Cloned from disco-oauth, but with TypeScript support, and less errors - Docs.
This package was made as a proof-of-concept and is no longer maintained. Please consider using alternatives.
npm i -S @2pg/oauth
import { Client } from '@2pg/oauth';
export default new Client({
id: '533947001578979328',
secret: '<your_bot_secret>',
redirectURI: 'http://localhost:3000/auth',
scopes: ['identify', 'guilds']
const key = await client.getAccess('<code_from_discord>');
const user = await client.getUser(key); // { id: '...', username: 'ADAMJR', ... }
const guilds = await client.getGuilds(key); // Collection<{ id: '...', name: '2PG', ... }>