The aim of this package is to make it easier to work with AWS DynamoDB.
For full documentation see
package main
import (
type Schema struct {}
func (s *Schema) PrimaryKeys() []string {
return []string{"PK", "SK"}
type Post struct {
// Embed a struct that implements the dynago.Keyer interface.
// Set attribute name with `attr` tag if it needs to be different
// than field name. Use `fmt:"Post#{}"` to indicate how the value
// will be stored in DynamoDB.
ID string `attr:"PK" fmt:"Post#{}"`
Created time.Time `attr:"SK" fmt:"Created#{}"`
AuthorID string
Title string
Body string
func main() {
// Get client.
ddb := dynago.New(getDynamoDB(), &dynago.Config{
DefaultTableName: "tmp",
// Put item in DynamoDB.
p := Post{
ID: "hello-world",
Title: "Hi",
Body: "Hello world!",
Created: time.Now(),
if err := ddb.PutItem(&p).Exec(); err != nil {
// Get same item from DynamoDB. Fields used in the primary key
// must be set.
p2 := Post{
ID: p.ID,
Created: p.Created,
if err := ddb.GetItem(&p2).Exec(); err != nil {
func getDynamoDB() *dynamodb.DynamoDB {
os.Setenv("AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG", "true")
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return dynamodb.New(sess)
package main
import (
type Schema struct {}
func (s *Schema) PrimaryKeys() []string {
return []string{"PK", "SK"}
type Post struct {
// Embed a struct that implements the dynago.Keyer interface.
ID string `attr:"PK" fmt:"Post#{}"`
AuthorID string
Title string
Body string
Created time.Time `attr:"SK" fmt:"Created#{}"`
type Author struct {
ID string `attr:"PK" fmt:"Author#{}"`
// Copy same value to attribute AltName by using `copy:"AltName"` in tag.
Name string `copy:"AltName"`
func main() {
// Get client.
ddb := dynago.New(getDynamoDB(), &dynago.Config{
DefaultTableName: "tmp",
AdditionalAttrs: additionalAttrs,
// ...
func additionalAttrs(item map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue, v reflect.Value) {
ty := v.Type().Name()
// Add a "Type" attribute to every item
item["Type"] = &dynamodb.AttributeValue{S: &ty}
// Add additional attributes for specific types
switch val := v.Interface().(type) {
case Author:
// Add a fat partition or sparse global secondary index to
// make querying for all authors possible
author := fmt.Sprintf("Author#%s", val.ID)
item["GSIPK"] = &dynamodb.AttributeValue{S: &ty}
item["GSISK"] = &dynamodb.AttributeValue{S: &author}
type Event struct {
Org string `attr:"PK" fmt:"Org#{}"`
// In this `fmt` tag, {} is equivalent to {Country}. You can
// reference a different field name by putting it's name in
// curly brackets.
Country string `attr:"SK" fmt:"Country#{}#City#{City}"`
// Since the City is specified in the "SK" attribute, we can
// skip putting it in another attribute if we want.
City string `attr:"-"`
Created time.Time
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