...brings the music back to coding by running your linter, format and whatever scripts with a single command. It detects the kind of file that was passed and executes the appropriate commands.
Coda's config location can be set by using -c
. If the flag is not provided coda tries to lookup the file's location. The following paths are tried in order. First match will be taken.
- coda binary folder + "coda.toml"
- ${HOME}/.conf/coda/conf.yaml
- ${HOME}/.conf/coda/conf.toml
- ${HOME}/.config/coda/conf.yaml
- ${HOME}/.config/coda/conf.toml
The configuration file can be toml or yaml and contains the filetype definitions and settings. A yaml example looks like this. Please look into examples for more information.
- name: bash
regex: ".*\\.sh$"
shebang: "#!/bin/bash"
- ["shellcheck", "-x", "-e", "SC1090,SC2154,SC2155", "{{.filename}}"]
- ["shfmt", "-w", "-ci", "-i", "2", "{{.filename}}"]
- name: golang
regex: ".*\\.go$"
- ["goimports", "-w", "{{.filename}}"]
- ["gofmt", "-w", "{{.filename}}"]
- ["staticcheck", "{{.filename}}"]
- ["go", "test", "-v"]
- name: zone
regex: ".*\\.(zone)$"
- ["dnsfmt", "{{.filename}}"]
write_stdout_to: "{{.filename}}"
- ".git/"
- ".pytest"
- "__pycache__"
- "/target/debug/"
- "/target/release/"
- ".lock$"
- ".rs.racertmp"
As you can see the configuration is a list of entries. They function like this
entry | function |
name | only test relevant, provides a clearer output of the test results |
regex | 1st method file type detection |
shebang | 2nd method file type detection |
cmds | list of commands to run |
save_stdout_to | if no error occured on execution, save command stdout to file |
There is a set of variables that can be used inside a config. They get replaced by their appropriate values. This is what they look like:
Available variables
variable | description
{{.extension}} | file's extension
{{.filename}} | full file name
{{.filename_no_ext}} | full file name without preceeding extension
{{.shortname}} | short name, file name without path
{{.shortname_no_ext}} | short name without extension
coda -h
coda eggs.py
coda main.rs
# debug mode, to just print commands that would have been run
coda -d shell_script
brings the music back to coding
[<filename>] file to process, required positional arg
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-c, --config="/home/ole/.conf/coda/conf.yaml"
configuration file
-p, --print-vars print available vars
-n, --dry-run dry run, just print don't do
-V, --version-flag display version