Let us now discuss the status quo, and the foreboding future.
Remedies and recompense obtainable, can be sought in parallel via multiple options
Remedies and recompense obtainable by whom, and for what? Remedies and restitution are to be obtained by those who are owed a debt of some kind. Recompense, is for all those who commit any type of deeds.
However, this documentary is chiefly about the debt owed by offending countries and organizations, to victims and survivors of hostile or genocidal activities; particularly, genocides orchestrated against peoples of color and marginalized communities. I merely ended up being one more person who was molested and made to suffer harms, due to the genocidal activities and deeply offensive cruelties committed by Canadian state-sponsored agencies. I had to endure murderous and insidious actions thrust upon my diaspora and family, by wretched operatives active in Canada, simply because I wasn't the first, nor am I among the last of the selectively targeted people, to have fallen prey to the genocidal apparatus wielded by Canadian institutions against Muslims, ethnic minorities, peoples of color, aboriginal, indigenous and First Nations peoples, and other susceptible as well as vulnerable people like persons with disabilities, refugees, and newcomers.
Now, of all the people, persons from the University of Waterloo's faculty, management, and leadership ought to understand that encouraging students to "embrace the gray area" of morality and ethics, isn't a wise or a good idea.
Likewise, the following state-sponsored entities also need to immediately set a more legitimate and authentic example of how they serve the public, for onlookers from national and international communities, by completely restructuring their injurious means and duplicitous aims, upon paying for satisfactory remedies and punitive damages to persons and communities they have harmed, or injured:
1. Universities Canada
2. Health Canada
3. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Canada
4. Waterloo Regional Police Services, Kitchener-Waterloo Region, Ontario
5. Canadian Mental Health Association, Kitchener-Waterloo Region, Ontario
6. Grand River Hospitals and Clinics, Kitchener-Waterloo Region, Ontario
7. Offices of the Justices of Peace, Ontario
They are to redress the long-standing issues stemming from the endemic bigotry baked into their organizational structures, by providing sincere apologies and compensations, to individuals and communities they have harmed. Needless to say, they simply have to permanently halt all forms of hurtful, discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, and surreptitious practices that they have continued to incorporate into their organizational culture. They do need to do so immediately, by arresting felonious wrongdoers and serial murderers operating within their organizational units, without delay or lethargy.
Furthermore, we aren't going to be "even" or "squared up", in any sense of those words, until Canadian authorities fulfill the terms and conditions in Appendix VI, of the File.
So, how will the above-mentioned requirements be fulfilled, and in what duration of time? Will they be accomplished economically, compared to having such hideous problems grow even larger due to continued delays, denials, and deflections adopted by Canadian authority figures?
Dear Canadian parliamentarians and business leaders, are Canada's diplomats particularly busy these days? Don't you suppose they need to properly redress the international-scale issues explained in this documentary with immediacy? They will become even more busy than they are, if wars involving NATO supported units reach Arctic shores, won't they?
If Canadian military commanders, bureaucrats, and diplomats had to place the deeds of their souls on one side of the scales of justice, would it genuinely balance the weight of the souls of persons killed or harmed by Canada's historical and ongoing, genocidal activities and human rights violations?
At this juncture, perhaps some of you might advice me to, "Pick and choose your battles carefully."
To those readers and well-wishers, I would like to say, "Pick and chose your means and ends carefully, because battles can choose you to play a role within them, even if you had never intended to voluntarily opt into adopting any of those roles."
North American entities named and implicated in this situation, please do have a chat with your ministry of defense after properly going through:
And no matter what you do, please do not embrace "the gray area" or the darkness lurking in every other aspect of daily life. Instead, face the light, and stand tall with some honor, dignity, grace, and humility, so that you may earnestly prepare for The Judgment Day, like the rest of us.