This package is a wrapper for "microcms-js-sdk". More type-safe.
install npm package.
npm i microcms-ts-sdk
# or
yarn add microcms-ts-sdk
Supported of "microcms-js-sdk".
For more information on how to use this service, please click here.
import { createClient, MicroCMSSchemaInfer } from 'microcms-ts-sdk';
// Type definition
type Content = {
text: string;
interface Endpoints {
// API in list format.
list: {
contents: Content;
// API in object format
object: {
content: Content;
// Initialize Client SDK.
const client = createClient<Endpoints>({
serviceDomain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN', // YOUR_DOMAIN is the XXXX part of
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
// Schema type inference
type Schema = MicroCMSSchemaInfer<typeof client>;
* Schema[contents]
* {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* text: string;
* }
* Schema[content]
* {
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* text: string;
* }
It is also possible to use only type definitions for the original client.
(Unsupported getAll
import { createClient } from 'microcms-js-sdk';
import { MicroCMSClient } from 'microcms-ts-sdk';
type Endpoints = {
// definition
const client: MicroCMSClient<Endpoints> = createClient({
serviceDomain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN',
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Support endpoint specification.
// The "contents" will be complemented.
client.getList({ endpoint: 'contents' });
// Error: Not in list format endpoint.
client.getList({ endpoint: 'content' });
Support response types.
* // getList response type
* {
* contents: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* text: string;
* }[];
* totalCount: number;
* limit: number;
* offset: number;
* }
client.getList({ endpoint: 'contents' });
* // Set options "queries.fields"
* {
* contents: {
* id: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* text: string;
* }[];
* totalCount: number;
* limit: number;
* offset: number;
* }
endpoint: 'contents',
queries: {
fields: ['id', 'text', 'publishedAt'] // (keyof (Content & MicroCMSListContent))[]
Support for all acquisitions.
/** Get all contents for endpoint */
endpoint: 'contents'
Support relation schema.
import { MicroCMSRelation } from 'microcms-ts-sdk';
type Writer = {
name: string;
type Post = {
title: string;
writer: MicroCMSRelation<Writer>;
relatedPosts: MicroCMSRelation<Post>[];
// endpoint name `posts` API type List for `Post`
endpoint: 'posts',
contentId: 'xxxx',
queries: {
depth: 1 // 1 <= default |
.then((res) => console.log(res));
* {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* title: string;
* writer: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* name: string;
* }
* relatedPosts: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* title: string;
* writer: {
* id: string;
* }
* relatedPosts: {
* id: string;
* }
* }[]
* }
// get individual schema of depth.
type MicroCMSSchema = MicroCMSSchemaInfer<typeof client>;
type PostDetailDepth2 = MicroCMSDepthInfer<MicroCMSSchema['posts'], 2>; // depth: 2
* {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* title: string;
* writer: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* name: string;
* }
* relatedPosts: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* title: string;
* writer: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* name: string;
* }
* relatedPosts: {
* id: string;
* createdAt: string;
* updatedAt: string;
* publishedAt?: string;
* revisedAt?: string;
* title: string;
* writer: {
* id: string;
* }
* relatedPosts: {
* id: string;
* }[]
* }[]
* }[]
* }
// microCMS POST method API
endpoint: 'posts',
content: {
title: 'example',
writer: '< WRITER_CONTENT_ID >', // type-safe
relatedPosts: ['< POST_CONTENT_ID >'] // type-safe