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Releases: tuya/TuyaOpen

TuyaOpen Release v1.2.0

20 Mar 12:55
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  1. Add support you_chat_bot AI application. your_chat_bot
  2. Add lvgl demo to T5AI. lvgl_demo

TuyaOpen Release v1.1.1

28 Feb 09:10
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  1. Added support for audio collection and playback on the T5AI_Board
  2. Added support for SPI-TFT screen driver (ILI9341,ST7789, GC9A01)
  3. Added support for IIC touch chip driver (GT911, CST816X)
  4. Add a knob driver
  5. Add lvgl components and examples,support T3
  6. Added support for BK7231N and LN882H chips
  7. Update tos flash tool to support ESP32 series chip burning
  8. Update the compilation tool ninja
  9. Add the https client example

TuyaOpen Release v1.1.0

22 Oct 02:02
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  1. Support T5
  2. Support ESP32/ESP32C3
  3. Support PlatformIO
  4. Upgrade tos tools
  5. Upgrade the tls component to support mbedtsl v3.5

TuyaOpen Release v1.0.0

30 Aug 01:59
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  1. Compile using the tos command
  2. Support T2/T3/Ubuntu platform
  3. Support separate compilation of example
  4. Support Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, wired and other connection modes
  5. Support Tuya cloud
  6. Support for reading onboard license