A project demonstrating Verilog communication with an LCD via the I2C protocol.
- Name: Võ Nhật Trường
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: truong92cdv
- ZUBoard 1CG with part number XCZU1CG-1SBVA484E
- LCD I2C module 16x2 (integrated IC PCF8574, I2C address 0x27).
- Two signal lines: SDA and SCL, VCC +5V, and GND wires.
Read more about the I2C protocol here I2C protocol.
The I2C protocol consists of two signal lines: SDA and SCL. The SCL signal is a clock signal generated by the Master, while the SDA signal is used for data transmission and reception. When the Master wants to write data to the Slave, the steps are as follows:
- The Master sends the START signal (pulling SDA from high to low while SCL is held high).
- The Master sends the address of the Slave to communicate with (an 8-bit frame consisting of 7-bit address + 1-bit write indicator).
- The Slave compares the address; if it matches, it sends an ACK signal to indicate readiness to receive data from the Master (holding SDA low while SCL transitions from low to high on the 9th clock cycle).
- The Master sends 1 byte of data. It writes each bit to SDA (MSB first) as SCL transitions from low to high.
- The Slave sends an ACK signal. Steps 4 and 5 repeat until the Master has transmitted all the data.
- The Master sends the STOP signal (pulling SDA from low to high while SCL is held high).
Remember that the SDA and SCL lines are bidirectional and must be connected to pull-up resistors (typically 4.7kΩ) to avoid signal conflicts. When the Master or Slave pulls the bus low, it sends a low-level signal. To pull the bus high, it releases the bus, allowing the pull-up resistor to pull it high.
Data transmission protocol when the Master wants to send data to the Slave:
Target waveform:
- Generates a 1 MHz clock (1 µs) from the ZUBoard's 100 MHz clock.
First, design the i2c_writeframe module to write a frame (address or data).
Flags start_frame and stop_frame indicate whether the current frame is the first (address frame with a START signal at the beginning) or the last (frame with a STOP signal at the end).
The SDA signal is bidirectional and must be declared as a tri-state buffer, activated by the sda_en signal.
// sda is a bidirectional tri-state buffer enabled by sda_en.
// When sda_en = 1; if sda_out = 0, sda = 0; if sda_out = 1, sda is high impedance, allowing pull-up resistor pulls sda to 1.
// When sda_en = 0; sda is high impedance, allowing read sda from the bus.
assign sda = sda_en ? (~sda_out ? 1'b0 : 1'bz) : 1'bz;
assign sda_in = sda;
- Modify the above code slightly in the testbench to display the waveform more clearly:
// for simulation, we use those lines instead:
assign sda = sda_en ? sda_out : 1'bz;
assign sda_in = sda;
- The i2c_writeframe module is an FSM with 15 states, designed to create a complete transmission frame as shown:
Flowchart of the i2c_writeframe FSM:
- States PreStart, Start, AfterStart appear only when the start_frame flag is set.
- Similarly, states PreStop and Stop appear only when the stop_frame flag is set.
- States WriteLow and WriteHigh repeat 8 times (1 frame of 8 bits).
Testbench waveform:
Note that the first frame includes the START condition and the last frame includes the STOP condition.
This module sends commands or data to the LCD in 4-bit mode.
Read more about 4-bit mode LCD communication here LCD 4bit mode.
Before sending data to the LCD, the following commands must be sent to initialize 4-bit mode:
- Command 0x02: set 4-bit mode.
- Command 0x28: set LCD to 16x2, 4-bit mode, 2 lines, 5x8 character format.
- Command 0x0C: set Display ON, cursor OFF.
- Command 0x06: auto increment cursor after writing a character.
- Command 0x01: clear the screen.
- Command 0x80: move the cursor to the beginning of line 1.
Steps to send a command or data include:
- Set RS = 0 (command) or RS = 1 (data).
- Set RW = 0 (write mode).
- Send the higher 4 bits to D7 D6 D5 D4 of the LCD.
- Send a High -> Low pulse to the EN pin to latch the data.
- Send the lower 4 bits to D7 D6 D5 D4 of the LCD.
- Send another High -> Low pulse to the EN pin to latch the data.
Since commands (or data) are sent to the LCD via the PCF8574 IC, it's important to understand the module's schematic:
When sending a byte to the PCF8574, the data is output to corresponding pins:
- P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 P0 (PCF8574 outputs)
- D7 D6 D5 D4 BT EN RW RS (LCD pins)
To send a command (or data) to the LCD in 4-bit mode, 5 frames need to be sent:
- Set start_frame flag. Send the address frame (7-bit address + 1-bit write indicator).
- Send data frame 1 (D7 D6 D5 D4 1 1 0 RS).
- Send data frame 2 (D7 D6 D5 D4 1 0 0 RS), creating a High -> Low pulse on EN to latch the higher 4 bits.
- Send data frame 3 (D3 D2 D1 D0 1 1 0 RS).
- Set stop_frame flag. Send data frame 4 (D3 D2 D1 D0 1 0 0 RS), creating a second High -> Low pulse on EN to latch the lower 4 bits.
The lcd_write_cmd_data module is an FSM with 14 states:
Testbench waveform:
Inputs row1 and row2 are character strings to display on line 1 and line 2, respectively. Each line consists of 16 characters × 8 bits = 128 bits.
Pay attention to the following code, which transfers data from row1 and row2 to the cmd_data_array array (40 bytes). This array contains the commands to write to the LCD:
- Commands 0 -> 5: LCD initialization commands.
- Commands 6 -> 21: data for line 1.
- Command 22: move the cursor to the beginning of line 2.
- Commands 23 -> 38: data for line 2.
wire [7:0] cmd_data_array [0:39];
assign cmd_data_array[0] = 8'h02; // 4-bit mode
assign cmd_data_array[1] = 8'h28; // initialization of 16x2 lcd in 4-bit mode
assign cmd_data_array[2] = 8'h0C; // display ON, cursor OFF
assign cmd_data_array[3] = 8'h06; // auto increment cursor
assign cmd_data_array[4] = 8'h01; // clear display
assign cmd_data_array[5] = 8'h80; // cursor at first line
assign cmd_data_array[22] = 8'hC0; // cursor at second line
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i < 17; i=i+1) begin: for_name
assign cmd_data_array[22-i] = row1[(i*8)-1:i*8-8]; // row1 data
assign cmd_data_array[39-i] = row2[(i*8)-1:i*8-8]; // row2 data
Testbench waveform:
Connect the submodules and assign the data to row1 and row2 for display.