sender usage updates #2958
sender usage updates #2958
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Jan 30, 2025 in 7m 4s
Build Passed
The build passed, just like the previous build.
This is a normal build for the ga-tbt269-sender_usage branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Node.js |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Node.js Version | 18 |
Build Configuration
"language": "node_js",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"node_js": [
"env": [
"addons": {
"chrome": "stable"
"cache": {
"npm": false
"before_install": [
"git config --global url.\"https://[email protected]/\".insteadOf ssh://[email protected]",
"npm install -g greenkeeper-lockfile@1",
"gem install bundler:2.3.7"
"install": [
"npm ci"
"before_script": [
"export RANDOMISE=--random",
"echo $RANDOMISE",
"script": [
"ember -v",
"if [ -z \"$TRY_CONFIG\" ]; then npm run lint:js; fi",
"if [ -z \"$TRY_CONFIG\" ]; then ember exam --reporter dot $RANDOMISE; fi",
"if [[ ! -z \"$TRY_CONFIG\" ]]; then ember try:one $TRY_CONFIG --skip-cleanup; fi"
"after_script": [
"test $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST && test $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != 'false' && $TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS == 'true' && ./config/deployment/"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"if": "type = cron",
"env": [
"TRY_CONFIG": "ember-beta"
"if": "type = cron",
"env": [
"TRY_CONFIG": "ember-data-beta"
"node_js": "18"
"stage": ":ship: it to",
"dist": "focal",
"before_install": [
"install": [
"before_script": [
"script": [
"make ship"
"if": "(branch = enterprise-3.0 and type = push ) OR commit_message =~ /ship:docker/ OR env(SHIP_DOCKER) = true",
"after_script": [
"allow_failures": [
"env": [
"TRY_CONFIG": "ember-beta"
"env": [
"TRY_CONFIG": "ember-data-beta"