- Commence : 9:00 AM
- Tea Break : 10:30 AM (15 mins)
- Lunch Break : 12:30 PM (45 mins)
- Tea Break : 2:30 PM (15 mins)
- Wind up : 4:00 PM
- Go Tools (https://go.dev/dl)
- Visual Studio Code
- Go extension for VSCode
- No powerpoints
- Code & Discuss
Any code that need to versioned and deployed together
Folder with go.mod file
go.mod (manifest file)
- Name
- advisable to have the complete source control path where the code is maintained
- go runtime version
- dependencies
- Name
Create a module
go mod init [module_name]
Create a build
go build .
go build -o [binary_name] .
Execute a module
go run .
To use a 3rd party module
go get [module_name]
- downloaded to the module cache (
$GOPATH$ /pkg/mod/...)
- downloaded to the module cache (
To sync the dependency references in the go.mod file
go mod tidy
To compile & use a 3rd party module as a CLI
go install [module_name]
To download the dependencies documented in the go.mod file
go mod download
To localize the dependencies
go mod vendor
Other useful commands
go mod graph
go mod why [module_name]
- Internal organization of code in a module
- Typically a folder
- Code can be scattered across multiple files in a package folder, but they all will be indentified by package name (NOT the filename)
- Public entities should be named starting with an uppercase
- Environment Variables - [GOOS, GOARCH]
- To get the list of supported platforms
go tool dist list
- To cross compile
GOOS=[target_os] GOARCH=[target_arch] go build -o [binary_name] .
- Supported using goroutines (~4KB)
- Builtin Scheduler
- Concurrency support built in the language itself
- go keyword, channel data type, <- channel operator, range construct, select-case construct etc
- API support through standard library
- offered through the 'sync' package
- semaphore based counter
- capable of blocking the execution of a function until the counter becomes 0
- Declaration
var [var_name] chan [data_type]
var ch chan int
- Initialization
[chan_var] = make(chan [data_type])
ch = make(chan int)
- Channel Operator ( <- )
- Send Operation
ch <- [data]
- Receive Operation
data := <- ch
- Channel Behaviors
- A 'RECEIVE' operation is a blocking operation unless a 'SEND' operation is already initiated
- A 'SEND' operation is a blocking operation unless a 'RECEIVE' operation is already initiated
- Use for cancel propagation across hierarchy of goroutines
- context.Background()
- context.WithCancel()
- context.WithTimeout()
- context.WithValue()
- Uses Protocol Buffers
- Meant for interoperability (albeit limited)
- Communication Patterns supported
- Request Response
- Server Streaming
- Client Streaming
- Bidirectional Streaming
- uses HTTP2
- Create service / operations / data contracts using protocol buffers
- Share the contract between the client & server
- Generate proxy & stub using the contracts
- Server
- implement the service (with the business logic) based on the contract
- host the service
- Client
- Use the proxy to communicate to the service
1. Protocol Buffers Compiler (protoc tool)
Download the file, extract and keep in a folder (PATH) accessble through the command line
brew install protobuf
protoc --version
2. Go plugins (installed in the GOPATH/bin folder)
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/[email protected]
- gotest tool (https://github.com/rakyll/gotest)
- To generate mock objects (https://vektra.github.io/mockery/latest/)
- mockery --all
go test -run=^$ -bench ^Benchmark_Is_Prime$ performance-app/utils -cpu 1,2,4,8
go test -run=^$ -bench ^Benchmark_Is_Prime$ performance-app/utils -cpu 1,2,4,8 -cpuprofile cpu.prof -memprofile mem.prof go tool pprof cpu.prof