- Fukuoka Japan
- http://ore-kb.net
24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware and software
U8glib library for monochrome displays, version 2
Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
WIP web-based driver (and maybe eventually GUI?) for the Alientek DP100 digital power supply using WebHID
Sample OFX plugins from the Sony Vegas SDK, ported to OSX and Linux
Aseprite scripts to use with MSX image files (SC2, etc)
Bluetooth gamepad, mouse and keyboard support for ESP32 and PicoW
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type.
TCC stands for Tiny Character Controller. TCC is the best way to make your own game. This repository contains all packages and examples for TCC projects.
A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire
Advanced datatables using Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind CSS and Alpine JS
Laravel Starter Kit (Livewire+Breeze+Laravel UI+Jetstream)を一瞬で日本語化し、言語切替機能も提供するパッケージです / Laravelの各種バリデーションメッセージも日本語化するのでStarter Kit無しでも便利✨
Modbus TCP - RTU Bridge for Joy-Id or Riden power supply RD6006
Atorch Console for Web Bluetooth
🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
A modbus master and slave test tool with import and export functionality, supports TCP, UDP and RTU.
Arduino library to play MOD, WAV, FLAC, MIDI, RTTTL, MP3, and AAC files on I2S DACs or with a software emulated delta-sigma DAC on the ESP8266 and ESP32 and Pico