Get Trilinos building with CMake + Ninja + Fortran
This epic/milestone is to track effort to get all Trilinos building with CMake + Ninja with Fortran turned on. CMake has been able to use Ninja for the build (instead of make) for a long time, but only for C and C++, not Fortran. As part of a CASL contract, Kitware has added for Fortran with Ninja to a fork of Ninja and a branch of CMake.
This epic/milest…
This epic/milestone is to track effort to get all Trilinos building with CMake + Ninja with Fortran turned on. CMake has been able to use Ninja for the build (instead of make) for a long time, but only for C and C++, not Fortran. As part of a CASL contract, Kitware has added for Fortran with Ninja to a fork of Ninja and a branch of CMake.
This epic/milestone will be complete when all of Trilinos works with CMake+Ninja+Fortran for all of the platforms where it should work.
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