vOptSolver is a solver of multiobjective linear optimization problems (MOCO, MOIP, MOMILP, MOLP). This repository concerns vOptSpecific, the part of vOptSolver devoted to multiobjective structured problems (currently available: 2LAP). With vOptSpecific, the problem is expressed using an Application Programming Interface.
We suppose you are familiar with vOptSolver; if not, read first this presentation.
For a local use, a working version of:
- Julia must be ready; instructions for the installation are available here
- your favorite C/C++ compiler must be ready (GCC is suggested)
On linux or in the cloud (juliaBox):
- open a console on your computer or in the cloud
- when the prompt is ready, type in the console
On macOS:
- locate the application
and - click on the icon, the julia console comes to the screen
Before your first local or distant use,
- run Julia and when the terminal is ready with the prompt
on screen, - add as follow the two mandatory packages to your Julia distribution:
julia> Pkg.clone("http://github.com/vOptSolver/vOptSpecific.jl")
julia> Pkg.build("vOptSpecific")
That's all folk; at this point, vOptSpecific is properly installed.
When vOptSpecific is properly installed,
- run Julia and when the terminal is ready with the prompt
on screen, - invoke vOptSpecific in typing in the console:
julia> using vOptSpecific
vOptSpecific is ready. See examples for further informations and have fun with the solver!
The folder examples
provides (1) source code of problems ready to be solved and (2) selected datafiles into different formats.
- The problem size for 2LAP is limited to 100x100.