Application that allows users to build and maintain an active reading list.
- React
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Postgres database with Prisma as ORM
- NextAuth
- Chakra UI
- Axios
This is a simple open source REST API that can be used to search for books by title. When a user searches for a book, I make a request to the OpenLibrary API to retrieve a list of books that match the title provided by the user.
- Related Files
- Client Request Wrapper:
- Client Request Wrapper:
If POST request with information about a book and a username is sent to this route, the book data is inserted into a Postgres database I am hosting on Digital Ocean and will be associated to the username.
- Related files
- Server Handler:
- Client Request Wrapper:
- Server Handler:
- Related files
If a PUT request is sent to this route, information about the book will be updated in the database. Currently this route is used to mark books in a users reading list as read or unread.
- Related files
- Server Handler:
- Client Request Wrapper:
- Server Handler:
- Related files
- This page is where users can view their reading list. The page is server rendered, so the data is fetched directly on the server and the fully rendered page is delivered to the client.
- This page can be accessed by visiting[your_username]. It is also linked to after logging in.
- Login using one of the provided authentication providers.
- When logging in for the first time, your reading list will be empty. Visit the search page, type the name of a book you want to read, and click "Search."
- Find the result that matches what you want to read and click "Add to list."
- View your list my clicking the "My List" link at the top of the page.
- Books that you have added are visible on this page. When you have finished reading a book, you can click "Mark as Read" to complete it.
- When a button is pressed, all buttons display a loading spinner. This should be updated so that just the button pressed displays a loading spinner.
- When a book is added to a list, I refresh the router to pull in the user's list from the server. This causes a slight delay from when loading ends to the book being updated with a "Read" status. This could be avoided with an optimistic response in state.
- When a user searches for a book, it would be helpful to display book covers so they can make sure they are adding the correct book.
- Users should have the ability to remove a book from a reading list.