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This repository contains JoeDexLens contract, which purpose is to provide token pricing based on arbitrarily chosen markets.

This contract is not supposed to provide price oracle for any financial operations - should be seen only as helper contract for statistical/analytical purposes.

This contract provides four functions for reading token price:

  • getTokenPriceUSD
  • getTokensPricesUSD
  • getTokenPriceAVAX
  • getTokensPricesAVAX

To add markets, use the following four functions:

  • addUSDDataFeed
  • addUSDDataFeeds
  • addNativeDataFeed
  • addNativeDataFeeds

To set the weight of a data feed, use the following four functions:

  • setUSDDataFeedWeight
  • setUSDDataFeedsWeights
  • setNativeDataFeedWeight
  • setNativeDataFeedsWeights

If no markets for a given token were added, Token-Native and Token-USDC from Joe V2.1, V2 and then V1 will be considered to return the token's price. V2.1 and V2 pairs will be skipped if they don't have enough reserves around the current active bin.

Install foundry

Foundry documentation can be found here.

On Linux and macOS

Open your terminal and type in the following command:

curl -L | bash

This will download foundryup. Then install Foundry by running:


To update foundry after installation, simply run foundryup again, and it will update to the latest Foundry release. You can also revert to a specific version of Foundry with foundryup -v $VERSION.

On Windows

If you use Windows, you need to build from source to get Foundry.

Download and run rustup-init from It will start the installation in a console.

After this, run the following to build Foundry from source:

cargo install --git foundry-cli anvil --bins --locked

To update from source, run the same command again.

Install dependencies

To install dependencies, run the following to install dependencies:

forge install


To run tests, run the following command:

forge test