Telescope extension that provides handy functionality about plugins installed via lazy.nvim.
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", dependencies = "tsakirist/telescope-lazy.nvim" }
Example setup:
extensions = {
-- Type information can be loaded via ''
-- by adding the below two annotations:
---@module "telescope._extensions.lazy"
---@type TelescopeLazy.Config
lazy = {
-- Optional theme (the extension doesn't set a default theme)
theme = "ivy",
-- The below configuration options are the defaults
show_icon = true,
mappings = {
open_in_browser = "<C-o>",
open_in_file_browser = "<M-b>",
open_in_find_files = "<C-f>",
open_in_live_grep = "<C-g>",
open_in_terminal = "<C-t>",
open_plugins_picker = "<C-b>",
open_lazy_root_find_files = "<C-r>f",
open_lazy_root_live_grep = "<C-r>g",
change_cwd_to_plugin = "<C-c>d",
actions_opts = {
open_in_browser = {
auto_close = false,
change_cwd_to_plugin = {
auto_close = false,
terminal_opts = {
relative = "editor",
style = "minimal",
border = "rounded",
title = "Telescope lazy",
title_pos = "center",
width = 0.5,
height = 0.5,
-- Other telescope configuration options
Default settings
---@type TelescopeLazy.Config
local defaults = {
-- Whether or not to show the icon in the first column
show_icon = true,
-- Mappings for the actions
mappings = {
open_in_browser = "<C-o>",
open_in_file_browser = "<M-b>",
open_in_find_files = "<C-f>",
open_in_live_grep = "<C-g>",
open_in_terminal = "<C-t>",
open_plugins_picker = "<C-b>", -- Works only after having called first another action
open_lazy_root_find_files = "<C-r>f",
open_lazy_root_live_grep = "<C-r>g",
change_cwd_to_plugin = "<C-c>d",
-- Extra configuration options for the actions
actions_opts = {
open_in_browser = {
-- Close the telescope window after the action is executed
auto_close = false,
change_cwd_to_plugin = {
-- Close the telescope window after the action is executed
auto_close = false,
-- Configuration that will be passed to the window that hosts the terminal
-- For more configuration options check 'nvim_open_win()'
terminal_opts = {
relative = "editor",
style = "minimal",
border = "rounded",
title = "Telescope lazy",
title_pos = "center",
width = 0.5,
height = 0.5,
---@class TelescopeLazy.Config
---@field show_icon? boolean Whether or not to show the icon in the first column of the picker.
---@field mappings? TelescopeLazy.Mappings Mappings for the picker actions.
---@field actions_opts? TelescopeLazy.ActionsOpts Configuration options for the picker actions.
---@field terminal_opts? vim.api.keyset.win_config Configuration for the terminal window action.
---@field theme? TelescopeLazy.Theme The Telescope theme to use for the picker.
---@alias TelescopeLazy.Theme "dropdown" | "cursor" |"ivy"
---@class TelescopeLazy.Mappings
---@field open_in_browser? string
---@field open_in_file_browser? string
---@field open_in_find_files? string
---@field open_in_live_grep? string
---@field open_in_terminal? string
---@field open_plugins_picker? string
---@field open_lazy_root_find_files? string
---@field open_lazy_root_live_grep? string
---@field change_cwd_to_plugin? string
---@class TelescopeLazy.ActionOpts
---@field auto_close? boolean Automatically close the telescope window after the action is executed.
---@class TelescopeLazy.ActionsOpts
---@field open_in_browser TelescopeLazy.ActionOpts
---@field change_cwd_to_plugin TelescopeLazy.ActionOpts
:Telescope lazy
Mappings | Action |
<C-o> |
Open selected plugin repository in browser |
<M-b> |
Open selected plugin with file-browser |
<C-f> |
Open selected plugin with find files |
<C-g> |
Open selected plugin with live grep (will use egrepify if installed) |
<C-t> |
Open selected plugin in a terminal |
<C-b> |
Open lazy plugins picker, works only after having called first another action |
<C-r>f |
Open lazy root with find files |
<C-r>g |
Open lazy root with live grep (will use egrepify if installed) |
<C-c>d |
Change the current working directory to the path of the selected plugin |
This extension is heavily inspired by telescope-packer.