This is just a simple package mainly based on beginner_tutorials of ROS Wiki Tutorial. This can be used as a minimal package for testing some implementations.
- Add this package into your workspace, and run
- Open 3 terminals and run these for C++ publisher and subscriber examples, remember to source your workspace's setup.bash first:
$ roscore
$ rosrun demo_pkg demo_talker
$ rosrun demo_pkg demo_listener
- Open 3 terminals and run these for Python publisher and subscriber examples, remember to source your workspace's setup.bash first:
$ roscore
$ rosrun demo_pkg
$ rosrun demo_pkg
- Open 3 terminals and run these for C++ service client examples, remember to source your workspace's setup.bash first:
$ roscore
$ rosrun demo_pkg demo_add_two_ints_server
$ rosrun demo_pkg demo_add_two_ints_client 2 5
- Open 3 terminals and run these for Python service client examples, remember to source your workspace's setup.bash first:
$ roscore
$ rosrun demo_pkg
$ rosrun demo_pkg 2 5
- Open 3 terminals and run these to ensure the is working, remember to source your workspace's setup.bash first:
$ roscore
$ rosrun demo_pkg
$ rostopic list | grep /io/