It's a script to change Linux permissions and ownership in one step. It can delete empty directories when necessary.
This script doesn't work on Windows.
Here you have a console video example:
Once installed, you can see man documentation with
man recpermissions
Doxygen documentation:
Pypi web page:
Gentoo ebuild If you use Gentoo you can find a ebuild in
-, as the main programming language.
-, to give console colors.
- Now user is informed when he tries to change ownership with uid or gid
- Solved bug when using Default None arguments.
- Improved colorized output.
- Fixed critical bug with symlinks
- Octal permissions string is now validated in --files and --directories
- #15 Absoute path directory given as a paramater changes its permissios too
- Added frech translation
- Improved man pages
- If recpermissions is executed on Windows, just exists script, instead of crash.
- mangenerator is not needed for main script
- If file owner isn't in /etc/passwd now remains its uid, and desn't crash
- Code of conduct is added to the project
- Added localized integers in summary
- Added files to french translation
- Added --only parameter funcionality to allow change ownership and permissions of one file or directory
- Due to a boolean logic error, some changes didn't took place
- Added 30 seconds to reload video in
- Nothing is changed if --user --group --files or --directories is not set.
- Version fully operational
- Added howto video in English and Spanish
- Man pages and spanish translation have been improved
- Added summary and added io error exception catching
- Solved critical bug. Directory now is set tu absolut_path parameter
- Added absolute path parameter to avoid errors and wrong changes
- Solved bug in current path directory
- Creating infrastructure