- 100% Kotlin
- Material 3 Design
- Jetpack Compose
- Smallest APK size (less than 2.0MB)
- Fully reproducible, copylefted libre software (GPLv3+)
- Material 3 with dynamic colours
- Displays App List while sorting them based on Installation source
- Launch App Activities
- Install/Uninstall Apk files
- Reinstall APKs/app with Google
- Share App Apk file
- Batch Reinstall/Uninstall
- Split App Indicator
- AppState Indicator (frozen = disabled)
- Editing Packages.xml
- Batch Install
- Sorting a& filters
- BackUp App Data
- Option to choose installers when reinstalling
- De-bloater for system apps
- Freeze/UnFreeze apps
- Many more