Releases: tremblestarman/Block2Json
Releases · tremblestarman/Block2Json
R 0.1.6
- Added andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, cut sandstone, smooth red sandstone, cut red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick slabs
- Added andesite, polished andesite, diorite, polished diorite, granite, polished granite, mossy stone brick, mossy cobblestone, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, smooth quartz, red nether brick, and end stone brick stairs.
- Added campfire, stonecutter, loom, lantern etc.
- Tested well for 1.14 with .nbt structure files
R 0.1.5
- added more 'fences'
- fixed path error in 'shulker_boxes'
- fixed path error in 'bricks'
preparing for new blocks in 1.14...
R 0.1.4
- Support more 1.13 changes