Onionbalance is a load-balancing tool for Tor Onion Services that enhances scalability and availability by distributing client traffic across multiple backend instances. While it offers significant advantages, it also introduces unique security considerations. This document analyzes its key security benefits, risks, adversary capabilities, and mitigations to help operators deploy Onionbalance securely. In this analysis, we distinguish between the Onionbalance instance responsible for creating and uploading the master descriptor and backend instances, which handle client traffic.
Onionbalance mitigates several risks inherent in traditional single-instance Onion Services by introducing architectural changes that isolate critical components and reduce attack surfaces.
The master private key for the .onion address is stored exclusively on the Onionbalance instance, which never directly interacts with clients. This isolation ensures that:
- Even if a backend instance is compromised, the integrity of the .onion address remains intact.
- Administrators can replace compromised backends without impacting the Onionbalance .onion address or needing to regenerate keys.
This setup mitigates the risk of service takeover, a common issue in traditional Onion Services where keys might reside on the same server handling client traffic.
The Onionbalance instance only connects to the Tor network during descriptor uploads, significantly reducing its exposure compared to traditional Onion Services. Key points include:
- Short-lived connections: unlike standard Onion Services that maintain persistent circuits to introduction points and handle client traffic, the Onionbalance instance only establishes circuits briefly to upload descriptors.
- Fewer circuits: this minimizes the risk of selecting malicious relays and reduces opportunities for traffic fingerprinting or correlation attacks.
- No direct client interaction: clients never connect to the Onionbalance instance, further reducing its attack surface.
The distributed backend architecture ensures that:
- If one or more backend instances fail, only their respective introduction points are affected. The service as a whole remains operational through other backends.
- Backend failures are harder for adversaries to correlate due to the distribution of introduction points across multiple locations.
This setup significantly improves resilience compared to single-instance Onion Services, which can be entirely disabled by a single point of failure.
Adversaries monitoring an Onion Service's availability may attempt to correlate outages with external events (e.g., power failures or intentional disruptions). With Onionbalance:
- Only introduction points associated with affected backends fail during outages, making it harder for adversaries to attribute failures to specific servers.
- The use of multiple backend instances (e.g., 10 backends with 3 introduction points each) increases the total number of introduction points (30 in this case). If one backend fails, only 3 introduction points are affected, while clients can still use the remaining 27. This distribution complicates correlation attacks.
However, it should be noted that local adversaries capable of blocking connections at suspected server locations can still perform repeated correlation attempts until they succeed.
- The Onionbalance instance can quickly recover from downtime by fetching descriptors from backend instances and re-uploading a fresh master descriptor.
- Administrators can deploy secondary Onionbalance instances with separate .onion addresses for redundancy or load balancing.
- Backend replacement is seamless and does not require regenerating keys or disrupting service continuity.
Onionbalance does not hide that a service is using Onionbalance. It also does not significantly protect a service from introduction point denial of service or actively malicious HSDirs.
Service descriptors uploaded by Onionbalance may reveal its usage due to structural differences such as:
- Larger descriptor sizes resulting from multiple backends and their associated introduction points.
- A higher-than-usual number of introduction points compared to standard single-instance Onion Services.
Adversaries analyzing descriptors could infer that multiple .onion addresses are linked or identify custom configurations unique to a specific deployment.
Mitigation: standardizing descriptor structures within the Onionbalance codebase could limit adversaries' ability to distinguish between default and customized deployments1.
Backend instances must coordinate their Tor configurations (e.g., Guard node selection) to avoid exposing themselves to malicious relays. Without proper synchronization:
- Each backend independently selects relays, increasing the likelihood of encountering malicious nodes across all circuits.
- Circuit-level deanonymization risks rise with more backends operating unsynchronized.
Managing multiple backend instances introduces administrative overhead and increases the risk of misconfiguration. Examples include:
- Failing to synchronize relay selection or security parameters across backends.
- Failing to properly update services.
- Failing to evaluate relevant log files.
The Onionbalance instance remains a single point of failure for descriptor uploads.
- Clients will be unable to connect if descriptor uploads fail for extended periods.
- If compromised, adversaries can impersonate the service by extracting private keys from the instance.
However, short downtimes are less noticeable due to infrequent connections, and recovery is relatively quick.
Adversaries may attempt to compromise HSDirs hosting service descriptors. While this is a general risk for all Onion Services:
- Without knowledge of the .onion address, adversaries cannot identify specific services even if they compromise an HSDir.
- Descriptor upload windows are brief, limiting exposure compared to traditional services that maintain persistent circuits.
- Vanguards' default descriptor size limit (30kB) may conflict with larger master descriptors generated by Onionbalance. Operators must carefully configure limits without exceeding protocol constraints (50kB).
- Vanguards' optional feature of tearing down introduction point circuits based on traffic volume could cause frequent descriptor updates in dynamic environments.
- Proof-of-Work (PoW) protocols enhance resistance against DoS attacks by requiring clients to perform computational work before accessing descriptors. Lack of support limits protection against high-volume attacks2.
- Restricted Discovery (formerly known as Client authorization) mechanisms (e.g., pre-shared keys) allow access control for sensitive services but are currently unsupported by Onionbalance3.
In some cases, load distribution across HSDirs may not be optimal due to limitations in descriptor copying logic. For example:
- If six HSDirs are available but only five descriptors are generated, one HSDir will receive duplicate descriptors, leading to uneven workload distribution among backends.
- An Onion Service instance may rapidly rotate its introduction point circuits
when subjected to a Denial of Service attack. An introduction point circuit
is closed by the onion service when it has received
for that circuit. During DoS this circuit rotating may occur faster than the management server polls the HSDir system for new descriptors. As a result clients may retrieve main descriptors which contain no currently valid introduction points.
- A malicious HSDir could replay old instance descriptors in an attempt to include expired introduction points in the main descriptor. When an attacker does not control all of the responsible HSDirs this attack can be mitigated by not accepting descriptors with a timestamp older than the most recently retrieved descriptor. This attack is very hard to mount, since the set of responsible HSDirs changes at each time period.
- If descriptor uploads fail due to network issues or relay unavailability, administrators must manually restart the process. Automating reuploads would improve reliability4.
This text was originally written by Pascal Tippe.
As of 2025-01, this is being handled on ticket tpo/onion-services/onionbalance#6. ↩
As of 2025-01, PoW support in Onionbalance is being discussed at tpo/onion-services/onionbalance#13. ↩
Handled at tpo/onion-services/onionbalance#5. ↩
As of 2025-01, this is being tracked at tpo/onion-services/onionbalance#38. ↩