Repo for notes, diagrams, and code used to help study for the GCP Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam
- Account Setup
- Basic Services
- About gcloud
- GCE via the CLI
- GCE via the Console
- GCE Challenge Lab
- Scaling and Manged Instance Groups
- Security
- Security - IAM Breakdown
- Security - Billing Access Control
- Networking
- GKE: Google Kubernetes Engine
- GAE: Google App Engine
- Services Breadth
- Wrap UP and Conclusion
Here You can find a link to the BluePrint
- What is the Job Role Description from Google?
An Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations of multiple projects, and maintains enterprise solutions to ensure that they meet target performance metrics. This individual has experience working with public clouds and on-premises solutions. They are able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.
At a high level they are tasked to do:
Deploy applications
Monitor operations of multiple projects
Maintains enterprise solutions to ensure they meet target performance metrics
Experience work with public clouds and on-premies solutions
Able to sue Google Cloud Console and the CLI
Perform common platform-based task
Maintains one or more deploy solutions
Leverages Google-managed ort self-managed services on Google Cloud
Setting up a cloud solution environment
Planning and configuring a cloud solution
deploying and implementing a cloud solution
Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution
Configuring access and security
Here You can find a link to the BluePrint
Understand | Determine the key question Kicker && Figure out what everything means -question and responses |
Eliminate | Get rid of responses that have fake info or other errors && Get Rid of responses that conflict with the key question |
Evaluate | Think through all the tradeoffs for remaining responses && consider bot stated and implied dimensions |
Choose | Pick exactly the right number && select the best options or eliminate the worst ones |
Validate | Make sure your responses answer the key question && make sure your responses don't conflict with any details |
- gregsramblings/google-cloud-4-words go check out this github has a ton more information and different versions of the below image!!
Compute Engine -- VMs Disks, Network
Cloud Functions -- Event-Driven serverless functions
Kubernetes Engine -- Manged Kubernetes/Containers
Cloud Storage -- Object Storage and Serving
Persistent Disk -- VM attached Disk (Hard Disks)
Cloud Filestore -- Manged NFS Server
Cloud TPU (TensorFlow) -- Specialized Hardware for ML
Cloud SQL -- Manged MySQL and PostgresQL
Cloud Spanner Horizontally Scalable Relational DB
Cloud Firestore -- Strongly-consistent Serverless Document DB
Cloud Dataflow -- Stream/batch data processing (Apache Beam)
Cloud Dataproc -- Manged Spark and Hadoop
Cloud Pub/Sub -- Global Real-time Messaging
Google BigQuery -- Data Warehouse/Analytics
Virtual Private Cloud -- Software Defined Networking
Stackdriver -- GoogleCloud Monitoring Suite of tools
Cloud Identity -- Manage Users
Cloud IAM -- Resources Access Control
Here you can find the GCP Solutions Website
Wiki Google's Tools