Paste (cropped) image from clipboard as an attachment.
- uses pure client side JavaScript
- attachment works for issues, wiki, news, files, documents, forums
- image can be interactively cropped
- works only in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers
- translations: Bulgarian, Czech, English, French, German, Russian
- homepage:
- Redmine page:
- Redmine 2.2.x, 2.1.x, 2.0.x, 1.4.x
- works only in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers
- tested on Chrome 24, 15, 13 and Firefox 18, 16, 5
- Richard Pecl []
- used clipboard handler snippet by Joel Besada
- used uploaded image data to file object conversion
code snippet by Alexandr Ivanov - used jQuery, jQuery UI and Jcrop javascript libraries
- Ivan Cenov (Bulgarian translation) []
- AlexStein (Russian translation) []
- octane100 (French translation) []
- Karsten Hoffrath (German translation) []
- maximum attachment size is checked against BASE64 encoded image data (even
smaller images than the maximum allowed attachment size can be rejected) - clipboard_image_paste’s ‘Add picture from clipboard’ command combines number
of both regular files and pasted images for maximum number of attachment check,
while Redmine’s original ‘Add another file’ counts only regular files
NOT YET RELEASED [+] Added German translation 25.01.2013 RELEASED 1.3 [+] Added French translation 22.01.2013 RELEASED 1.2 [+] Added dialog to copy image link for wiki 21.01.2013 RELEASED 1.1 [!] Supports Redmine version 1.4.0 to 2.2.x [+] Added Russian translation 18.01.2013 RELEASED 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: [+] Added feature [*] Improved/changed feature [-] Bug fixed (we hope) [!] Important info