This repo will eventually house a working Arduino core for Tomu and similar EFM32HG boards.
The EFM32HG is a pretty great chip:
- ARM Cortex-M+ @ 25 MHz
- Crystalless USB w/ built-in 3.3V regulator for minimal part count
- 64 kB flash / 8 kB RAM
- Capacitive touch sensors
- Super low-power
And thanks to the Tomu project:
This README will serve as a notepad as I work through the process.
Cribbing a lot from:
Also see:
- Start by cribbing basic boards.txt & platform.txt from other ARM Cortex-M0+ projects
- To start, use Gecko SDK instead of libopencm3 (which supports EFM32HG now) because libopencm3 doesn't have all the peripheral libraries built out yet (particularly interesting to me are LEUART, USART (for SPI & UART), MSC (for self-programming of flash to emulate EEPROM).
- Embed Gecko SDK for now, in pre-release I believe the license can allow for this. Eventually make it a separate package that's downloaded?
- Rely on Tomu's toboot for DFU upload. It seems a good DFU implementation.
- Rely on Arduino's dfu-util package. Be sure to check out
commands to use beforedfu-util
- Create directory structure skeleton
- Copied bits of SAMD and STFM32 cores to platform.txt and boards.txt
- Enabled it with:
And then getting it to be seen by opening Boards Manager window then closing it (protip: Use System keyboard shortcuts to assign Cmd-Shift-B to "Board Manager...")
cd ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware mkdir todbot && cd todbot ln -s ~/projects/ArduinoCore-EFM32 .