroachdb | 24365 | |
64 | simple_distributed_system_grpc | For learning only | thinhnv98 | 4 |
65 | go-tools | Staticcheck - The advanced Go linter | dominikh | 4630 |
66 | loki | Like Prometheus, but for logs. | grafana | 15619 |
67 | micro | micro | 11089 | |
68 | tfsec | Security scanner for your Terraform code | aquasecurity | 4402 |
69 | AutoSpotting | Saves up to 90% of AWS EC2 costs by automating the use of spot instances on existing AutoScaling groups. Installs in minutes using CloudFormation or Terraform. Convenient to deploy at scale using StackSets. Uses tagging to avoid launch configuration changes. Automated spot termination handling. Reliable fallback to on-demand instances. | cloudutil | 2042 |
70 | go-cloud | 8349 | ||
71 | go-zero | A web and RPC framework written in Go. It's born to ensure the stability of the busy sites with resilient design. Builtin goctl greatly improves the development productivity. | zeromicro | 17020 |
72 | plow | A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying | six-ddc | 2941 |
73 | flux | fluxcd | 6795 | |
74 | Valkyrie | A Fullstack Discord Clone using React and Go. | sentrionic | 162 |
75 | blog-articles | hirvitek | 2 | |
76 | Go-Clean-Architecture-REST-API | Golang Clean Architecture REST API example | AleksK1NG | 211 |
77 | lemon-cloud-user | lemon-cloud-service | 1 | |
78 | s3pop-server | AWS S3 Backed POP3 Email using AWS SES for mail delivery and sending | FractalJim | 11 |
79 | aws-ses-pop3-server | The missing POP3 💌 server for Amazon Simple Email Service - written in golang. | markushinz | 18 |
80 | fabric-external-chaincodes | vanitas92 | 69 | |
81 | heroes-service | chainHero | 263 | |
82 | mixed-reality-service-hyperledger | lindsayevans | 1 | |
83 | fabric-realty | togettoyou | 302 | |
84 | assume-role | Easily assume AWS roles in your terminal. | remind101 | 524 |
85 | awslambdaproxy | dan-v | 692 | |
86 | goformation | awslabs | 757 | |
87 | eventhorizon | looplab | 1191 | |
88 | terraboard | 🌍 📋 A web dashbo$ard t$o inspect Terraform States | camptocamp | 1528 |
89 | aws-nuke | Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources. | rebuy-de | 2674 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | devops-resources | DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP | bregman-arie | 4342 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | aws-resources | tycloud97 | 2 | |
2 | terraform-aws-secure-baseline | Terraform module to set up your AWS account with the secure baseline configuration based on CIS Amazon Web Services Foundations and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices. | nozaq | 868 |
3 | compliant-financial-infrastructure | finos | 59 | |
4 | tutorials | DevOps by Example | antonputra | 266 |
5 | homelab | khuedoan | 5645 | |
6 | Terraform | Academy4U | 11 | |
7 | multi-env-deploy | Complete example of deploying complex web apps to AWS using Terraform, Ansible, and Packer | cogini | 272 |
8 | AWS-ANS-C00-Prep | tplisson | 2 | |
9 | PBL-project-17 | darey-devops | 1 | |
10 | kube-course | mikhailknyazev | 6 | |
11 | Terraformcourse | cloudopsacademy | 23 | |
12 | aws-learning-example | kumcp | 4 | |
13 | aws-eks-base | This boilerplate contains terraform configurations for the rapid deployment of a Kubernetes cluster, supporting services, and the underlying infrastructure in AWS. | maddevsio | 552 |
14 | infrastructure-as-code-talk | brikis98 | 535 | |
15 | intro-to-terraform | gruntwork-io | 688 | |
16 | terraform-aws-chatbot | DNXLabs | 3 | |
17 | terraform-aws-security-alarms | DNXLabs | 2 | |
18 | terraform-aws-log-exporter | DNXLabs | 9 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | BookStoreAppOnEKS | A book store app powered by AWS EKS. | tycloud97 | 2 |
2 | hugo-theme-learn | matcornic | 1388 | |
3 | CoCreate-dashboard | CoCreate-app | 18 | |
4 | postmark-templates | wildbit | 2442 | |
5 | learn-to-cloud | learntocloud | 2606 | |
6 | aws-faq | Learn AWS 📦 | katademy | 12 |
7 | aws-basis-static-web-s3 | MinhHungTrinh | 1 | |
8 | BookStoreAppOnEKS | A book store app powered by AWS EKS. | erankitcs | 35 |
9 | awesome-eks | A curated list of awesome tools for Amazon EKS 🌊 | realvz | 293 |
10 | devops--course | Balaji-P | 1 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Sentinel | alibaba | 18965 | |
2 | thingsboard | Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization. | thingsboard | 11548 |
3 | apollo | apolloconfig | 26673 | |
4 | MeetMe | aladhims | 31 | |
5 | Munche | Munche is a 🍔 food delivery android application made in Java and Kotlin using the Firebase Suite and Mapbox Map Integration. | AdityaV025 | 32 |
6 | Online-Food-Ordering-System | winston-dsouza | 85 | |
7 | SchemaCrawler | Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool | schemacrawler | 1198 |
8 | NoSQLDataEngineering | NoSQL Data Engineering | catedrasaes-umu | 21 |
9 | keycloak | keycloak | 12102 | |
10 | core | authzforce | 60 | |
11 | microservices | amigoscode | 168 | |
12 | lucene-serverless | ArsenyYankovsky | 36 | |
13 | aws-eks-kubernetes-masterclass | stacksimplify | 441 | |
14 | Schedulis | WeBankFinTech | 294 | |
15 | roncoo-pay | roncoo | 4300 | |
16 | data-transfer-project | 3342 | ||
17 | sitewhere | sitewhere | 877 | |
18 | microtrader | docker-production-aws | 58 | |
19 | cas | apereo | 9386 | |
20 | UberEatsClone | Grub is an UberEats clone. A full-featured cross-platform food delivery app template in Java/Kotlin for Android, iOS, Desktop & Web. | sergeyCodenameOne | 214 |
21 | datadog-api-client-java | DataDog | 28 | |
22 | jsweet | cincheo | 1291 | |
23 | kindx-public | IkoroVictor | 1 | |
24 | debezium | debezium | 6608 | |
25 | spring-framework | spring-projects | 47436 | |
26 | designing-cloud-native-microservices-on-aws | aws-samples | 214 | |
27 | transactional-outbox | ioannisioannou16 | 4 | |
28 | reactive-refarch-cloudformation | aws-samples | 121 | |
29 | vaquarkhan | 1407 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | NodeBB | Node.js based forum software built for the modern web | NodeBB | 12549 |
2 | pouchdb | pouchdb | 14906 | |
3 | netlify-cms | netlify | 15238 | |
4 | responsively-app | responsively-org | 16113 | |
5 | | digitalocean | 16161 | |
6 | uptime-kuma | A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool | louislam | 16493 |
7 | appwrite | appwrite | 21084 | |
8 | portainer | portainer | 21435 | |
9 | nodemon | remy | 23892 | |
10 | Modernizr | Modernizr | 25208 | |
11 | react | Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript | typescript-cheatsheets | 33153 |
12 | Ghost | Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters. | TryGhost | 39987 |
13 | github-readme-stats | ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes | anuraghazra | 40456 |
14 | 33-js-concepts | leonardomso | 48673 | |
15 | material-ui | mui | 77738 | |
16 | axios | axios | 92826 | |
17 | micro-frontends | neuland | 4019 | |
18 | nodebestpractices | ✅ The Node.js best practices list (March 2022) | goldbergyoni | 77170 |
19 | cyclecyclecycle | A Strava Clone where users can track their physical activity either with Google API or manual entry. | VladRez | 6 |
20 | tourmalet | charliedieter | 1 | |
21 | strava | antarid | 1 | |
22 | ASTRA | pauchye | 3 | |
23 | Esforza | etrinidad132 | 10 | |
24 | timetable | EarlGeorge | 49 | |
25 | Aankh | Aankh - A real time proctoring solution 🦄 | tusharnankani | 19 |
26 | stargazed | 📋 Creating your own Awesome List of GitHub stars! | abhijithvijayan | 413 |
27 | mongodb-schema | Infer a probabilistic schema for a MongoDB collection. | mongodb-js | 99 |
28 | You-Dont-Need-Momentjs | you-dont-need | 12709 | |
29 | You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore | you-dont-need | 14596 | |
30 | handson-tekton | joellord | 86 | |
31 | monaco-editor | microsoft | 29148 | |
32 | jscodeshift | 7309 | ||
33 | acmecorp-potted-plants-components-starter | mikaelvesavuori | 2 | |
34 | appsync-rds-todo | wednesday-solutions | 12 | |
35 | aurora-serverless-cluster-migrations-starter | wednesday-solutions | 2 | |
36 | next.js | vercel | 85883 | |
37 | specs | reTHINK-project | 3 | |
38 | GraphQL-Course-Udemy | harblaith7 | 51 | |
39 | dev-msg-node-nodejs | reTHINK-project | 5 | |
40 | node-jacpol | rubiklabs | 7 | |
41 | cloudmapper | duo-labs | 4998 | |
42 | aws-serverless-security-workshop | I |
aws-samples | 479 |
43 | mailwind | soheilpro | 2455 | |
44 | node-oidc-provider | panva | 2202 | |
45 | TiddlyWiki5 | Jermolene | 6704 | |
46 | aws-lambda-ses-forwarder | arithmetric | 1462 | |
47 | dociql | wayfair | 252 | |
48 | react-training | lkdbach | 1 | |
49 | spectaql | anvilco | 543 | |
50 | graphql-pokemon | Get information of a Pokémon with GraphQL! | lucasbento | 479 |
51 | dazn-lambda-powertools | getndazn | 645 | |
52 | lambda-sns-dlq-error-handling | adnanrahic | 31 | |
53 | dependency-cruiser | Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD. | sverweij | 2694 |
54 | madge | Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies | pahen | 6017 |
55 | jquery.dirtyforms | snikch | 222 | |
56 | artillery | artilleryio | 5354 | |
57 | webrtc-book-cn | a-wing | 821 | |
58 | Kanmail | 📥 |
Oxygem | 1074 |
59 | EventBridgeToAppSyncSubscription | dodgeblaster | 3 | |
60 | Rocket.Chat | RocketChat | 32204 | |
61 | MyPortfolio-ReactJS-AWS-CICD | erankitcs | 2 | |
62 | AWS_PhotoSimilarity | erankitcs | 1 | |
63 | chatroulette | vicimpa | 5 | |
64 | om | verysimplyms | 11 | |
65 | deck | 🗂 |
nextcloud | 868 |
66 | spreed | 🗨️ |
nextcloud | 1233 |
67 | Omeclone | wdlsvnit | 47 | |
68 | lowdefy | lowdefy | 1581 | |
69 | ToolJet | ToolJet | 9629 | |
70 | serverless-coffee | aws-samples | 39 | |
71 | boomerang | akamai | 1675 | |
72 | redbird | OptimalBits | 4311 | |
73 | howtheysre | A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) | upgundecha | 7272 |
74 | gr | mixu | 630 | |
75 | juice | Automattic | 2788 | |
76 | lad | 👦 |
ladjs | 2152 |
77 | email-templates | 📫 Create, preview, and send custom email templates for Node.js. Highly configurable and supports automatic inline CSS, stylesheets, embedded images and fonts, and much more! | forwardemail | 3368 |
78 | serverless-moleculer | davidroman0O | 17 | |
79 | awesome-moleculer | 🚀 |
moleculerjs | 287 |
80 | moleculer | 🚀 |
moleculerjs | 5059 |
81 | image360viewer | 📱⚛ 🔄 |
rodrigorgtic | 114 |
82 | jsnice | brettlangdon | 249 | |
83 | LambdAuth | danilop | 1373 | |
84 | lambda-warmer | jeremydaly | 422 | |
85 | fosscord | fosscord | 3608 | |
86 | jira_clone | A simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress. | oldboyxx | 8260 |
87 | single-spa | single-spa | 11090 | |
88 | Drawflow | jerosoler | 1916 | |
89 | aws-secure-websockets | damoresa | 43 | |
90 | React-Chat-App-using-AWS-API-Gateway-Websocket-and-Serverless-Framework | yai333 | 85 | |
91 | QuestionAnswerChatbot | yai333 | 19 | |
92 | ticketless | lucpod | 109 | |
93 | cru-ses-processor | CruGlobal | 3 | |
94 | odoo | odoo | 24828 | |
95 | marktext | 📝 |
marktext | 31368 |
96 | combine-pagination | A JavaScript library for paginating data from multiple sources 🦑 | chrisvxd | 160 |
97 | react-entity-component-system | mattblackdev | 54 | |
98 | AWS-SAA-C02-Course | alozano-77 | 1118 | |
99 | react-email-editor | unlayer | 3258 | |
100 | node-ses-s3-pop3-server | apm963 | 1 | |
101 | aws-basic-labs | tycloud97 | 1 | |
102 | serverless-notifications | diegozanon | 131 | |
103 | kinesis-streams-fan-out-kinesis-analytics | alexcasalboni | 103 | |
104 | aws-connected-vehicle-solution | aws-solutions | 76 | |
105 | ai-powered-speech-analytics-for-amazon-connect | amazon-connect | 47 | |
106 | lambda-refarch-webapp | aws-samples | 1440 | |
107 | pdf-editor | ShizukuIchi | 687 | |
108 | Dapp_Hello_World | hoangnhxda | 4 | |
109 | eattheblocks | jklepatch | 3372 | |
110 | Build-an-Instagram-Clone | [Reed Barger] Build an Instagram Clone with React [ENG, 2020] | webmakaka | 6 |
111 | fabric-composer-engine-supplychain | jverhoelen | 19 | |
112 | fabric-postgres-wallet | IBM | 21 | |
113 | Leveraging-cache-and-MessagingQueue-to-scale-BlockchainNetwork | IBM | 28 | |
114 | hlf1.4-supply-chain | ialberquilla | 27 | |
115 | decentralized-energy-fabric-on-IBP20 | IBM | 36 | |
116 | BlockchainPublicRegulationFabric-Food | IBM | 45 | |
117 | tineola | tineola | 48 | |
118 | blockchain-supply-chain | ⛓ |
mattdean1 | 102 |
119 | evote | IBM | 278 | |
120 | build-blockchain-insurance-app | IBM | 681 | |
121 | IBM_BlockchainCourse__Hyperledger_EstateExchange | NJMES | 2 | |
122 | hlc-realty-network | esraghu | 1 | |
123 | land-records-blockchain | varshanipreddy | 5 | |
124 | Blockchain-based-resilient-storage | Madhu-Vamsi | 20 | |
125 | blockchain-real-estate-v1 | kopylash | 13 | |
126 | strapi | 🚀 |
strapi | 44569 |
127 | react | 187032 | ||
128 | vue | 🖖 |
vuejs | 195302 |
129 | lms-app-amplify | A cloud-based learning management system intended for educational institutions. (Serverless Application) - AWS Amplify, React.js, GraphQL and DataStore. | palakgupta2712 | 8 |
130 | learn-typescript | panacloud-modern-global-apps | 277 | |
131 | howtheyaws | A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world use Amazon Web Services (AWS) | upgundecha | 515 |
132 | simple-websockets-chat-app | aws-samples | 563 | |
133 | cloudfront-auth | Widen | 574 | |
134 | aws-mobile-react-sample | amazon-archives | 648 | |
135 | conference-app-in-a-box | full-stack-serverless | 734 | |
136 | MoonMail | MoonMail | 1817 | |
137 | hackathon-starter | A boilerplate for Node.js web applications | sahat | 33281 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | kubespray | kubernetes-sigs | 12154 | |
2 | k8s | tranductrinh | 20 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | aws-microservices-deploy-options | aws-samples | 389 | |
2 | grafana-aws-cloudwatch-dashboards | :cloud: 30+ Grafana dashboards for AWS CloudWatch metrics: EC2, Lambda, S3, ELB, EMR, EBS, SNS, SES, SQS, RDS, EFS, ElastiCache, Billing, API Gateway, VPN, Step Functions, Route 53, CodeBuild, ... | monitoringartist | 1494 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | pandas-cookbook | Recipes for using Python's pandas library | jvns | 5721 |
2 | pandas_exercises | Practice your pandas skills! | guipsamora | 7640 |
3 | Data-Science | This repository has some of the Data Science projects I worked on | dittakaviram | 1 |
4 | whatsapp-chat-data-analysis | An Exhaustive WhatsApp Chat Data Analysis. | tusharnankani | 25 |
5 | InformationSecurity | secunoid | 2 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | code-playground | lambrospetrou | 10 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | aws-serverless-monitoring | giusedroid | 9 | |
2 | istio-handbook | I |
servicemesher | 1699 |
3 | microtrader-deploy | docker-production-aws | 6 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | lambda-the-terraform-way | nsriram | 1148 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | otomi-core | redkubes | 764 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | awesome-datascience | 📝 |
academic | 18505 |
2 | Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit | 🔗 |
sdmg15 | 46581 |
3 | app-ideas | florinpop17 | 50470 | |
4 | awesome-system-design | madd86 | 5558 | |
5 | awesome-software-architecture | mehdihadeli | 7680 | |
6 | awesome-microservices | A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies. | mfornos | 10963 |
7 | awesome-design-patterns | A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns. | DovAmir | 16166 |
8 | awesome-stars | A curated list of my GitHub stars by stargazed | tycloud97 | 20 |
9 | better-apis-workshop | tycloud97 | 1 | |
10 | awesome-auth | 📊 Software and Libraries for Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM | casbin | 627 |
11 | awesome-aws-security | Curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are related to AWS Security | jassics | 293 |
12 | awsome-security-write-ups-and-POCs | Awesome Writeups and POCs | dhaval17 | 266 |
13 | AWS-IAM-Privilege-Escalation | A centralized source of all AWS IAM privilege escalation methods released by Rhino Security Labs. | RhinoSecurityLabs | 785 |
14 | AWS-Certified-Security-Specialty | AWS Certified Security Specialty (2020) course notes | brianlam38 | 99 |
15 | awesome-scalability | The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems | binhnguyennus | 38346 |
16 | awesome-sre | A curated list of Site Reliability and Production Engineering resources. | dastergon | 8242 |
17 | serverless-actions | Serverless GitHub Actions | lambci | 119 |
18 | awesome-cloud-security | 🛡️ Awesome Cloud Security Resources ⚔️ | 4ndersonLin | 1010 |
19 | platform-ref-aws | AWS Reference Platform for Kubernetes + Data Services for use as a starting point in to build, run, and operate your own internal cloud platform and offer a self-service console and API to your internal teams. | upbound | 33 |
20 | Kubernetes-and-Cloud-Native-Associate-KCNA | Useful notes for the KCNA - Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate | moabukar | 150 |
21 | DevSecOps | Ultimate DevSecOps library | sottlmarek | 2419 |
22 | getting-started-as-tw | This is the repo for my first tw project | abracchi-tw | 3 |
23 | awesome-monorepo | A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures. | korfuri | 3727 |
24 | awesome-low-code | Awesome Low-Code Application Platforms | 全球低代码平台开发资源大全 | steedos | 243 |
25 | ddd-starter-modelling-process | If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step | ddd-crew | 2843 |
26 | aws-cert-architect-professional | Tips for AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional | edgarpf | 1 |
27 | toc | ⚖️Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) | cncf | 1263 |
28 | shared-dependencies | An import map of shared dependencies for react microfrontends | react-microfrontends | 7 |
29 | Gauntlet | 🔖 Guides, Articles, Podcasts, Videos and Notes to Build Reliable Large-Scale Distributed Systems. | Clivern | 336 |
30 | GCP-Associate-Cloud-Engineer | Study notes for GCP Cloud Associate Engineer | DavidCox88 | 1 |
31 | GCP-Associate-Cloud-Engineer-Prep | sachinjose | 1 | |
32 | GCP_ACE_Notes | A study outline for Google Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam | aceisScope | 7 |
33 | gcp-associate-cloud-engineer-exam | Resources to prepare for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer exam | WahlNetwork | 13 |
34 | Google-Cloud-Platform-Associate-Cloud-Engineer | Google Cloud Associate Engineer repository on my journey to becoming a cloud expert. Feel free to take a look at the resources I used under the Links section. | georgezoto | 16 |
35 | tech-radar | Visualizing our technology choices | zalando | 1058 |
36 | Clone-Wars | 100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars. | GorvGoyl | 19290 |
37 | aws-incident-response-playbooks | aws-samples | 568 | |
38 | 0x4447_product_s3_email | 📫 A serverless email server on AWS using S3 and SES | 0x4447 | 2928 |
39 | aws-cert-devops-engineer | Tips for AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional | edgarpf | 2 |
40 | go-advanced | A small Vietnamese Go book compiled by ZaloPay teams. | zalopay-oss | 439 |
41 | s3-php-sdk-example | Practice php sdk example | HoangNHKaopiz | 1 |
42 | LetsUpgrade-AdvancedAWS | kishore-shinde | 1 | |
43 | amazon-dynamodb-design-patterns | This repo contains sample data models to demonstrate design patterns for Amazon DynamoDB. | aws-samples | 84 |
44 | aws-devops-engineer-pro-labs | Labs praticos da prova AWS Devops Engineer - Professional 2020 - DOP01 | augustosoouza | 4 |
45 | real-time-live-sports-updates-using-aws-appsync | The Real-Time Live Sports Updates Using AWS AppSync solution is designed to help media and entertainment customers to deliver real-time live sports updates to web and mobile application via AppSync subscriptions. By leveraging the reference architecture implemented in this solution, M&E companies will be able to deliver sports scores, track live game/match info, send fantasty sports updtates. | tycloud97 | 1 |
46 | amazon-cloudwatch-monitoring-framework | tycloud97 | 1 | |
47 | certified-aws-solutions-architect-professional | AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Notes | Ernyoke | 105 |
48 | AWS-SAP-C01-Study-Guide | This repository is used to help readers pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam | aandr26 | 48 |
49 | AWS-Solutions-Architect-Certification | Study Notes for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Exam | helalaoui | 52 |
50 | smag-mvp | Social Record - Distributed scraping and analysis pipeline for a range of social media platforms | tycloud97 | 1 |
51 | elk_zabbix | myusufe | 1 | |
52 | Free-DevOps-Books-1 | A curated collection of free DevOps related eBooks | tycloud97 | 1 |
53 | Blockchain_HypreledgerFabric_AWS-MSB_AWS-QLDB | Blockchain framework/service: Hyperledger Fabric, AWS-QLDB & AWS-MSB | DeepHiveMind | 11 |
54 | heroes-service | Short tutorial to build a blockchain application in Go with Hyperledger Fabric | tycloud97 | 1 |
55 | awesome | 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics | sindresorhus | 198899 |
56 | blockchain-learning | Learn and promote blockchain together by writing | HiBlock | 55 |
57 | awesome-hyperledger-fabric | A curated list of resources for creating applications with hyperledger fabric | wearetheledger | 400 |
58 | Reinsurance-Network | You will be able to execute transactions against a real Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network for Reinsurance Claims that interacts with a blockchain network. | swpnl7 | 1 |
59 | digitalpropertytracking | blockchain real estate in hyperledger composer | Saif-Ali-Kamal | 1 |
60 | pourover-infra | AWS CDK infrastructure for a next-level anime project | tycloud97 | 1 |
61 | bootcamp-2020 | Learn to Build Modern Full Stack Serverless Multi-Tenant SaaS Apps and APIs | panacloud | 435 |
62 | awesome-aws-amplify | Curated list of AWS Amplify Resources | dabit3 | 1693 |
63 | developer-handbook | An opinionated guide on how to become a professional Web/Mobile App Developer. | apptension | 2652 |
64 | awesome-ecs | A curated list of awesome ECS guides, development tools, and resources | nathanpeck | 2711 |
65 | terraform-aws-gitlab-runner | Terraform module for AWS GitLab Runners on Spot Instances. | tycloud97 | 1 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | koel | 🐦 A personal music streaming server that works. | koel | 13539 |
2 | monica | Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships. | monicahq | 16267 |
3 | pkp-lib | PKP Web Application Library | pkp | 255 |
4 | webmail-lite | AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP. Fast and easy-to-use webmail front-end for your existing IMAP mail server, Plesk or cPanel. | afterlogic | 420 |
5 | server | ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data | nextcloud | 18961 |
6 | 💌 Mail app for Nextcloud | nextcloud | 630 | |
7 | cypht | Cypht: Lightweight Open Source webmail written in PHP and JavaScript | jasonmunro | 713 |
8 | rainloop-webmail | Simple, modern & fast web-based email client | RainLoop | 3684 |
9 | haproxy | HAProxy Data | myusufe | 5 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | ssqlite | Serverless SQLite Experiments | jssmith | 5 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | saleor | A modular, high performance, headless e-commerce platform built with Python, GraphQL, Django, and React. | saleor | 15781 |
2 | airflow | Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows | apache | 25610 |
3 | sherlock | 🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks | sherlock-project | 31169 |
4 | 50-Hours-of-Big-Data-PySpark-AWS-Scala-and-Scraping | PacktPublishing | 3 | |
5 | aws-data-wrangler | Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, Neptune, OpenSearch, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL). | awslabs | 2746 |
6 | checkov | Prevent cloud misconfigurations during build-time for Terraform, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Serverless framework and other infrastructure-as-code-languages with Checkov by Bridgecrew. | bridgecrewio | 4079 |
7 | Strava-clone-project | Beaukenny | 5 | |
8 | workshop | Learn Serverless for Kubernetes with OpenFaaS | openfaas | 929 |
9 | WeiboSuperSpider | 最强微博爬虫,用户、话题、评论一网打尽。图片下载、情感分析,地理位置、关系网络等功能应有尽有。Docs: 配套可视化网站: | Python3Spiders | 789 |
10 | lambda-cdk-template | A simple CDK template to quickly test a Lambda function with CDK. | tuananh | 6 |
11 | skinfer | Skinfer is a tool for inferring and merging JSON schemas | scrapinghub | 129 |
12 | RDS-Aurora-Serverless | Aurora Serverless Deployment and Migration Demo. | murali44 | 29 |
13 | localstack | 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline! | localstack | 40524 |
14 | knative-lambda-runtime | Running AWS Lambda Functions on Knative/Kubernetes Clusters | triggermesh | 242 |
15 | aws-security-benchmark | Open source demos, concept and guidance related to the AWS CIS Foundation framework. | amazon-archives | 604 |
16 | LambdaGuard | AWS Serverless Security | Skyscanner | 350 |
17 | awesome-aws | A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services (AWS) libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources. Featuring the Fiery Meter of AWSome. | donnemartin | 10292 |
18 | virtual-waiting-room-on-aws | Virtual Waiting Room on AWS solution helps absorb and control incoming user requests to your website during an unusually large burst of traffic, usually due to a large-scale event. | aws-solutions | 34 |
19 | rasa | 💬 Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants | RasaHQ | 13884 |
20 | DouZero_For_HappyDouDiZhu | 基于DouZero定制AI实战欢乐斗地主 | tianqiraf | 841 |
21 | imgaug | Image augmentation for machine learning experiments. | aleju | 12548 |
22 | AnimeGANv2 | [Open Source]. The improved version of AnimeGAN. Landscape photos/videos to anime | TachibanaYoshino | 3640 |
23 | HelloGitHub | ![]() |
521xueweihan | 54761 |
24 | mailinabox | Mail-in-a-Box helps individuals take back control of their email by defining a one-click, easy-to-deploy SMTP+everything else server: a mail server in a box. | mail-in-a-box | 11029 |
25 | mailur | Lightweight webmail inspired by Gmail | naspeh | 752 |
26 | Mailu | Insular email distribution - mail server as Docker images | Mailu | 3597 |
27 | sqlite-s3-query | Python functions to query SQLite files stored on S3 | michalc | 143 |
28 | sqlite-s3vfs | Python writable virtual filesystem for SQLite on S3 | uktrade | 22 |
29 | q | q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases | harelba | 9021 |
30 | sentry | Sentry is cross-platform application monitoring, with a focus on error reporting. | getsentry | 30743 |
31 | chalice | Python Serverless Microframework for AWS | aws | 8834 |
32 | dynamodump | Simple backup and restore for Amazon DynamoDB using AWS SDK for Python (boto3) | bchew | 753 |
33 | thingsboard-gateway | Open-source IoT Gateway - integrates devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with ThingsBoard IoT Platform using Modbus, CAN bus, BACnet, BLE, OPC-UA, MQTT, ODBC and REST protocols | thingsboard | 1086 |
34 | ansible | Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. | ansible | 52938 |
35 | ansible-for-devops | Ansible for DevOps examples. | geerlingguy | 5676 |
36 | resoto | Resoto - Find leaky resources, manage quota limits, detect drift, and clean up! | someengineering | 614 |
37 | serverless-logging | This repo defines serverless log forwarders using elastic functionbeat and a helper subscriber function. | pawarrchetan | 2 |
38 | DeepMosaics | Automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them. | HypoX64 | 1132 |
39 | aws-serverless-ecommerce-platform | Serverless Ecommerce Platform is a sample implementation of a serverless backend for an e-commerce website. This sample is not meant to be used as an e-commerce platform as-is, but as an inspiration on how to build event-driven serverless microservices on AWS. | aws-samples | 773 |
40 | Udacity-Data-Engineering-Projects | Few projects related to Data Engineering including Data Modeling, Infrastructure setup on cloud, Data Warehousing and Data Lake development. | san089 | 730 |
41 | kickstart-aws | The ultimate aim of this AWS starter-kit is to help you provision and manage AWS resources that is required to deploy a sample CRM app service and Redis database service on AWS cloud. | sloopstash | 3 |
42 | CSC-424-Advanced-Database-Management-Systems | CSC 424 Advanced Database Management Systems | sureshmelvinsigera | 13 |
43 | open-fda-data-pipeline | A repeatable data pipeline to extract data from, transform the data, and make the data available for advanced analytics in Amazon Web Services (AWS). | prescode | 2 |
44 | gitlabber | Gitlabber - clones or pulls entire groups tree from gitlab | ezbz | 336 |
45 | aws-playground | My AWS Playground | wingkwong | 1 |
46 | simple-file-manager-for-amazon-efs | Serverless web application to manage data in your Amazon EFS Filesystem | aws-solutions | 39 |
47 | auto-check-in-app | The Auto Check-In App automatically provisions the products and services necessary to configure facial comparison and search for event check-in. | awslabs | 23 |
48 | aws-documents | Download AWS whitepapers to local drive | tycarac | 1 |
49 | course-master-big-data-with-pyspark-and-aws | Master Big Data With PySpark and AWS | AISCIENCES | 39 |
50 | chaostoolkit-aws | Chaos Toolkit Extension for AWS | chaostoolkit-incubator | 90 |
51 | cookiecutter-aws-sam-pipeline | This project is a a cookiecutter template to create a generic CI/CD pipeline for Serverless App based on Serverless Application Model (SAM). | aws-samples | 102 |
52 | aws-gate | Better AWS SSM Session manager CLI client | xen0l | 374 |
53 | aws-inventory | Discover resources created in an AWS account. | nccgroup | 609 |
54 | AWS-PlantUML | PlantUML sprites, macros, and other includes for AWS components. | milo-minderbinder | 604 |
55 | startup-kit-templates | CloudFormation templates to accelerate getting started on AWS. | aws-samples | 718 |
56 | sceptre | Build better AWS infrastructure | Sceptre | 1310 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | strava | Create artistic visualisations with your exercise data | marcusvolz | 387 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | chatwoot | Open-source customer engagement suite, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬 | chatwoot | 12504 |
2 | vagrant | Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments. | hashicorp | 23688 |
3 | lucha | Strava clone app with a (slight) Spanish flavor. It uses a Rails/PostgreSQL backend, React.js and Redux on the frontend, and the Google Maps API for map interactivity. | azuzunaga | 27 |
4 | samples | Learn how to develop with Okteto | okteto | 92 |
5 | i18n-tasks | Manage translation and localization with static analysis, for Ruby i18n | glebm | 1782 |
6 | terraforming | Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) / No longer actively maintained | dtan4 | 4270 |
7 | barong | Barong auth server | openware | 124 |
8 | aws | Development repository for the aws cookbook | sous-chefs | 506 |
9 | aws-security-viz | Visualize your aws security groups. | anaynayak | 603 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | starship | ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! | starship | 25804 |
2 | sonic | 🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM. | valeriansaliou | 13045 |
3 | meilisearch | Powerful, fast, and an easy to use search engine | meilisearch | 26092 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | containers-roadmap | This is the public roadmap for AWS container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, and EKS). | aws | 4348 |
2 | envoyproxy-examples | Examples of Envoy proxy on AWS. | takesection-sandbox | 1 |
3 | book-source-code | Accompanying source code for Istio in Action (Manning) | istioinaction | 123 |
4 | papers-we-love | Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. | papers-we-love | 58066 |
5 | airflow-materials-aws | Materials for the next course | marclamberti | 14 |
6 | aws-airflow-eks | Airflow on AWS EKS (Kubernetes) deployed with CloudFormation & Ansible | nilan3 | 8 |
7 | engineering-principles | Core principles for epilot engineers | epilot-dev | 13 |
8 | graphql-spec | GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service. | graphql | 13723 |
9 | circleci-monorepo | An example of monorepo with CircleCI using conditional workflows and pipeline parameters. | tycloud97 | 1 |
10 | github-actions-course | alialaa | 51 | |
11 | google-sre-ebook | Google SRE Book Generator (EPUB/MOBI/PDF). | captn3m0 | 906 |
12 | certified-kubernetes-administrator-course | Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course | kodekloudhub | 3596 |
13 | Docker-OSX | Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers. | sickcodes | 22506 |
14 | aws | A collection of bash shell scripts for automating various tasks with Amazon Web Services using the AWS CLI and jq. | swoodford | 671 |
15 | gcp-certified-associate-cloud-engineer-2020 | Repo for notes, diagrams, and code used to help study for the GCP Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam | DRpandaMD | 3 |
16 | open-infra | taquy | 1 | |
17 | appd_aws_observability_lab | Artifacts for Advanced Observability with AppDynamics Workshop on | Appdynamics | 2 |
18 | demo-scene | 👾Scripts and samples to support Confluent Demos and Talks. |
confluentinc | 1125 |
19 | writing-chaincode | A repository to help experience developers with no Go or chaincode development experience to write and debug chaincodes. | hlf-go | 19 |
20 | heroes-service-network | Short tutorial to build a blockchain network with Hyperledger Fabric | chainHero | 22 |
21 | Build-Multi-Host-Network-Hyperledger | Build Multi-Host Network - Hyperledger Fabric | wahabjawed | 43 |
22 | vote-hyperledger-ethereum | Voting DApp using Web3, Solidity, Hyperledger Fabric and Chaincode EVM | IBM | 60 |
23 | fabric-network-boilerplate | Boilerplate for starting your hyperledger fabric network | wearetheledger | 63 |
24 | fabric-starter | Starter Application and Deployment Scripts for Hyperledger Fabric | olegabu | 218 |
25 | RealEstate | A Real Estate Trading Application built using the hyperledger fabric framework. | christy-jose | 1 |
26 | SecuringBGP | Securing BGP communities using Hyperledger as technology blockchain and BGPCommunities as real communities | rogercoll | 1 |
27 | aws-bootstrap | A template for setting up an AWS environment from scratch. | good-parts | 540 |
28 | ssh-over-ssm | SSH over AWS SSM. No bastions or public-facing instances. SSH user management through IAM. No requirement to store SSH keys locally or on server. | elpy1 | 630 |
29 | aws-app-mesh-examples | AWS App Mesh is a service mesh that you can use with your microservices to manage service to service communication. | aws | 750 |
30 | my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools | List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc. | toniblyx | 6854 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | learn-devops-helm-helmfile-kubernetes-deployment | Source code for the Learn DevOps Helm/Helmfile Kubernetes deployment Udemy course | peelmicro | 3 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | Position | 🛰 Lightweight and efficient location positioning in Swift | piemonte | 67 |
2 | SwiftLocation | 🛰 CoreLocation Made Easy - Efficient & Easy Location Tracker, IP Location, Gecoder, Geofence, Autocomplete, Beacon Ranging, Broadcaster and Visits Monitoring | malcommac | 3061 |
3 | openhaystack | Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network. | seemoo-lab | 4516 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | react-content-loader | ⚪ SVG-Powered component to easily create skeleton loadings. | danilowoz | 12163 |
2 | core | 🚀 The Node.js Framework highly focused on developer ergonomics, stability and confidence | adonisjs | 12407 |
3 | outline | The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, and markdown compatible. | outline | 15191 |
4 | redoc | 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation | Redocly | 17133 |
5 | react-navigation | Routing and navigation for your React Native apps | react-navigation | 21098 |
6 | vuetify | 🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue | vuetifyjs | 34052 |
7 | grafana | The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. | grafana | 48251 |
8 | litmus | Litmus helps SREs and developers practice chaos engineering in a Cloud-native way. Chaos experiments are published at the ChaosHub ( Community notes is at | litmuschaos | 2629 |
9 | nest | A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and enterprise-grade server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8) 🚀 | nestjs | 46497 |
10 | mattermost-webapp | Webapp of Mattermost server: | mattermost | 1665 |
11 | xstate | State machines and statecharts for the modern web. | statelyai | 19708 |
12 | kak | wiro34 | 1 | |
13 | garden | Automation for Kubernetes development and testing. Spin up production-like environments for development, testing, and CI on demand. Use the same configuration and workflows at every step of the process. Speed up your builds and test runs via shared result caching. | garden-io | 2494 |
14 | ultimate-stack | Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App running on Kubernetes with Istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to kubernetes via Gitops pipeline with ArgoCD and the kubernetes platform is built as Infrastructure as Code [IaC] with Terraform. | tycloud97 | 5 |
15 | yalc | Work with yarn/npm packages locally like a boss. | wclr | 3593 |
16 | pnpm | Fast, disk space efficient package manager -- 快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具 | pnpm | 16670 |
17 | obsidian-kanban | Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian. | mgmeyers | 1021 |
18 | autocomplete | Fig adds autocomplete to your terminal. | withfig | 16917 |
19 | excalidraw | Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams | excalidraw | 28902 |
20 | catalogist | Catalogist is the easy way to catalog and make your software and (micro)services visible to your organization in a lightweight and developer-friendly way. | mikaelvesavuori | 8 |
21 | figmagic | Figmagic is the missing piece between DevOps and design: Generate design tokens, export graphics, and extract design token-driven React components from your Figma documents. | mikaelvesavuori | 547 |
22 | better-apis-workshop | Workshop and demo for improving API quality, stability, and observability. | mikaelvesavuori | 14 |
23 | ws-node-demo | A NodeJs application written in TypeScript using ExpressJs framework to create a RESTful api for User model data stored in MongoDB using Mongoose as an adapter. Using the tsoa tool to facilitate a Swagger UI browser API test portal. | WillStreeter | 29 |
24 | graduates | The Graduates Portal for The Computer Science Department at The University of Pretoria. | COS-301 | 32 |
25 | react-reparenting | The reparenting tools for React | Paol-imi | 430 |
26 | ngx-planet | 🚀🌍🚀A powerful, reliable, fully-featured and production ready Micro Frontend library for Angular. | worktile | 459 |
27 | react-useportal | 🌀 React hook for Portals | alex-cory | 826 |
28 | piral | Framework for next generation portals and web apps using micro frontends. 🚀 | smapiot | 1101 |
29 | react-native-portal | A simplified portal implementation for ⭕️ React Native & Web ⭕️. | gorhom | 309 |
30 | developer-portal-starter | Starter template for the Redocly developer portal | Redocly | 44 |
31 | react-cool-portal | 😎 🍒 React hook for Portals, which renders modals, dropdowns, tooltips etc. to <body> or else. | wellyshen | 716 |
32 | career-portal | A Bullhorn Platform SDK app that allows candidates to search for and apply to jobs. | bullhorn | 104 |
33 | serverless-microservice-nestjs | Serverless Microservice with DDD, Onion Architecture in Nx/Monorepo (NestJS, AWS Lambda and AWS CDK) | atwarevn | 3 |
34 | chatterbox-microservices | Microservices web application for group messaging. | abhithube | 3 |
35 | Synthetic-Biology-LIMS | (In development) Microservices full-stack single-page web app built with Typescript, React, Redux, Styled Components (for CSS-in-JS), Python, Django, Redis, and PostgreSQL. Separate servers for LIMS and Payments hosted on AWS EC2 instances with Kubernetes and circleci CI/CD. Database hosted on AWS DynamoDB. CDN through AWS Cloudfront and DNS through Google Domains. | JacobGrisham | 2 |
36 | smartranking-cloud-microservices-learning | API to manage rankings, challenges and matches between players using the microservices methodology with nestjs, rabbitmq, mongodb, aws ses, s3 and cognito in a clean architecture. | AlissonAp | 2 |
37 | Serverlessly | Serverlessly allows you to write vendor-neutral cloud-native microservices which you can run on any FaaS (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions etc), CaaS (AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run etc) or self-managed infrastructure (Auto-scaling EC2, Kubernetes etc) at scale. | ServerlesslyStack | 7 |
38 | ultimate-stack | Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App running on Kubernetes with Istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to kubernetes via Gitops pipeline with ArgoCD and the kubernetes platform is built as Infrastructure as Code [IaC] with Terraform. | narenarjun | 12 |
39 | ecommerce-shopfront-on-aws | A high availability, API-first reference architecture for ecommerce using AWS services | enghwa | 52 |
40 | bloomrpc | GUI Client for GRPC Services | bloomrpc | 7933 |
41 | YYeTsFE | YYeTsBot 前端页面 | tgbot-collection | 137 |
42 | react-query | ⚛️ Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React | tannerlinsley | 26999 |
43 | wangEditor | wangEditor —— 开源 Web 富文本编辑器 | wangeditor-team | 13453 |
44 | vite | Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! | vitejs | 41022 |
45 | jest | Delightful JavaScript Testing. | 38734 | |
46 | astro | Build fast websites, faster. 🚀🧑🚀✨ | withastro | 11482 |
47 | clean-code-typescript | Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript | labs42io | 5916 |
48 | rushstack | Monorepo for tools developed by the Rush Stack community | microsoft | 3930 |
49 | blues-stack | The Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with PostgreSQL, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc. | remix-run | 416 |
50 | backstage | Backstage is an open platform for building developer portals | backstage | 16196 |
51 | shoelace | A collection of professionally designed, every day UI components built on Web standards. Works with all framework as well as regular HTML/CSS/JS. 🥾 | shoelace-style | 6634 |
52 | plasmic | Visual page builder and web design tool for any website or web app tech stack | plasmicapp | 1475 |
53 | dynamodb-toolbox | A simple set of tools for working with Amazon DynamoDB and the DocumentClient | jeremydaly | 1198 |
54 | accesscontrol | Role and Attribute based Access Control for Node.js | onury | 1810 |
55 | access-control | Simple, flexible and reliable access control for NodeJS and Typescript. Supports both RBAC and ABAC. | bluebirds-blue-jay | 28 |
56 | node-casbin | An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Node.js and Browser | casbin | 1870 |
57 | dont-buy-from-me | alissanguyen | 1 | |
58 | nocodb | 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative - turns any MySQL, Postgres, SQLite into a Spreadsheet with REST APIs. | nocodb | 26891 |
59 | amplication | Amplication is an open‑source development tool. It helps you develop quality Node.js applications without spending time on repetitive coding tasks. | amplication | 7068 |
60 | oidc-client-ts | OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth2 protocol support for browser-based JavaScript applications | authts | 243 |
61 | ajv | The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927) | ajv-validator | 10960 |
62 | apollo-server | 🌍 Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server that lets you develop in a schema-first way. Built for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa, and more. | apollographql | 12529 |
63 | RedisInsight | RedisInsight | RedisInsight | 587 |
64 | graphdoc | Static page generator for documenting GraphQL Schema | 2fd | 1410 |
65 | graphql-playground | 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration) | graphql | 7920 |
66 | reddit-fullstack-typescript-tutorial | lpredrum136 | 41 | |
67 | svelte | Cybernetically enhanced web apps | sveltejs | 57679 |
68 | serverless-stack | 💥 SST makes it easy to build serverless apps. Set breakpoints and test your functions locally. | serverless-stack | 6152 |
69 | starter-workflows | Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows | actions | 5986 |
70 | cardstack | The mono-repo for the core Cardstack framework. | cardstack | 313 |
71 | ts-dependency-graph | prints a dependency graph in dot format for your typescript/react project | PSeitz | 55 |
72 | typeorm-aurora-data-api-driver | A bridge between TypeORM and Aurora Data API | ArsenyYankovsky | 145 |
73 | nxplorerjs-mono-starter | This is a mono repo version of the nxplorerjs microservice project | ERS-HCL | 6 |
74 | supabase-js | An isomorphic Javascript client for Supabase. | supabase | 1027 |
75 | verdaccio | 📦🔐 A lightweight Node.js private proxy registry | verdaccio | 13285 |
76 | lucky-canvas | 🎖🎖🎖 基于 TS + Canvas 开发的【大转盘 / 九宫格 / 老虎机】抽奖插件,🌈 一套源码适配多端框架 JS / Vue / React / Taro / UniApp / 微信小程序等,🎨 奖品 / 文字 / 图片 / 颜色 / 按钮均可配置,支持同步 / 异步抽奖,🎯 概率前 / 后端可控,🚀 自动根据 dpr 调整清晰度适配移动端 | buuing | 3721 |
77 | graphiql | GraphiQL & the GraphQL LSP Reference Ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools. | graphql | 13532 |
78 | superset | Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform | apache | 45876 |
79 | supabase | The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta. | supabase | 31575 |
80 | sequelize-typescript-migration | migration tool ( makemigration ) for sequelize and typescript developers. | kimjbstar | 14 |
81 | rematch | The Redux Framework | rematch | 7954 |
82 | docusaurus | Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. | 32695 | |
83 | openapi-backend | Build, Validate, Route, Authenticate and Mock using OpenAPI | anttiviljami | 350 |
84 | WebClients | Monorepo hosting the proton web clients | ProtonMail | 3216 |
85 | mikro-orm | TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases. | mikro-orm | 4462 |
86 | tiptap | The headless editor framework for web artisans. | ueberdosis | 14888 |
87 | headlessui | Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. | tailwindlabs | 14422 |
88 | repo-automation-bots | A collection of bots, based on probot, for performing common maintenance tasks across the open-source repos managed by Google on GitHub. | googleapis | 304 |
89 | probot | 🤖 A framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow | probot | 7617 |
90 | template-file | 🔀 Replace {{ variables }} in all your files | gsandf | 18 |
91 | serverless | This is intended to be a repo containing all of the official AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. All patterns come in Typescript and Python with the exported CloudFormation also included. | cdk-patterns | 1622 |
92 | signoz | SigNoz is an open-source APM. It helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool | SigNoz | 6140 |
93 | cool-admin-midway | cool-admin(midway版)一个很酷的后台权限管理框架,模块化、插件化、CRUD极速开发,永久开源免费,基于midway.js 3.x、typescript、typeorm、mysql、jwt、vue3、vite、element-ui等构建 | cool-team-official | 1372 |
94 | midway | 🍔 A Node.js Serverless Framework for front-end/full-stack developers. Build the application for next decade. Works on AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud and traditional VM/Container. Super easy integrate with React and Vue. 🌈 | midwayjs | 5607 |
95 | webiny-js | Open-source serverless enterprise CMS. Includes a headless CMS, page builder, form builder, and file manager. Easy to customize and expand. Deploys to AWS. | webiny | 5547 |
96 | tyx | TyX Core Framework | alitelabs | 156 |
97 | puzzle-js | ⚡ Micro frontend framework for scalable and blazing fast websites. | puzzle-js | 511 |
98 | | My personal website | kentcdodds | 1313 |
99 | chaskiq | A full featured Live Chat, Support & Marketing platform, alternative to Intercom, Drift, Crisp, etc ... | chaskiq | 1892 |
100 | next-chop-v2 | CaptainChemist | 8 | |
101 | react-admin | A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design | marmelab | 19543 |
102 | aws4-axios | Axios request interceptor for signing requests with AWSv4 | jamesmbourne | 42 |
103 | lambda-authorizer | This project contains the Lambda Authoriser to be used with API Gateway | pawarrchetan | 1 |
104 | cli | Snyk CLI scans and monitors your projects for security vulnerabilities. | snyk | 3916 |
105 | Systemizer | A system design tool that allows you to simulate data flow of distributed systems. | honzaap | 1213 |
106 | pev2 | Postgres Explain Visualizer 2 | dalibo | 1450 |
107 | space-finder-frontend | barosanuemailtest | 15 | |
108 | space-finder-backend | barosanuemailtest | 19 | |
109 | typescript-quick-course | barosanuemailtest | 1 | |
110 | | Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone. | calcom | 11488 |
111 | dnde | Drag and drop react email editor | aghontpi | 22 |
112 | easy-email | DnD Email Editor based on React.js and MJML, made by @aftership FE team. | arco-design | 175 |
113 | takenote | 📝 A web-based notes app for developers. | taniarascia | 5535 |
114 | license-seats-allocation-API | License seat allocator API. | ngkimnhatnam | 1 |
115 | acmecorp-microservices-webshop | Demonstration of a microservice architecture handling a webshop, using Lambda + API Gateway, Aurora Serverless, and Eventbridge. | mikaelvesavuori | 7 |
116 | serverless-clean-arquitecture | A boirlerplate to build Microservices lambdas with clean architecture | G33N | 1 |
117 | serverless-clusters | Serverless Clustering w/ Stateless Computing (Lambda) | lemoncloud-io | 3 |
118 | lemon-hello-api | Simple Serverless API to send message to Slack | lemoncloud-io | 6 |
119 | lemon-core | Shared library to build easily the micro-service with AWS Lambda + DynamoDB + ElasticSearch + SNS/SQS. | lemoncloud-io | 9 |
120 | lemon-engine | lemon-engine: auto async node between DynamoDB + Redis + Elasticsearch | lemoncloud-io | 4 |
121 | biotech-blueprint-multi-account | The AWS Biotech Blueprint Multi Account is a landing zone for life sciences startups looking to build well architected research environments in the cloud. This CDK based solution creates the infrastructure as code to manage security, identity, and networking across 10s or 100s of accounts. | aws-samples | 19 |
122 | node-public-api-background-job | movement-pass | 1 | |
123 | cdk-snippets | CDK Snippets from example projects | randyridgley | 9 |
124 | amazon-virtual-andon | Deploy a solution that provides a scalable Andon system to help optimize processes, support the transition to predictive maintenance, and prevent issues. | aws-solutions | 10 |
125 | amazon-cloudwatch-monitoring-framework | Deploy a solution that provides a preconfigured dashboard so that you can instantly monitor key performance metrics and logs for your Apache, NGINX and Puma workloads running on Amazon EC2. | aws-solutions | 13 |
126 | kinesis-webrtc | This package simplifies interaction with Amazon Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC SDK for JavaScript for interfacing with the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Signaling Service. | kevinodongo | 3 |
127 | Kinesis-WebRTC-Course-Resources | kevinodongo | 2 | |
128 | bulletproof-react | 🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications. | alan2207 | 9759 |
129 | frontend | 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant | home-assistant | 2318 |
130 | ds.e | bahdcoder | 21 | |
131 | react-doc-viewer | Alcumus | 96 | |
132 | zoonk | Zoonk template | AlexRogalskiy | 1 |
133 | react-pdf-viewer | A React component to view a PDF document | react-pdf-viewer | 818 |
134 | serverless-refarch-for-proxysql | AWS Serverless Reference Architecture for ProxySQL | aws-samples | 41 |
135 | nft-market-service | NFT Market service to mint tokens on IPFS | silviopaganini | 65 |
136 | bigchaindb-hyperledger | BigchainDB integration with HyperLedger Fabric. In collaboration with TheLedger | bigchaindb | 26 |
137 | fabric-node-chaincode-utils | Utilities for writing and testing hyperledger Fabric nodejs chaincode | wearetheledger | 78 |
138 | decentrify | Decentrify - a decentralized degree verification system using Hyperledger Fabric blockchain and Hyperledger Composer which provides real-time verification solution. | hasham827 | 1 |
139 | real-estate-hyperledger-kubernetes | A simple real estate negotiation blockchain platform, which allows parties to make offers directly to each other without a centralized authority, built with Hyperledger Fabric, Kubernetes and Typescript | 0xkalvin | 4 |
140 | awesome-coronavirus | 🦠 Huge collection of useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus) | soroushchehresa | 1480 |
141 | appsmith | Low code project to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API. | appsmithorg | 15365 |
142 | instaclone-backend | Node, TypeScript, ESLint, Apollo Server, Prisma, PostgreSQL, AWS S3 | developer-t2 | 1 |
143 | smartvan-aws | AWS resources for SmartVan | coderbyheart | 1 |
144 | asset-tracker-cloud-device-simulator-aws-js | Simulates an nRF9160-based device for the nRF Asset Tracker for AWS. | NordicSemiconductor | 1 |
145 | anify-infra | Infrastructure as code using the AWS CDK | anify-app | 2 |
146 | cdk-remote-stack | Get outputs and AWS SSM parameters from cross-region AWS CloudFormation stacks. | pahud | 53 |
147 | sale-notifier | AWS lambda function scheduled using eventbridge to scan certain pages and send an email with SES if a sale is identified | miamollie | 1 |
148 | prisma-appsync | ⚡ Converts your ◭ Prisma Schema into a full-blown GraphQL API for AWS AppSync. | maoosi | 145 |
149 | Cloud_Development_Portfolio | This repo contains different projects in the field of Cloud development. It delves into cloud architecture, microservices, security, AWS, etc. It also deals with the most common tasks for cloud developers. | gonzalo-munillag | 1 |
150 | webhook-to-eventbridge | Generic Webhook to EventBridge event bus | wmakeev | 1 |
151 | aws-centralized-logging | The Centralized Logging solution enables organizations to collect, analyze, and display logs on AWS across multiple accounts and AWS Regions. This solution uses Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service) and Kibana, an analytics and visualization platform that is integrated with Amazon OpenSearch Service, that results in a unified view of all the log events. The solution provides you with a turnkey environment to begin logging and analyzing your AWS environment and applications. | aws-solutions | 199 |
152 | machine-downtime-monitor-on-aws | Machine Downtime Monitor on AWS is a self-service, cloud solution that customers can utilize to monitor their machines for breakdowns on factory floors. The solution connects to machines on a factory floor via the OPC-DA protocol and provides a near real-time view of machines statuses across lines and factories. The solution deploys Amazon Kinesis stream and provides a flexible model to configure how machine data should be interpreted, based on customers’ needs. | aws-solutions | 3 |
153 | serverless-solutions-patterns-cdk | Serverless Solution and Architecture Patterns with CDK | panacloud-modern-global-apps | 16 |
154 | full-stack-serverless-cdk | Learn to Build Full-Stack Serverless Apps and APIs using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) in Baby Steps. | panacloud-modern-global-apps | 183 |
155 | serverless-typescript-starter | 🗄🙅♀️ Deploy your next serverless JavaScript function in seconds | postlight | 690 |
156 | sqs-consumer | Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate | bbc | 1221 |
Name | Description | Author | Stars | |
1 | wiki | Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js | requarks | 16488 |
2 | mysigmail | UI Email Signature Generator - Make easy to create your email signature | antonreshetov | 1001 |
3 | cool-admin-vue | cool-admin一个很酷的后台权限管理框架,模块化、插件化、CRUD极速开发,永久开源免费,基于midway.js 2.0、typeorm、mysql、jwt、element-ui、vuex、vue-router、vue等构建 | cool-team-official | 709 |
4 | automa | A chrome extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks | Kholid060 | 4261 |
5 | slidev-aws | tycloud97 | 19 | |
6 | abp-freetime | 一个整合了常用基础功能的abp vnext快速开发项目 前端采用vue单页面程序 | lazyabp | 7 |
To the extent possible under law, tycloud97 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.