Balanced Gallery is a jQuery plugin that evenly distributes photos across rows or columns, making the most of the space provided. Photos are scaled based on the size of the 'container' element by default, making Balanced Gallery a great choice for responsive websites.
Import JQuery and the Plugin:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.balanced-gallery.min.js"></script>
Call the plugin on the element containing the gallery's images:
// wait for the page to load
$(window).load(function() {
$('#myGallery').BalancedGallery({ /* options */ });
var defaults = {
autoResize: true, // resize the images when the window size changes
background: null, // the css properties of the gallery's containing element
idealHeight: null, // ideal row height, only used for horizontal galleries, defaults to 1/4 of the container width
idealWidth: null, // ideal column width, only used for vertical galleries, defaults to 1/4 of the container width
maintainOrder: true, // keeps images in their original order, setting to 'false' can create a slightly better balance between rows
orientation: 'horizontal', // 'horizontal' galleries are made of rows; 'vertical' galleries are made of columns; 'grid' galleries combine both
padding: 5, // pixels between images
shuffleUnorderedPartitions: true, // unordered galleries tend to clump larger images at the beginning, this solves that issue at a slight performance cost
gridAspectRatio: 1, // the aspect ratio with which the images are going to be displayed; only used for grid galleries
widthDivisor: 4 // used to define idealHeight/idealWidth (when they aren't set) by dividing the elements container width by the given value;
// the bigger the widthDivisor value, the smaller the images get; on vertical galleries the value simply defines the number of columns
Tested and working in:
- Chrome
- Safari
- FireFox
- IE 9+
- Mobile Safari
- Mobile Chrome
If you'd like to contribute a feature or bugfix, that's awesome. Go for it. As of right now I don't have a specific set of guidelines for contributions but try to follow the plugin's current coding style.
Copyright (c) 2013 Ryan Epp Licensed under the WTFPL license.
Inspired by crispymtn. Linear partitioning algorithm ported from Óscar López