Embedded Artistry Templates, Documents, and Source Code
Aug 26, 2024 - Makefile
C++ is a popular and widely used mid-level language. It was designed as an extension of the C language.
Embedded Artistry Templates, Documents, and Source Code
All open source file and project for OpenFPGAduino project
Cross-compile C/C++ from Linux to Windows using MSYS2 packages
A portable, automated template for raylib projects with C++ bindings
Cross-platform C++ Makefile project template
The Ultimate Makefile to compile all your C, C++, Assembly and Fortran projects
FFI examples written in Rust
Simple C++ InfluxDB client via MS C++ REST SDK + RxCpp for batching (Windows/OSX/Linux) + a C wrapper
An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns in C++
📂 Create C/C++ projects on vscode
Deep Learning With C++
OpenCV Augmented Reality Applications in C++
Tutorial:Memory Management and Advanced Debugging techniques
Repo Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados I
The most wrong build system and package manager for C and C++.
Created by Bjarne Stroustrup
Released October 1985