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Function: league_leader_data

toddrob edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 1 revision

Get a python list of stat leaders overall or for a given league (103=AL, 104=NL).

Note: To retrieve a formatted text version, see Function: league_leaders.

statsapi.league_leader_data(leaderCategories, season=None, limit=10, statGroup=None, leagueId=None, gameTypes=None, playerPool=None, sportId=1, statType=None)

Note: StatsAPI does not appear to be supporting the statType=statsSingleSeason at this time, despite this appearing in the documentation as a best practice for all time leaders. Be sure to specify a season or other statType such as 'career', or the default will be current season leaders.

Note: Get a list of available leaderCategories by calling the meta endpoint with type=leagueLeaderTypes

Note: Get a list of available statGroups by calling the meta endpoint with type=statGroups Note that excluding statGroup may return unexpected results. For example leaderCategories='earnedRunAverage' will return different results with statGroup='pitching' and statGroup='catching'.

Note: Get a list of available gameTypes by calling the meta endpoint with type=gameTypes

Note: Get a list of available statTypes by calling the meta endpoint with type=statTypes

Note: Available playerPool values: ['all','qualified','rookies'] (default is qualified)