As I would like to just start using GitHub and sharing some of my code, I figured it might be a good starting point to publish my solutions to the coding challenge "Advent of Code" of 2019.
I think most of the puzzles are highly interesting and really get you to solve problems. I recommend them to everyone who is up for advancing their coding-game. Find it here.
For me, it is/has been a great way of exploring different fields of computer science and working around with various Python-modules. Moreover, since all of the Problems come with a few testcases, I also got to write my first Python unittests, which I am really happy about.
Python-modules I used so far to solve some of the problems:
- NumPy: Great for working with matrices and computing stuff.
- NetworkX: Tool for constructing Graphs and working with them.
- OpenCV: I made a video with OpenCV!
- Matplotlib: Visualization tool.