Design a 4-digit 7-segment counter (0-9999). Verilog communication through the shift register IC HC595.
- Name: Võ Nhật Trường
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: truong92cdv
- ZUBoard 1CG code XCZU1CG-1SBVA484E.
- Led7seg 4-digit display with 4 integrated HC595 ICs.
- 3 signal lines SRCLK, RCLK, and SER; VCC +5V wire; GND wire.
There are 4 common types of 4-digit 7-segment modules in the market, each interfacing differently with Verilog:
- Simple 7-segment LED. Requires 12 interface pins.
- 7-segment LED with integrated TM1637 IC. Uses 2 interface pins CLK and DIO.
- 7-segment LED with 2 integrated HC595 ICs. One IC controls segments A -> DP, the other selects the LED. Uses 3 interface pins SRCLK, RCLK, SER.
- 7-segment LED with 4 integrated HC595 ICs. Each IC controls one digit. Uses 3 interface pins SRCLK, RCLK, SER.
In this article, I use the fourth type.
HC595 is an 8-bit shift register IC. Read more about HC595 here: HC595 basic. Refer to the HC595 Datasheet.
Data is sent to HC595 bit by bit on each rising edge of the clock signal. After sending 8 bits, pull the RCLK (or ST_CP) pin high to latch the data to the outputs Q0 -> Q7 (or QA -> QH).
An advantage of HC595 is its ability to daisy-chain multiple ICs to control more than 8 outputs by connecting the Q7' (or QH') pin of the preceding IC to the SER pin of the succeeding IC.
The structure of HC595 is as follows:
A data transfer frame occurs as follows:
Our 4-digit 7-segment module consists of 4 HC595 ICs daisy-chained as shown below:
To control 4 digits, 32 bits of data need to be sent before pulling the RCLK pin high to latch the data.
The program consists of 5 main functional blocks:
- clk_divider block: Divides ZUBoard's 100 MHz clock into a 10 Hz clock (100 ms).
- digits block: Receives a 10 MHz input clock and outputs 4 digits dig_0, dig_1, dig_2, dig_3 in decimal format. These numbers count from 0 to 9999, incrementing every 100 ms.
- bcd_to_led7seg block: Consists of 4 copies. Each block takes one digit from the digits block as input and converts it to a 7-segment LED encoded format.
- gen_eninput_pulse block: Generates an en_input pulse to activate the hc595_driver block.
- hc595_driver block: Takes a 32-bit input of 7-segment encoded data for 4 digits. Generates signals to interface with the 4 HC595 ICs to control the 4-digit 7-segment display.
- Generates a 10 Hz (100 ms) clock from ZUBoard's 100 MHz clock.
- On each rising edge of the 10 Hz clock input, dig_0 increments by 1.
- When dig_0 == 9, reset dig_0 = 0, set dig_1 = 1.
- When dig_0 == 9, dig_1 == 9, reset both to 0 and set dig_2 = 1.
- Continue this pattern until dig_3 == 9, at which point all digits reset to 0.
- The 7-segment LEDs used are of the common anode type. Input is a 4-bit BCD digit, and output is an 8-bit encoding for the segments DP, G, F, E, D, C, B, A.
This module generates a pulse to activate the hc595_driver block every 100 ms. The pulse appears about 10 us after the rising edge of the 10 Hz clock and lasts for 5 us.
gen_pulse is a submodule of the hc595_driver block. It generates output pulses with configurable setup_time and pulse_duration. The pulse is triggered when the toggle flag is set. Two instances of this block are created for the SRCLK and RCLK pulses. Default setup_time and pulse_duration are 2 us.
Designed with a 4-state FSM:
This block consists of 3 nested FSMs:
- main FSM with 3 states: IDLE, SHIFT, LATCH. On receiving an en_input signal, it transitions from IDLE to SHIFT, shifting each bit of data (32 bits). Once complete, it transitions to LATCH, generating an RCLK pulse to latch the data.
- sub FSM 1: A sub-FSM of the SHIFT state with 4 states: PUSH, TGL_ON, TGL_OFF, CHECK.
- sub FSM 2: A sub-FSM of the LATCH state with 3 states: TGL_ON, TGL_OFF, CHECK.
Corresponding waveform states:
The top module connects all functional blocks according to the diagram below.