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travetto: Email

This module provides two main pieces of functionality. Specifically the ability to template emails, and the the ability to send them.


Templating emails is achieved through a combination of multiple libraries, specifically:

  • inky is a email rendering framework that aims to provide a standard set of constructs for building visually appealing emails.
  • inline-css inlines CSS in related sheets or the head of the html document, into the html body contents (some email clients require this).
  • marked is used to generate the plain text version of the email, rendering html into markdown
  • mustache allows for interpolation of variables for personalized emails.
  • pngquant is used to compress images on the fly for bandwidth optimizations. pngquant is not installed as a dependency, but relies upon either the binary being already installed, or spinning up a docker container to use as a way of executing the binary.

NOTE Many of the libraries were chosen due to size and number of overall dependencies. Any performance issues are mitigated accordingly.

Additionally, the module provides a base email template wrapper that provides the structure inky needs.

A sample template could look like:

  <columns large="{{left}}">Bob</columns>
  <columns large="{{right}}"></columns>

which will then interpolate the context to replace left and right, and compile to a final html output. When using mustache expression, make sure to use {{{ }}}, triple braces, to prevent mustache from escaping any characters.


Assets, e.g. sass files, html templates and images, are also able to be referenced in the during compilation. The asset resolution primarily two paths that will be examined when a resource is referenced:

  1. <project>/assets/email for local assets.
  2. node_modules/@travetto/email/assets/email for pre-bundled assets from this module.

In addition to the above resolution, sass files are loaded from a fixed sub directory called assets/email/scss. To reference sass files and images in your template, just use relative paths. The relative paths will be resolved into local assets. For images the contents will be optimized and inlined as a data-uri. If you do not want to inline your images, you will need to provide an external URL.


The actual sending of emails, uses nodemailer as the general framework. When sending emails you can use the following transports:

  • none to discard all emails
  • sendmail to send all messages via the sendmail operation
  • smtp to utilizing the protocol directly and send to a specific server