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Dpng 12514: SSSP testcases (#397)
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* Adds sssp test

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* fixes max path length test

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Aayushi Dwivedi authored and ashaarunkumar committed Jan 7, 2017
1 parent 68a2a48 commit 9ff2da8
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
# vim: set encoding=utf-8

# Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation 
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""" Construct a non-bipartite graph. Tests the graph creation"""

import unittest
from math import isinf
from sparktkregtests.lib import sparktk_test

class SSSP(sparktk_test.SparkTKTestCase):

def setUp(self):
edges = self.context.frame.create(
[("ar", "si", 140),
("ar", "ze", 75),
("ze", "or", 71),
("or", "si", 151),
("si", "fa", 99),
("fa", "bu", 211),
("bu", "pi", 101),
("bu", "gi", 90),
("pi", "rv", 97),
("rv", "si", 80),
("pi", "cr", 138),
("cr", "do", 120),
("do", "me", 75),
("me", "lu", 70),
("lu", "ti", 111),
("ti", "ar", 118)],
["src", "dst", "distance"])

vertex = self.context.frame.create(
[("ar", "arad"),
("ze", "zerind"),
("or", "oradea"),
("si", "sibiu"),
("fa", "fagaras"),
("bu", "bucharest"),
("pi", "pitesti"),
("gi", "giurgiu"),
("rv", "rimnicu vilcea"),
("cr", "craiova"),
("do", "dobreta"),
("me", "mehadia"),
("lu", "lugoj"),
("ti", "timisoara"),
("ne", "neamt"),
("ia", "iasi")],
["id", "city"])

self.graph = self.context.graph.create(vertex, edges)

def test_default_weight(self):
"""Tests sssp with default weight"""
result_frame = self.graph.single_source_shortest_path("bu")

#validate number of rows in the result
self.assertEqual(result_frame.count(), 16)

result = result_frame.to_pandas()
expected_result={'rv':[['bu', ' pi', ' rv'], 2.0],
'or': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu', ' ti', ' ar',' ze', ' or'], 9.0],
'ar': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu', ' ti', ' ar'], 7.0],
'cr': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr'], 2.0],
'ti': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu', ' ti'], 6.0],
'ze': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu', ' ti', ' ar', ' ze'], 8.0],
'me': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me'], 4.0],
'bu': [['bu'], 0.0],
'ia': [[''], float('inf')],
'si': [['bu', ' pi', ' rv', ' si'], 3.0],
'lu': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu'], 5.0],
'gi': [['bu', ' gi'], 1.0],
'fa': [['bu', ' pi', ' rv', ' si', ' fa'], 4.0],
'ne': [[''], float('inf')],
'pi': [['bu', ' pi'], 1.0],
'do': [['bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do'], 3.0]}

self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_edge_weight(self):
"""Tests sssp with distance field as weight"""
result_frame = self.graph.single_source_shortest_path("ar", "distance")
#validate number of rows in the result
self.assertEqual(result_frame.count(), 16)

result = result_frame.to_pandas()
expected_result = {'rv':[['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi', ' rv'], 648.0],
'or': [['ar', ' ze', ' or'], 146.0],
'ar': [['ar'], 0.0],
'cr': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi', ' cr'], 689.0],
'ti': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi', ' cr',' do',
' me', ' lu', ' ti'], 1065.0],
'ze': [['ar', ' ze'], 75.0],
'me': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi', ' cr', ' do', ' me'],
'bu': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu'], 450.0],
'ia': [[''], float('inf')],
'si': [['ar', ' si'], 140.0],
'lu': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi',
' cr', ' do', ' me', ' lu'], 954.0],
'gi': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' gi'], 540.0],
'fa': [['ar', ' si', ' fa'], 239.0],
'ne': [[''], float('inf')],
'pi': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu', ' pi'], 551.0],
'do': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu',
' pi', ' cr', ' do'], 809.0]}

self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_max_path_length(self):
"""Tests sssp with max_path_length of 500"""
result_frame = self.graph.single_source_shortest_path("ar", "distance", 500.0)

#validate number of rows in the result
self.assertEqual(result_frame.count(), 16)

result = result_frame.to_pandas()
expected_result = {'rv':[[''], float('inf')],
'or': [['ar', ' ze', ' or'], 146.0],
'ar': [['ar'], 0.0],
'cr': [[''], float('inf')],
'ti': [[''], float('inf')],
'ze': [['ar', ' ze'], 75.0],
'me': [[''], float('inf')],
'bu': [['ar', ' si', ' fa', ' bu'], 450.0],
'ia': [[''], float('inf')],
'si': [['ar', ' si'], 140.0],
'lu': [[''], float('inf')],
'gi': [[''],float('inf')],
'fa': [['ar', ' si', ' fa'], 239.0],
'ne': [[''], float('inf')],
'pi': [[''], float('inf')],
'do': [[''], float('inf')]}

self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_diconnected_src(self):
"""Tests sssp with a disconnected node as source"""
result_frame = self.graph.single_source_shortest_path("ne")

#validate number of rows in the result
self.assertEqual(result_frame.count(), 16)

result = result_frame.to_pandas()
expected_result = {'rv':[[''], float('inf')],
'or': [[''], float('inf')],
'ar': [[''], float('inf')],
'cr': [[''], float('inf')],
'ti': [[''], float('inf')],
'ze': [[''], float('inf')],
'me': [[''], float('inf')],
'bu': [[''], float('inf')],
'ia': [[''], float('inf')],
'si': [[''], float('inf')],
'lu': [[''], float('inf')],
'gi': [[''],float('inf')],
'fa': [[''], float('inf')],
'ne': [['ne'], 0.0],
'pi': [[''], float('inf')],
'do': [[''], float('inf')]}

self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_graph_with_negative_weights(self):
"""Tests SSSP on graph with negative weights"""
edges = self.context.frame.create(
[["1", "2", 2], ["2", "3", 2], ["2", "4", -1],
["3", "4", -5], ["4", "1", -3]],
['src', 'dst', 'weight'])
vertices = self.context.frame.create(
[["1"], ["2"], ["3"], ["4"]], ['id'])
graph = self.context.graph.create(vertices, edges)

result_frame = graph.single_source_shortest_path("1", "weight")
result = result_frame.to_pandas()
expected_result = {"1": [['1'], 0.0],
"2": [['1', ' 2'], 2.0],
"3": [['1', ' 2', ' 3'], 4.0],
"4": [['1', ' 2', ' 3', ' 4'], -1]}
self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_int_src_vertex_id(self):
"""Tests SSSP with integer src_vertex_ids"""
edges = self.context.frame.create(
[[1, 2], [2, 3], [2, 4],
[3, 4], [4, 1]],
['src', 'dst'])
vertices = self.context.frame.create(
[[1], [2], [3], [4]], ['id'])
graph = self.context.graph.create(vertices, edges)

result_frame = graph.single_source_shortest_path(1)
result = result_frame.to_pandas()

expected_result = {1: [['1'], 0.0],
2: [['1', ' 2'], 1.0],
3: [['1', ' 2', ' 3'], 2.0],
4: [['1', ' 2', ' 4'], 2.0]}

expected_path = [[1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]]
expected_cost = [0, 1, 2, 2]
self._validate_result(result, expected_result)

def test_bad_source_id(self):
"""Test sssp throws exception for bad source id"""
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
Exception, "vertex ID which does not exist"):

def test_bad_edge_prop_name(self):
"""Test sssp throws exception for bad edge_prop_name"""
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
Exception, "Field \"BAD\" does not exist"):
self.graph.single_source_shortest_path("ar", "BAD")

def _validate_result(self, result, expected_result):

for i, row in result.iterrows():
id = row['id']
path = str(row["path"]).strip("[]").split(",")
self.assertItemsEqual(path, expected_result[id][0])
self.assertEqual(row["cost"], expected_result[id][1])

if __name__ == "__main__":

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