❗ NOTE: This CLI is currently considered an alpha release. It has currently has only a few specific features implemented and is a work in progress.
- Download the appropriate binary from the releases tab of the github page.
- Install it on your path and rename it to "smartthings". It does not need administrator privileges but of course will need to be executable.
- Run
smartthings --help
to make sure it's working. - Run a specific command with
smartthings <command>
NOTE: Some users are experiencing issues with the default login flow. If you are experiencing this issue, you can work around it by creating a personal access token and including it in your configuration file like this:
token: my-personal-access-token
Many commands in the CLI handle complex input and/or output, mostly for use with the SmartThings REST API. Input can always be passed as JSON or YAML and in a couple cases a "question and answer" mode is provided. The output format will match the input format unless otherwise specified.
Name | Shortcut | Description |
json | j | Write output in JSON format. |
yaml | y | Write output in YAML format. |
indent | Specify the number of spaces for YAML or JSON output | |
input | i | Specify a filename for input. |
output | o | Specify a filename for output. The extension of this file will control its type unless overridden with --json or --yaml . |
The CLI supports an automatic login flow that pops up a browser window asking you to log in and give the CLI permission to access your account. The CLI will automatically request login as needed.
Although not recommended, you can use a personal access token for authentication
by creating a configuration file and including the
token in a token
key for your profile.
- You can get more specific information about any command or sub-hierarchy
of commands by using
with a specific command or branch. For example, you can run any of the following commands for varying level of detail:smartthings capabilities --help
,smartthings capabilities:presentation --help
smartthings capabilities:presentation:create --help
- The CLI accepts data in YAML or JSON format and can output data in either format as well as the default table format.
- Commands that take input accept stdin or a file specified
by the
) flag. - Commands that output data will output the data to stdout unless a file
is specified the using
--output (shortcut
-o`) flag. - When a command takes input and results in output, the format of the output
will match the input format unless an output filename is specified
with a different extension. - Command line flags must go after the command. Use
smartthings command -f flag
instead ofsmartthings -f flag command
Commands that use the SmartThings REST API are organized in a hierarchy that maps to that hierarchy.
smartthings apps [ID]
smartthings apps:authorize ARN
smartthings apps:create
smartthings apps:delete [ID]
smartthings apps:oauth [ID]
smartthings apps:oauth:generate [ID]
smartthings apps:oauth:update [ID]
smartthings apps:register [ID]
smartthings apps:settings [ID]
smartthings apps:settings:update [ID]
smartthings apps:update [ID]
smartthings autocomplete [SHELL]
smartthings capabilities [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:create
smartthings capabilities:delete [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:namespaces
smartthings capabilities:presentation [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:presentation:create [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:presentation:update [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:translations [ID] [VERSION] [TAG]
smartthings capabilities:translations:upsert [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings capabilities:update [ID] [VERSION]
smartthings config [NAME]
smartthings deviceprofiles [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:create
smartthings deviceprofiles:delete [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:device-config [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:presentation [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:publish [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:translations [ID] [TAG]
smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:delete [ID] [TAG]
smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:upsert [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:update [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:view [ID]
smartthings deviceprofiles:view:create
smartthings deviceprofiles:view:update [ID]
smartthings devices [ID]
smartthings devices:capability-status [ID] [COMPONENT] [CAPABILITY]
smartthings devices:commands [ID] [COMMAND]
smartthings devices:component-status [ID] [COMPONENT]
smartthings devices:delete [ID]
smartthings devices:health [ID]
smartthings devices:presentation [ID]
smartthings devices:rename [ID] [LABEL]
smartthings devices:status [ID]
smartthings devices:update [ID]
smartthings generate:java
smartthings generate:node
smartthings help [COMMAND]
smartthings installedapps [ID]
smartthings installedapps:delete [ID]
smartthings installedapps:rename [ID] [NAME]
smartthings locations [IDORINDEX]
smartthings locations:create
smartthings locations:delete [ID]
smartthings locations:rooms [IDORINDEX]
smartthings locations:rooms:create
smartthings locations:rooms:delete [ID]
smartthings locations:rooms:update [ID]
smartthings locations:update [ID]
smartthings plugins
smartthings plugins:install PLUGIN...
smartthings plugins:link PLUGIN
smartthings plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
smartthings plugins:update
smartthings presentation:device-config PRESENTATIONID
smartthings presentation:device-config:create
smartthings presentation:device-config:generate ID
smartthings rules [IDORINDEX]
smartthings rules:create
smartthings rules:delete [ID]
smartthings rules:update [ID]
smartthings schema [ID]
smartthings schema:authorize ARN
smartthings schema:create
smartthings schema:delete [ID]
smartthings schema:update [ID]
get a specific app or a list of apps
$ smartthings apps [ID]
ID the app id or number from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include URLs and ARNs in table output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--classification=classification filter results by one or more classifications, AUTOMATION, SERVICE, DEVICE,
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--type=type filter results by appType, WEBHOOK_SMART_APP, LAMBDA_SMART_APP, API_ONLY
See code: dist/commands/apps.ts
authorize calls to your AWS Lambda function from SmartThings
$ smartthings apps:authorize ARN
ARN the ARN of the AWS Lambda function
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
$ smartthings apps:authorize arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:your-test-app
Note that this command is the same as running the following with the AWS CLI:
$ aws lambda add-permission --region us-east-1 \
--function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:your-test-app \
--statement-id smartthings --principal 906037444270 --action lambda:InvokeFunction
It requires your machine to be configured to run the AWS CLI
See code: dist/commands/apps/authorize.ts
update the OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--authorize authorize Lambda functions to be called by SmartThings
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
See code: dist/commands/apps/create.ts
delete the app
$ smartthings apps:delete [ID]
ID App profile UUID or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/apps/delete.ts
get OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:oauth [ID]
ID the app id or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/apps/oauth.ts
update the OAuth settings of the app and regenerate the clientId and clientSecret
$ smartthings apps:oauth:generate [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/apps/oauth/generate.ts
update the OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:oauth:update [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/apps/oauth/update.ts
Send request to app target URL to confirm existence and authorize lifecycle events
$ smartthings apps:register [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/apps/register.ts
get OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:settings [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/apps/settings.ts
update the OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:settings:update [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/apps/settings/update.ts
update the OAuth settings of the app
$ smartthings apps:update [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--authorize authorize Lambda functions to be called by SmartThings
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
See code: dist/commands/apps/update.ts
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ smartthings autocomplete [SHELL]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
$ smartthings autocomplete
$ smartthings autocomplete bash
$ smartthings autocomplete zsh
$ smartthings autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
get a specific capability
$ smartthings capabilities [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id or number in list
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-n, --namespace=namespace a specific namespace to query; will use all by default
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-s, --standard show standard SmartThings capabilities
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities.ts
create a capability for a user
$ smartthings capabilities:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-n, --namespace=namespace the namespace to create the capability under
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/create.ts
delete a capability
$ smartthings capabilities:delete [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/delete.ts
list all capability namespaces currently available in a user account
$ smartthings capabilities:namespaces
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/namespaces.ts
get presentation information for a specific capability
$ smartthings capabilities:presentation [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id or number in list
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-n, --namespace=namespace a specific namespace to query; will use all by default
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/presentation.ts
create presentation model for a capability
$ smartthings capabilities:presentation:create [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/presentation/create.ts
update presentation information of a capability
$ smartthings capabilities:presentation:update [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/presentation/update.ts
Get list of locales supported by the capability
$ smartthings capabilities:translations [ID] [VERSION] [TAG]
ID the capability id or number in list
VERSION the capability version
TAG the locale tag
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-n, --namespace=namespace a specific namespace to query; will use all by default
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include list of supported locales in table output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings capabilities:translations
│ # │ Id │ Version │ Status │
│ 1 │ custom1.outputModulation │ 1 │ proposed │
│ 2 │ custom1.outputVoltage │ 1 │ proposed │
outputModulation (master)$ st capabilities:translations -v
│ # │ Id │ Version │ Status │ Locales │
│ 1 │ custom1.outputModulation │ 1 │ proposed │ ko, en, es │
│ 2 │ custom1.outputVoltage │ 1 │ proposed │ en │
outputModulation (master)$ st capabilities:translations 1
outputModulation (master)$ st capabilities:translations custom1.outputModulation
│ # │ Tag │
│ 1 │ en │
│ 2 │ ko │
$ smartthings capabilities:translations 1 1
$ smartthings capabilities:translations 1 en
$ smartthings capabilities:translations custom1.outputModulation 1 1
$ smartthings capabilities:translations custom1.outputModulation 1 en
$ smartthings capabilities:translations custom1.outputModulation en
Tag: en
│ Name │ Label │ Description │ Template
│ outputModulation │ Output Modulation │ Power supply output modulation │ The {{attribute}} of {{device.label}}
is {{value}} │
│ outputModulation.50hz │ 50 Hz │ │
│ outputModulation.60hz │ 60 Hz │ │
│ Name │ Label │ Description │
│ setOutputModulation │ Set Output Modulation │ Set the output modulation to the specified value │
│ setOutputModulation.outputModulation │ Output Modulation │ The desired output modulation │
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/translations.ts
Create or update a capability translation
$ smartthings capabilities:translations:upsert [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings capabilities:translations:upsert custom1.outputModulation 1 -i en.yml
tag: en
label: Output Modulation
label: Output Modulation
displayTemplate: 'The {{attribute}} of {{device.label}} is {{value}}'
label: 50 Hz
label: 60 Hz
label: Set Output Modulation
label: Output Modulation
$ smartthings capabilities:translations:upsert -i en.yml
│ # │ Id │ Version │ Status │
│ 1 │ custom1.outputModulation │ 1 │ proposed │
│ 2 │ custom1.outputVoltage │ 1 │ proposed │
? Enter id or index 1
tag: en
label: Output Modulation
label: Output Modulation
displayTemplate: 'The {{attribute}} of {{device.label}} is {{value}}'
label: 50 Hz
label: 60 Hz
label: Set Output Modulation
label: Output Modulation
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/translations/upsert.ts
update a capability
$ smartthings capabilities:update [ID] [VERSION]
ID the capability id
VERSION the capability version
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/capabilities/update.ts
list config file entries
$ smartthings config [NAME]
NAME the config name
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose Include additional data in table output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/config.ts
list all device profiles available in a user account or retrieve a single profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles [ID]
ID device profile to retrieve; UUID or the number of the profile from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include presentationId and manufacturerName in list output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings device-profiles
$ smartthings deviceprofiles # list all device profiles
$ smartthings deviceprofiles bb0fdc5-...-a8bd2ea # show device profile with the specified UUID
$ smartthings deviceprofiles 2 # show the second device profile in the list
$ smartthings deviceprofiles 3 -j # show the profile in JSON format
$ smartthings deviceprofiles 5 -y # show the profile in YAML format
$ smartthings deviceprofiles 4 -j -o profile.json # write the profile to the file "profile.json"
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles.ts
Create a new device profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
Creates a new device profile. If a vid field is not present in the meta
then a default device presentation will be created for this profile and the
vid set to reference it.
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:create -i myprofile.json # create a device profile from the JSON file definition
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:create -i myprofile.yaml # create a device profile from the YAML file definition
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:create # create a device profile with interactive dialog
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/create.ts
delete a device profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:delete [ID]
ID Device profile UUID or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:delete 63b8c91e-9686-4c43-9afb-fbd9f77e3bb0 # delete profile with this UUID
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:delete 5 # delete the 5th profile in the list
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/delete.ts
get the presentation associated with a device profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:device-config [ID]
ID device profile UUID or the number of the profile from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/device-config.ts
get the presentation associated with a device profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:presentation [ID]
ID device profile UUID or the number of the profile from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/presentation.ts
publish a device profile (published profiles cannot be modified)
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:publish [ID]
ID Device profile UUID or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/publish.ts
Get list of locales supported by the device profiles
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations [ID] [TAG]
ID UUID or the number of the profile from list
TAG the locale tag or number of the tag from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include list of locales in table output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations
│ # │ Name │ Status │ Id │
│ 1 │ Test Switch │ DEVELOPMENT │ 58e73d0c-b5a5-4814-b344-c10f4ff357bb │
│ 2 │ Two Channel Outlet │ DEVELOPMENT │ 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 │
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations -v
│ # │ Name │ Status │ Id │ Locales │
│ 1 │ Test Switch │ DEVELOPMENT │ 58e73d0c-b5a5-4814-b344-c10f4ff357bb │ │
│ 2 │ Two Channel Outlet │ DEVELOPMENT │ 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 │ en, es │
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations 2
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-c10f4ff357bb
│ # │ Tag │
│ 1 │ en │
│ 2 │ es │
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations 2 2
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations 2 en
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 en
Tag: en
│ Component │ Label │ Description │
│ main │ Main Power │ Controls power to all outlets │
│ outlet1 │ Outlet One │ Switchable outlet 1 power │
│ outlet2 │ Outlet two │ Switchable outlet 1 power │
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/translations.ts
delete a device profile translation
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:delete [ID] [TAG]
ID Device profile UUID or number in the list
TAG the locale tag
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:delete 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 en
Device profile "3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2" translation "en" deleted
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:delete
│ # │ Name │ Status │ Id │
│ 1 │ Test Switch │ DEVELOPMENT │ 58e73d0c-b5a5-4814-b344-c10f4ff357bb │
│ 2 │ Two Channel Outlet │ DEVELOPMENT │ 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 │
? Enter id or index 2
│ # │ Tag │
│ 1 │ en │
│ 2 │ es │
? Enter id or index 1
Device profile "3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2" translation "en" deleted
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/translations/delete.ts
create or update a device profile translation
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:upsert [ID]
ID UUID or the number of the profile from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:upsert 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 -i en.yml
tag: en
label: Main Power
description: Controls power to all outlets
label: Outlet One
description: Switchable outlet 1 power
label: Outlet two
description: Switchable outlet 1 power
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:translations:upsert -i en.yml
│ # │ Name │ Status │ Id │
│ 1 │ Test Switch │ DEVELOPMENT │ 58e73d0c-b5a5-4814-b344-c10f4ff357bb │
│ 2 │ Two Channel Outlet │ DEVELOPMENT │ 3acbf2fc-6be2-4be0-aeb5-44759cbd66c2 │
? Enter id or index 2
tag: en
label: Main Power
description: Controls power to all outlets
label: Outlet One
description: Switchable outlet 1 power
label: Outlet two
description: Switchable outlet 1 power
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/translations/upsert.ts
update a device profile
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:update [ID]
ID device profile UUID or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/update.ts
Show device profile and device configuration in a single, consolidated view
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:view [ID]
ID Device profile UUID or the number from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/view.ts
Create a new device profile and device configuration.
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:view:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
Creates a new device profile and device configuration. Unlike deviceprofiles:create,
this command accepts a consolidated object that can include a device configration
in a property named "view".
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:view:create -i test.json
This test.json file defines a switch that cannot be controlled by the automations builder:
name: Test Switch
- id: main
- id: switch
- capability: switch
- capability: switch
- capability: switch
- capability: switch
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/view/create.ts
Update a device profile and configuration.
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:view:update [ID]
ID Device profile UUID or the number from list
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
Updates a device profile and device configuration and sets the vid of the profile
to the vid of the updated configuration. Unlike deviceprofiles:update this
command accepts a consolidated object that can include a device configration
in a property named "view".
$ smartthings deviceprofiles:view:update 84042863-0d34-4c5c-b497-808daf230787 -i test.json
This test.json file adds the powerMeter capability to the device and makes it available in
the device detail view but not the rule builder:
- id: main
- id: switch
- id: powerMeter
- capability: switch
- capability: switch
- capability: switch
- capability: powerMeter
- capability: switch
See code: dist/commands/deviceprofiles/view/update.ts
list all devices available in a user account or retrieve a single device
$ smartthings devices [ID]
ID device to retrieve; UUID or the number of the device from list
-C, --capabilities-mode=and|or Treat capability filter query params as a logical "or" or "and" with a
default of "and".
-a, --installed-app-id=installed-app-id filter results by installed app that created the device
-c, --capability=capability filter results by capability
-d, --device-id=device-id filter results by device
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --location-id=location-id filter results by location
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include location name in output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices.ts
get the current status of all of a device capabilities's attributes
$ smartthings devices:capability-status [ID] [COMPONENT] [CAPABILITY]
ID the device id
COMPONENT the component id
CAPABILITY the capability id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/capability-status.ts
execute a device command
$ smartthings devices:commands [ID] [COMMAND]
ID the device id
COMMAND the command [<component>]:<capability>:<command>([<arguments>])
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/commands.ts
get the current status of a device component's attributes
$ smartthings devices:component-status [ID] [COMPONENT]
ID the device id
COMPONENT the component id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/component-status.ts
delete a device
$ smartthings devices:delete [ID]
ID device UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/devices/delete.ts
get the current health status of a device
$ smartthings devices:health [ID]
ID the device id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/health.ts
get a device presentation
$ smartthings devices:presentation [ID]
ID the device id or number in the list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/presentation.ts
rename a device
$ smartthings devices:rename [ID] [LABEL]
ID the device id
LABEL the new device label
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/rename.ts
get the current status of all of a device's component's attributes
$ smartthings devices:status [ID]
ID the device id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/status.ts
get the current status of all of a device's component's attributes
$ smartthings devices:update [ID]
ID the device id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/devices/update.ts
generate a Java starter app
$ smartthings generate:java
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
See code: dist/commands/generate/java.ts
generate a NodeJS starter app
$ smartthings generate:node
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
See code: dist/commands/generate/node.ts
display help for smartthings
$ smartthings help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
get a specific app or a list of apps
$ smartthings installedapps [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include location name in output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/installedapps.ts
delete the installed app instance
$ smartthings installedapps:delete [ID]
ID installed app UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/installedapps/delete.ts
renamed an installed app instance
$ smartthings installedapps:rename [ID] [NAME]
ID the installed app id
NAME the new installed app name
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/installedapps/rename.ts
get a specific Location
$ smartthings locations [IDORINDEX]
IDORINDEX the location id or number in list
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/locations.ts
create a Location for a user
$ smartthings locations:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/locations/create.ts
delete a location
$ smartthings locations:delete [ID]
ID location id
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/locations/delete.ts
get a specific room
$ smartthings locations:rooms [IDORINDEX]
IDORINDEX room UUID or index
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific locationId to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings rooms
See code: dist/commands/locations/rooms.ts
create a room
$ smartthings locations:rooms:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationid=locationid a specific location to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings rooms:create
See code: dist/commands/locations/rooms/create.ts
delete a room
$ smartthings locations:rooms:delete [ID]
ID room UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific location to query
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
$ smartthings rooms:delete
See code: dist/commands/locations/rooms/delete.ts
update a room
$ smartthings locations:rooms:update [ID]
ID room UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific locationId to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
$ smartthings rooms:update
See code: dist/commands/locations/rooms/update.ts
update a location
$ smartthings locations:update [ID]
ID the location id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/locations/update.ts
list installed plugins
$ smartthings plugins
--core show core plugins
$ smartthings plugins
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
installs a plugin into the CLI
$ smartthings plugins:install PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to install
-f, --force yarn install with force flag
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Can be installed from npm or a git url.
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.
$ smartthings plugins:add
$ smartthings plugins:install myplugin
$ smartthings plugins:install https://github.com/someuser/someplugin
$ smartthings plugins:install someuser/someplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
links a plugin into the CLI for development
$ smartthings plugins:link PLUGIN
PATH [default: .] path to plugin
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.
e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.
$ smartthings plugins:link myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
removes a plugin from the CLI
$ smartthings plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
$ smartthings plugins:unlink
$ smartthings plugins:remove
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
update installed plugins
$ smartthings plugins:update
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
query device presentation by vid
$ smartthings presentation PRESENTATIONID [MANUFACTURERNAME]
PRESENTATIONID system generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation
MANUFACTURERNAME manufacturer name. Defaults to SmartThingsCommunity
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/presentation.ts
query device config by presentationId
$ smartthings presentation:device-config PRESENTATIONID
PRESENTATIONID system generated identifier that corresponds to a device presentation
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/presentation/device-config.ts
create a device config
$ smartthings presentation:device-config:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/presentation/device-config/create.ts
generate the default device configuration
$ smartthings presentation:device-config:generate ID
ID the profile id (or legacy DTH id))
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--dth generate from legacy DTH id instead of a profile id
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--type-shard-id=type-shard-id data management shard Id where the device type resides, only useful for legacy DTH type
See code: dist/commands/presentation/device-config/generate.ts
get a specific rule
$ smartthings rules [IDORINDEX]
IDORINDEX rule UUID or index
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific locationId to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/rules.ts
create a rule
$ smartthings rules:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationid=locationid a specific location to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/rules/create.ts
delete a rule
$ smartthings rules:delete [ID]
ID rule UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific location to query
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/rules/delete.ts
update a rule
$ smartthings rules:update [ID]
ID rule UUID
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-l, --locationId=locationId a specific locationId to query
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/rules/update.ts
list all ST Schema Apps currently available in a user account
$ smartthings schema [ID]
ID the schema connector id
-h, --help show CLI help
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-v, --verbose include ARN in output
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
See code: dist/commands/schema.ts
authorize calls to your ST Schema Lambda function from SmartThings
$ smartthings schema:authorize ARN
ARN the ARN of the AWS Lambda function
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
$ smartthings apps:authorize arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:your-test-app
Note that this command is the same as running the following with the AWS CLI:
$ aws lambda add-permission --region us-east-1 \
--function-name arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:your-test-app \
--statement-id smartthings --principal 148790070172 --action lambda:InvokeFunction
It requires your machine to be configured to run the AWS CLI
See code: dist/commands/schema/authorize.ts
update an ST Schema connector
$ smartthings schema:create
-d, --dry-run produce JSON but don't actually submit
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--authorize authorize connector's Lambda functions to be called by SmartThings
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
See code: dist/commands/schema/create.ts
delete the ST Schema connector
$ smartthings schema:delete [ID]
ID schema app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
See code: dist/commands/schema/delete.ts
update an ST Schema connector
$ smartthings schema:update [ID]
ID the app id
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --input=input specify input file
-j, --json use JSON format of input and/or output
-o, --output=output specify output file
-p, --profile=profile [default: default] configuration profile
-t, --token=token the auth token to use
-y, --yaml use YAML format of input and/or output
--authorize authorize Lambda functions to be called by SmartThings
--compact use compact table format with no lines between body rows
--expanded use expanded table format with a line between each body row
--indent=indent specify indentation for formatting JSON or YAML output
--principal=principal use this principal instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
--statement-id=statement-id use this statement id instead of the default when authorizing lambda functions
See code: dist/commands/schema/update.ts
More details about configuration and logging in the CLI can be found on the configuration documentation page.
This is the monorepo for the SmartThings CLI. Currently, the following packages are included:
- cli - the CLI itself; @smartthings/cli node package
- lib - a library for use in the CLI and its extensions; @smartthings/cli-lib node package
- testlib - a library for use in the CLI and its extensions with utility methods to make testing with Jest easier; @smartthings/cli-testlib node package
The CLI uses lerna to manage multiple packages in a monorepo. Dependencies are hoisted during bootstrap by default.
To disable this, modify the following in lerna.json
"command": {
"bootstrap": {
"hoist": false
The CLI depends on the SmartThings Core SDK. To use a pre-release version for testing purposes, you'll need to make any required changes in both checked out repositories and then:
- Be sure you're using at least NodeJS version 12.
- In the root directory of the SDK
- run
npm install
. - run
npm link
. If you're using a globally-installed version of node, you might need to run this with admin privileges.
- run
- Install lerna globally with
npm -g i lerna
. (Alternatively, you can usenpx lerna
below instead of simplylerna
.) - In the in the root directory of the CLI repository run
./bootstrap.sh --reset --link-sdk
. - The bootstrap script will compile the CLI but you can:
- run
lerna run compile
to compile again, or - run
lerna run watch
to watch for changes and compile on the fly, or - run
lerna run build
to clean and compile
- run
- To run the CLI, run the
command in packages/cli/bin. You can create a link to this file to make it easier to run. Since the final installed name will be "smartthings", that's a good name for the link. For example:ln -s ~/mydevdir/smartthings-cli/packages/cli/bin/run ~/bin/smartthings
There is also a full_clean.sh
script you can run to start over again. This is
sometimes helpful when pulling new code.
Before opening a pull request be sure to:
- Run eslint via
lerna run lint
- Run tests with
lerna run test
- If you've added or or removed commands or updated any of their arguments
or flags, be sure to update the readme. Doing a full build via
lerna run build
will do this but you can also runlerna run readme