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health-checker is used to verify that websites are healthy following a deploy.


For OSX Homebrew:

brew tap trussworks/tap
brew install health-checker


Website Health Check

  health-checker [command]

Available Commands:
  check       Website Health Check
  completion  Generates bash completion scripts
  help        Help about any command
  version     Print the version

  -h, --help   help for health-checker

Use "health-checker [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Run the command like this:

health-checker check --schemes http,https --hosts "" --tries 10 --backoff 3 --log-level info --timeout 15m --paths "/"

Output will appear like this:

2020-06-19T10:02:16.014-0700    INFO    health-checker/main.go:297      HTTP GET request completed      {"try": 0, "url": "", "code": 200}
2020-06-19T10:02:16.662-0700    INFO    health-checker/main.go:297      HTTP GET request completed      {"try": 0, "url": "", "code": 200}

When mutual TLS authentication is required this command can be used like this:

health-checker check --schemes https --hosts "" --key "${KEY}" --cert "${CERT}" --ca "${CA}" --tries 10 --backoff 3 --log-level info --timeout 15m

To ensure there's no issue with reading the KEY, CERT, and CA the values must be base64 encoded. One way to do this is on the command line:

export KEY=$(echo $tls_key -q | base64 -i -)
export CERT=$(echo $tls_cert -q | base64 -i -)
export CA=$(echo $ca_cert -q | base64 -i -)