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Xbox Bios Tools

A command-line tool for extracting and decrypting components of An Original Xbox BIOS.

Table of Contents


Command Desc
/? Displays help message
/ls Display BIOS infomation
/extr Extract components from a BIOS
/bld Build a BIOS
/split Split a BIOS into banks
/combine Combine multiple banks into a single BIOS
/replicate replicate a single BIOS
/xcode-sim Simulate xcodes and Decode x86
/xcode-decode Decode Xcodes from a BIOS or init table
/x86-encode Encode x86 as xcodes
/compress Compress a file using lzx
/decompress Decompress a file using lzx


Switch Description
/enc-bldr Assume the 2BL is unencrypted (Decryption will be skipped)
/enc-krnl Assume the kernel is unencrypted (Decryption will be skipped)
/key-bldr <path> 16-byte 2BL RC4 file
/key-krnl <path> 16-byte kernel RC4 file
/mcpx <path> MCPX ROM file. Used for en/decrypting the 2BL
/romsize <size> How much space is available for the BIOS in kb, (256, 512, 1024)
/binsize <size> Total space of the file or flash in kb (256, 512, 1024)

Notes / Comments

  • Supports all Original Xbox BIOSes.
  • There is no guarantee that this program will work correctly with modified BIOSes.

Encryption / Decryption

The 2BL needs to be decrypted to calculate the offsets to the kernel image. You need to provide the RC4 2BL key in the form of a MCPX rom or a 16-byte file.

If the 2BL isn't encrypted, you can ignore these switches.

  • Use /key-bldr <path> to specify the key from a file. (16-byte file)
  • Use /mcpx <path> to specify the key from the MCPX ROM file. (512-byte file)

If the 2BL has been decrypted, you will see a message like decrypting 2BL

The Kernel needs to be decrypted before decompressing it. The RC4 Kernel Key can be found in the decrypted 2BL or you can provide it.

If the Kernel isn't encrypted, Use /enc-krnl to specify do not want the kernel decrypted.

  • Use /key-krnl <path> to specify a kernel key from a file. (16-byte file)
  • Use /enc-krnl if you do not want the kernel decrypted.

If the kernel has been decrypted, you will see a message like decrypting kernel

What MCPX ROM do i use?

It depends on the BIOS version. The different revisions of the MCPX have different keys and different hashing algorithms.

Rev. 0 MD5 Hash
MCPX v1.0 d49c52a4102f6df7bcf8d0617ac475ed
M.O.U.S.E rev. 0 v0.9.0 da9e9f527c5cb716f7a2143e976f6091
Rev. 1 MD5 Hash
MCPX v1.1 2870d58a459c745d7cc4c6122ceb3dcb
M.O.U.S.E rev. 1 v0.9.0 06b227adbefc4dd55fb127c33590b735
  • Use MCPX Rev. 0 for BIOSes < 4817
  • Use MCPX Rev. 1 for BIOSes 4817+

Typically, if the BIOS contains a Preldr (FBL), Use a Rev. 1 MCPX . This is only true if the FBL TEA Attack hasn't been applied. in that instance it's likely that the BIOS is not encrypted at all, and the startup format maybe different.

xbios.exe /<command> /mcpx <mcpx_file>

Help command

Display command/switch list:

xbios.exe /?

Display help about a specific command:

xbios.exe /? <command>

Display help about Encryption:

xbios.exe /? /help-enc

List BIOS command

Display infomation about the BIOS.

The list command has some flags to display specific infomation.

Switch Desc
/in <path> BIOS file (req)
/datatbl Display ROM drive / slew calibration table data
/nv2a Display init table magic values
/img Display kernel image header info
/keys Display rc4, rsa keys
xbios.exe /ls <bios_file> <extra_flags>

Extract BIOS command

Extract components from a BIOS file

  • Bldr (2BL)
  • Preldr (FBL)
  • Init table (magic numbers, xcodes)
  • Compressed & Decompressed kernel image (.bin) (.img)
  • Uncompressed kernel section data
  • RC4, RSA keys
Switch Desc
/in <path> BIOS file (req)
/keys Extract keys
/nobootparams Dont restore 2BL boot params (FBL BIOSes)
/dir <path> Set output directory
Output file Desc
/bldr <path> Output 2BL file
/inittbl <path> Output init table file
/krnl <path> Output compressed kernel file
/krnldata <path> Output uncompressed data section file
/preldr <path> Output preldr file
/eepromkey <path> Output eeprom key file
/certkey <path> Output cert key file
xbios.exe /extr <bios_file> <extra_flags>

Build BIOS command

Build a BIOS from a 2BL, compressed kernel, uncompressed data section, init table.

Switch Desc
/out <path> Output BIOS file; defaults to bios.bin
/xcodes <path> Inject xcodes file
/romsize <size> romsize in kb (256, 512, 1024)
/binsize <size> binsize in kb (256, 512, 1024)
/enc-krnl Locate the kernel key in 2BL and use it for encryption
/bfm Patch BIOS to boot from media ( bfm )
/hackinittbl Hack initbl size (size = 0)
/hacksignature Hack 2BL boot signature (signature = 0xFFFFFFFF)
/nobootparams Dont update boot params
Input file Desc
/bldr <path> Input 2BL file (req)
/inittbl <path> Input Init table file (req)
/krnl <path> Input Compressed kernel file (req)
/krnldata <path> Input Uncompressed data section file (req)
/preldr <path> Input Preldr (FBL) file

The switch, -enc-krnl works different with this command. Provide the flag if you want the kernel encrypted with the kernel key located in the 2BL.

The switch, -xcodes injects the xcodes at the end of the xcode table. If no space is available, (no zero space) the exit xcode is replaced with a jump to free space where the xcodes will be injected.

xbios.exe /bld /bldr <bldr> /inittbl <inittbl> /krnl <krnl> /krnldata <krnl_data> <extra__flags>

Split BIOS command

Split a BIOS into banks.

Switch Desc
/in <path> BIOS file (req)
/romsize Bank size (256, 512, 1024) ; defaults to 256kb
xbios.exe /split <bios_file> /romsize <bank_size>

Combine BIOS command

Combine multiple banks into a single BIOS file. Provide atleast 2 banks to combine.

The -bank[1-4] switches are inferred with this command.

  • The first file provided without a switch (/<switch>) is bank[1]
  • The second file provided without a switch (/<switch>) is bank[2]
  • etc
Switch Desc
-bank[1-4] <path> Bank file
/out <path> BIOS file; defaults to bios.bin
xbios.exe /combine <bank1_file> <bank2_file> <bank3_file> <bank4_file>

Replicate BIOS command

Replicate a single BIOS file.

Switch Desc
/in <path> BIOS file (req)
/out <path> BIOS file; defaults to bios.bin
/binsize BIOS size (req) (256, 512, 1024)

X86 encode command

Encode x86 machine code as xcode byte code that writes to RAM.

Switch Desc
/in <path> Input file
/out <path> Output file; defaults to xcodes.bin
  • Start address of mem-write is 0. Each write is increment by 4 bytes.
  • Code size increases by a factor of x2.25.
xbios.exe /x86-encode <code_file> /out <output_xcodes>
x2.25 Example
Machine code:               --->          Byte code:
  0000: B8 ED 0B F0  mov eax, 0xfff00bed  0000: 03 00 00 00   xc_mem_write 0x00, 0xf00bedb8
  0004: FF FF E0     jmp eax              0004: 00 F0 0B ED
  0007: 90           nop                  0008: B8  
                                          0009: 03 00 00 00  xc_mem_write 0x04, 0x90e0ffff
                                          000D: 04 90 E0 FF
                                          0011: FF                          

Xcode sim command

Simulate mem-write xcodes and disassemble x86 machine code. (visor sim)

Switch Desc Default
/in <path> Input file (req)
/base <addr> Base address of xcodes 0x80
/offset <addr> Address of start offset 0x00
/simsize <size> Size of the sim space in bytes 0x20
/d Write to a file; Use -out to specify output file false

If simulating a file other than a BIOS or extracted init table, The base of the xcodes might be different. Use -base <addr> to specify.

-offset is used to change what mem-writes are recorded starting from some offset extending to offset + simsize. Only mem-writes in this range are recorded.

xbios.exe /xcode-sim <bios_file> <extra_flags>
Example 1 output
        1a9f: xc_mem_write 0x00, 0x7FC900BE
        1aa8: xc_mem_write 0x04, 0x0000BFFF
        1ab1: xc_mem_write 0x08, 0x00B90009
        1aba: xc_mem_write 0x0c, 0xFC000018
        1ac3: xc_mem_write 0x10, 0x1D8BA5F3
        1acc: xc_mem_write 0x14, 0x00090000
        1ad5: xc_mem_write 0x18, 0x0000E3FF
        1ade: xc_mem_write 0x1c, 0x00000000

        mov esi, 0xff7fc900
        mov edi, 0x90000
        mov ecx, 0x1800
        rep movsd
        mov ebx, [0x90000]
        jmp ebx

Mem dump: ( 26 bytes )
        0000: BE 00 C9 7F FF BF 00 00
        0008: 09 00 B9 00 18 00 00 FC
        0010: F3 A5 8B 1D 00 00 09 00
        0018: FF E3
Example 2 output
    0869: xc_mem_write 0x00, 0xFC1000EA
    0872: xc_mem_write 0x04, 0x000008FF

    jmp 0xfffc1000:0x08

Mem dump: ( 7 bytes )
    0000: EA 00 10 FC FF 08 00

Xcode decode command

Decode Xcodes from a BIOS file, extracted init table.

Switch Desc Default
/in <path> Input file (req)
/base <addr> Base address for xcodes 0x80
/ini <path> Decode settings file default
/branch Take unbranchable jumps false
/d Write to a file; Use -out to specify output file. false

If decoding a file other than a BIOS or extracted init table, The base of the xcodes might be different. Use /base <addr> to specify.

See: Xcode Decode Settings for more infomation.

xbios.exe /xcode-decode <bios_file> <extra_flags>

Compress file command

Compress a file using lzx

Switch Desc
/in <path> Input file (req)
/out <path> Output file (req)
xbios.exe /compress <in_file> /out <out_file>

Decompress file command

Decompress a file using lzx

Switch Desc
/in <path> Input file (req)
/out <path> Output file (req)
xbios.exe /decompress <in_file> /out <out_file>

Example Commands

Extract BIOS + Keys

xbios.exe /extr /keys /mcpx <mcpx_file> <bios_file>

List BIOS infomation

xbios.exe /ls /mcpx <mcpx_file> <bios_file>

List BIOS Keys

xbios.exe /ls /keys /mcpx <mcpx_file> <bios_file>

Replicate BIOS (256 kb) to 512 kb

xbios.exe /replicate <bios_file> /binsize 512


The project is built in Visual Studio 2022

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Open vc\XboxBiosTools.sln in visual studio and build and run

Credits / Resources