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Flake8 extension that checks for blank lines around (compound) statements.


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Flake8 - check for blank lines around statements

PyPI Python License codecov CI

PEP 8 recommends to use blank lines only to separate logical sections:

Extra blank lines may be used (sparingly) to separate groups of related functions. Blank lines may be omitted between a bunch of related one-liners (e.g. a set of dummy implementations).

Use blank lines in functions, sparingly, to indicate logical sections.

However, adding blank lines before and after compound statements (e.g. if/else block) as well as some simple statements (e.g. return) might improve code readability which is otherwise hindered despite syntax highlighting that modern code editors provide, as demonstrated in the following example:

if 1 == 1:
for n in [2, 3]:

...where it might not be immediately apparent that this is not one if/else statement but an if statement followed by a for/else statement.

This Flake8 plugin therefore checks for a blank line before/after each statement as long as it's not the first/last line of code within a module and not the first/last statement within a compound statement.


  • Python >= 3.8.1
  • Flake8 >= 3.8.0



pip install flake8-bas


poetry add flake8-bas

Statements and their error codes

The statements are split into different categories based on whether they are simple statements or compound statements, and whether an error occurs between two statements of the same type or not. This allows you to filter entire groups using BAS and the first digit, e.g. BAS2.

Error types:

  • Before Error - missing line before a statement as long as the preceding element is not a statement of the same type.
  • After Error - missing line after a statement as long as the element that follows is not a statement of the same type.
  • Sibling Error - missing line between two or more consecutive statements of the same type.

BAS1xx/BAS2xx/BAS3xx: Simple statements

Simple statements, excluding expressions and assignments, which are technically statements as well.

Statement Before Error After Error Sibling Error
assert BAS101 BAS201 BAS301
break BAS102 BAS202 BAS302
continue BAS103 BAS203 BAS303
del BAS104 BAS204 BAS304
global BAS105 BAS205 BAS305
import BAS106 BAS206 BAS306
from import BAS107 BAS207 BAS307
nonlocal BAS108 BAS208 BAS308
pass BAS109 BAS209 BAS309
raise BAS110 BAS210 BAS310
return BAS111 BAS211 BAS311
yield BAS112 BAS212 BAS312
yield from BAS113 BAS213 BAS313

Note: Some of these errors shouldn't occur (e.g. return followed by another return) because having consecutive siblings of those types does not make sense, but the plugin would raise these errors anyway.

BAS5xx/BAS6xx/BAS7xx: Compound statements

Statement Before Error After Error Sibling Error
class BAS501 BAS601 BAS701
def BAS502 BAS602 BAS702
async def BAS503 BAS603 BAS703
for BAS504 BAS604 BAS704
async for BAS505 BAS605 BAS705
if BAS506 BAS606 BAS706
match BAS507 BAS607 BAS707
try BAS508 BAS608 BAS708
while BAS509 BAS609 BAS709
with BAS510 BAS610 BAS710
async with BAS511 BAS611 BAS711

Overlapping errors

The extension produces overlapping errors, that is two statements of different types following each other would produce one "before" error and one "after" error pointing to the same line of code:

a = 1

global a
del a

This would result in two errors for line 4:

./ BAS205 missing blank line after "global" statement
./ BAS104 missing blank line before "del" statement

However, two statements of the same type would produce only one "sibling" error.


The plugin checks for blank lines around every statement. There are no custom configuration options. Instead, you could simply ignore some errors. This system has benefits as well as drawbacks.

The benefit is that you could take advantage of Flake8's ignore and per-file-ignores (flake8 >= 3.7.0) config options and have a different behaviour applied to each set of files:

ignore = BAS3
per-file-ignores =
    app/*: BAS10, BAS110, BAS20, BAS210
    tests/*: BAS1, BAS2

The drawback is that there are no sane defaults and you would inevitably need to exclude some errors, either because they are undesirable, make little sense, or the same/conflicting checks might already be applied by another plugin (e.g. checks by flake8-import-order) or should be handled by other (formatting) tools (e.g. black).

Recommended exclusions

Only compound statements plus return and yield would raise errors:

ignore = BAS10, BAS110, BAS20, BAS210, BAS30, BAS310

All simple statements excluded

Only compound statements would raise errors:

ignore = BAS1, BAS2, BAS3


Flake8 extension that checks for blank lines around (compound) statements.






Contributors 3

