This plugin limits available trackers for the role and gives access to the issues, as well as gives special access to the issue.
Clone the code of the plugin to the folder REDMINE/plugins. Run the migrations.
cd REDMINE/plugins
git clone
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_tracker_accessible
Restart your server.
Rollback migrations. Remove the plugin.
cd REDMINE/plugins
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_tracker_accessible VERSION=0
rm -rf redmine_tracker_accessible
Restart your server.
A new multiselect box with all trackers will appear on the page "Administration/Roles and permissions" after installing the plugin. Setup the trackers for the role or indicate that all trackers will be accessible (default behavior).
While creating a new issue, the user will have access only to those trackers that you have indicated. If the issue is being edited, then the user will have access only to the indicated trackers and current tracker.
The plugin adds a new value Issues with accessible trackers
to select "Issues visibility". Selecting it, you’ll get additional multiselect box with current trackers. Indicate the trackers you want to give access to.
A new permission Manage of extra issue access
will appear on the page "Administration/Roles and permissions" after installing the plugin. The role with this permission will manage of extra access to the issue. To perform this you’ll have to open the issue, open the block "Extra access to issue" in the right part of the page - and add a user to the project.
The user with extra access will manage to open the issue and will get notifications about changes made in the issue according to his account settings.