Run script to build the project. Note .c files under directory "test" will be ignored.
- "--listen" Address to listen to. It could to a UNIX socket path or an Internet address. Internet address must be given in the format of "a.b.c.d:port". Domain names aren't supported. This option can be specified more than once.
- "--pattern" path to the file containing the patterns should be censored
- "--thread" number of worker threads to start, optional, default to 10
Create a new connection for every request. Send the text needs to be checked to the address(es) listened by the program, the response will be in the following format:
- The 1st line is status code, it will always be zero at the moment.
- The 2nd line is a serial of integer pairs separated by spaces, integers of a pair are also separated by a space.
- The 1st integer of a pair is the END position of a matched pattern, the 2nd one is the length of the matched pattern.
- All positions & lengthes are in bytes.
Send signal SIGUSR1 (kill -SIGUSR1 ) to the process to reload the pattern database.
Modify source code to redefine type AC_ALPHABET_t to the type you like, rebuild the program, then encode all characters (pattern database and text to be checked) into sequences of AC_ALPHABET_t.