project completed as an instructor lead tutorial in Scrimba's Front End Developer Career course.
"You can't control other people's actions. You can only choose how you ReactJS"
-- Trevor Rapp, aspiring React developer and undercover Dad Joke Operator
A basic static page built using React.
To use the app simply click on the View Project
button or visit
- Use of State and Props
- Use of JSX
- Use of basic syntax and architecture of React
- Use of parent > child components
- Use of custom composable, reusable components
- Use of Bable and Webpack through Create React App
- Use of git CLI and GitHub repositories
- Use of CSS and images in React environment
- Use of import and export statements
- Use of local server with webpack
- The original scope of the project did not include a light/dark mode. I took on the extra challenge to help me learn how to better use state in a real-world issue I might face. To solve that I had to keep state in the parent app and pass it to the nav component and the main component. I then use ternary operators and props to create elements that would change with state
import React from 'react'
import largeLogo from "../images/large_group.svg"
function Body (props) {
return (
<div className={props.isDark ? "body--container" : "body--container background-light"}>
<h1 className={props.isDark ? "body--title condensed-letter-spacing" : "condensed-letter-spacing font-light"}>Fun Facts about React</h1>
<li className={props.isDark ? "body--list-items" : "body--list-items font-light"}>Was first released in 2013</li>
<li className={props.isDark ? "body--list-items" : "body--list-items font-light"}>Was originally created by Jordan Walke</li>
<li className={props.isDark ? "body--list-items" : "body--list-items font-light"}>Has well over 100K stars on Github</li>
<li className={props.isDark ? "body--list-items" : "body--list-items font-light"}>Is maintained by Facebook</li>
<li className={props.isDark ? "body--list-items" : "body--list-items font-light"}>Powers thousands of enterprise apps, including mobile apps</li>
<img className="large-logo" src={largeLogo} alt="subdued react logo on background"></img>
<button onClick={() => props.toggle()} id='circle' className={props.isDark ? 'clicked' : 'not-clicked'}>
<div id="circle" className="circle"></div>
<div className="empty"></div>
export default Body
- light / dark mode.
This project was completed as part of the Scrimba The Frontend Career Path, which is composed of:
- over 1000 lessons
- over 65 hours of instruction
- over 30 instructor-lead, hands-on projects
- over 15 Solo Projects (completed completely alone, with only Figma files and user stories provided.)
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION - The Frontend Developer Career Path.pdf
Course developed and lead by Bob Ziroll as part of Scrimba's Front End Developer Career course.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
*For more information see my LinkedIn, or return to my Github