##Atlassian QA Questions
- The First Automated Test Case determines if the user can create a new page
- The Second Automated Test Case determines if the user can put restrictions on the existing wiki page
- An account on Confluence
- A Test Space on the Confluence Cloud
- The user should have Administrator / Author rights on the Test Space
- For Testing the restriction work-flow , a test page should be present under the space
- The Selenium Jars should be bundled with the Project , in the build path
- The J-Unit Jars should be bundled with the project , in the build path
The Dialogs should be opened within 15 seconds, since we have set the explicit timeout to be 15 seconds
The Page opened should be rendered within 15 seconds , since we have set the explicit timeout to be 15 seconds
The options , menus and the pages should be opened using a single click , logic for trying opening the page with the multiple attempts is not written
Assumptions for the Checking the Restriction Workflow:---- If the user is able to open the Restriction dialog , the user would be able to change the Restrictions around the page
If the Notifications Icon is visible we are assuming that the user is logged in and only then the Notification Icon is visible to the user.
####Steps for Running the TestCases in Eclipse
The TestRunner.java is the main driving class for the test cases to run, Please make sure that you have included all the test cases under the TestConfluencePageWorkflows in the run configurations.
- Tushar Sappal ([email protected])