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fix(meminfo): account for optional unit field so values are accurate
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Addresses: prometheus#565

Previously, this function was ignoring the optional unit field, leading
to incorrect results on systems that do report the field. This uses the
humanize lib used elsewhere within the Prometheus ecosystem to normalize
the value to bytes, including when a unit is provided.

To try and maintain existing behavior, the fixed/unit-scaled values are
stored as new struct fields.

Signed-off-by: TJ Hoplock <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
tjhop committed Sep 25, 2023
1 parent ff0ad85 commit 2c71ced
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Showing 2 changed files with 212 additions and 52 deletions.
221 changes: 169 additions & 52 deletions meminfo.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,58 @@ type Meminfo struct {
DirectMap4k *uint64
DirectMap2M *uint64
DirectMap1G *uint64

// The struct fields below are the byte-normalized counterparts to the
// existing struct fields. Values are normalized using the optional
// unit field in the meminfo line.
MemTotalBytes *uint64
MemFreeBytes *uint64
MemAvailableBytes *uint64
BuffersBytes *uint64
CachedBytes *uint64
SwapCachedBytes *uint64
ActiveBytes *uint64
InactiveBytes *uint64
ActiveAnonBytes *uint64
InactiveAnonBytes *uint64
ActiveFileBytes *uint64
InactiveFileBytes *uint64
UnevictableBytes *uint64
MlockedBytes *uint64
SwapTotalBytes *uint64
SwapFreeBytes *uint64
DirtyBytes *uint64
WritebackBytes *uint64
AnonPagesBytes *uint64
MappedBytes *uint64
ShmemBytes *uint64
SlabBytes *uint64
SReclaimableBytes *uint64
SUnreclaimBytes *uint64
KernelStackBytes *uint64
PageTablesBytes *uint64
NFSUnstableBytes *uint64
BounceBytes *uint64
WritebackTmpBytes *uint64
CommitLimitBytes *uint64
CommittedASBytes *uint64
VmallocTotalBytes *uint64
VmallocUsedBytes *uint64
VmallocChunkBytes *uint64
HardwareCorruptedBytes *uint64
AnonHugePagesBytes *uint64
ShmemHugePagesBytes *uint64
ShmemPmdMappedBytes *uint64
CmaTotalBytes *uint64
CmaFreeBytes *uint64
HugePagesTotalBytes *uint64
HugePagesFreeBytes *uint64
HugePagesRsvdBytes *uint64
HugePagesSurpBytes *uint64
HugepagesizeBytes *uint64
DirectMap4kBytes *uint64
DirectMap2MBytes *uint64
DirectMap1GBytes *uint64

// Meminfo returns an information about current kernel/system memory statistics.
Expand All @@ -162,114 +214,179 @@ func parseMemInfo(r io.Reader) (*Meminfo, error) {
var m Meminfo
s := bufio.NewScanner(r)
for s.Scan() {
// Each line has at least a name and value; we ignore the unit.
fields := strings.Fields(s.Text())
if len(fields) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: Malformed line %q", ErrFileParse, s.Text())
var val, valBytes uint64

v, err := strconv.ParseUint(fields[1], 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

val = v

switch len(fields) {
case 2:
// No unit present, use the parsed the value as bytes directly.
valBytes = val
case 3:
// Unit present in optional 3rd field, convert it to
// bytes. The only unit supported within the Linux
// kernel is `kB`.
if fields[2] != "kB" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: Unsupported unit in optional 3rd field %q", ErrFileParse, fields[2])

valBytes = 1024 * val

return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: Malformed line %q", ErrFileParse, s.Text())

switch fields[0] {
case "MemTotal:":
m.MemTotal = &v
m.MemTotal = &val
m.MemTotalBytes = &valBytes
case "MemFree:":
m.MemFree = &v
m.MemFree = &val
m.MemFreeBytes = &valBytes
case "MemAvailable:":
m.MemAvailable = &v
m.MemAvailable = &val
m.MemAvailableBytes = &valBytes
case "Buffers:":
m.Buffers = &v
m.Buffers = &val
m.BuffersBytes = &valBytes
case "Cached:":
m.Cached = &v
m.Cached = &val
m.CachedBytes = &valBytes
case "SwapCached:":
m.SwapCached = &v
m.SwapCached = &val
m.SwapCachedBytes = &valBytes
case "Active:":
m.Active = &v
m.Active = &val
m.ActiveBytes = &valBytes
case "Inactive:":
m.Inactive = &v
m.Inactive = &val
m.InactiveBytes = &valBytes
case "Active(anon):":
m.ActiveAnon = &v
m.ActiveAnon = &val
m.ActiveAnonBytes = &valBytes
case "Inactive(anon):":
m.InactiveAnon = &v
m.InactiveAnon = &val
m.InactiveAnonBytes = &valBytes
case "Active(file):":
m.ActiveFile = &v
m.ActiveFile = &val
m.ActiveFileBytes = &valBytes
case "Inactive(file):":
m.InactiveFile = &v
m.InactiveFile = &val
m.InactiveFileBytes = &valBytes
case "Unevictable:":
m.Unevictable = &v
m.Unevictable = &val
m.UnevictableBytes = &valBytes
case "Mlocked:":
m.Mlocked = &v
m.Mlocked = &val
m.MlockedBytes = &valBytes
case "SwapTotal:":
m.SwapTotal = &v
m.SwapTotal = &val
m.SwapTotalBytes = &valBytes
case "SwapFree:":
m.SwapFree = &v
m.SwapFree = &val
m.SwapFreeBytes = &valBytes
case "Dirty:":
m.Dirty = &v
m.Dirty = &val
m.DirtyBytes = &valBytes
case "Writeback:":
m.Writeback = &v
m.Writeback = &val
m.WritebackBytes = &valBytes
case "AnonPages:":
m.AnonPages = &v
m.AnonPages = &val
m.AnonPagesBytes = &valBytes
case "Mapped:":
m.Mapped = &v
m.Mapped = &val
m.MappedBytes = &valBytes
case "Shmem:":
m.Shmem = &v
m.Shmem = &val
m.ShmemBytes = &valBytes
case "Slab:":
m.Slab = &v
m.Slab = &val
m.SlabBytes = &valBytes
case "SReclaimable:":
m.SReclaimable = &v
m.SReclaimable = &val
m.SReclaimableBytes = &valBytes
case "SUnreclaim:":
m.SUnreclaim = &v
m.SUnreclaim = &val
m.SUnreclaimBytes = &valBytes
case "KernelStack:":
m.KernelStack = &v
m.KernelStack = &val
m.KernelStackBytes = &valBytes
case "PageTables:":
m.PageTables = &v
m.PageTables = &val
m.PageTablesBytes = &valBytes
case "NFS_Unstable:":
m.NFSUnstable = &v
m.NFSUnstable = &val
m.NFSUnstableBytes = &valBytes
case "Bounce:":
m.Bounce = &v
m.Bounce = &val
m.BounceBytes = &valBytes
case "WritebackTmp:":
m.WritebackTmp = &v
m.WritebackTmp = &val
m.WritebackTmpBytes = &valBytes
case "CommitLimit:":
m.CommitLimit = &v
m.CommitLimit = &val
m.CommitLimitBytes = &valBytes
case "Committed_AS:":
m.CommittedAS = &v
m.CommittedAS = &val
m.CommittedASBytes = &valBytes
case "VmallocTotal:":
m.VmallocTotal = &v
m.VmallocTotal = &val
m.VmallocTotalBytes = &valBytes
case "VmallocUsed:":
m.VmallocUsed = &v
m.VmallocUsed = &val
m.VmallocUsedBytes = &valBytes
case "VmallocChunk:":
m.VmallocChunk = &v
m.VmallocChunk = &val
m.VmallocChunkBytes = &valBytes
case "HardwareCorrupted:":
m.HardwareCorrupted = &v
m.HardwareCorrupted = &val
m.HardwareCorruptedBytes = &valBytes
case "AnonHugePages:":
m.AnonHugePages = &v
m.AnonHugePages = &val
m.AnonHugePagesBytes = &valBytes
case "ShmemHugePages:":
m.ShmemHugePages = &v
m.ShmemHugePages = &val
m.ShmemHugePagesBytes = &valBytes
case "ShmemPmdMapped:":
m.ShmemPmdMapped = &v
m.ShmemPmdMapped = &val
m.ShmemPmdMappedBytes = &valBytes
case "CmaTotal:":
m.CmaTotal = &v
m.CmaTotal = &val
m.CmaTotalBytes = &valBytes
case "CmaFree:":
m.CmaFree = &v
m.CmaFree = &val
m.CmaFreeBytes = &valBytes
case "HugePages_Total:":
m.HugePagesTotal = &v
m.HugePagesTotal = &val
m.HugePagesTotalBytes = &valBytes
case "HugePages_Free:":
m.HugePagesFree = &v
m.HugePagesFree = &val
m.HugePagesFreeBytes = &valBytes
case "HugePages_Rsvd:":
m.HugePagesRsvd = &v
m.HugePagesRsvd = &val
m.HugePagesRsvdBytes = &valBytes
case "HugePages_Surp:":
m.HugePagesSurp = &v
m.HugePagesSurp = &val
m.HugePagesSurpBytes = &valBytes
case "Hugepagesize:":
m.Hugepagesize = &v
m.Hugepagesize = &val
m.HugepagesizeBytes = &valBytes
case "DirectMap4k:":
m.DirectMap4k = &v
m.DirectMap4k = &val
m.DirectMap4kBytes = &valBytes
case "DirectMap2M:":
m.DirectMap2M = &v
m.DirectMap2M = &val
m.DirectMap2MBytes = &valBytes
case "DirectMap1G:":
m.DirectMap1G = &v
m.DirectMap1G = &val
m.DirectMap1GBytes = &valBytes

Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions meminfo_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,49 @@ func TestMeminfo(t *testing.T) {
Hugepagesize: newuint64(2048),
DirectMap4k: newuint64(91136),
DirectMap2M: newuint64(16039936),

MemTotalBytes: newuint64(16042172416),
MemFreeBytes: newuint64(450891776),
BuffersBytes: newuint64(1044611072),
CachedBytes: newuint64(12295823360),
SwapCachedBytes: newuint64(0),
ActiveBytes: newuint64(6923546624),
InactiveBytes: newuint64(6689492992),
ActiveAnonBytes: newuint64(273670144),
InactiveAnonBytes: newuint64(274432),
ActiveFileBytes: newuint64(6649876480),
InactiveFileBytes: newuint64(6689218560),
UnevictableBytes: newuint64(0),
MlockedBytes: newuint64(0),
SwapTotalBytes: newuint64(0),
SwapFreeBytes: newuint64(0),
DirtyBytes: newuint64(786432),
WritebackBytes: newuint64(0),
AnonPagesBytes: newuint64(272605184),
MappedBytes: newuint64(45264896),
ShmemBytes: newuint64(1339392),
SlabBytes: newuint64(1850638336),
SReclaimableBytes: newuint64(1779838976),
SUnreclaimBytes: newuint64(70799360),
KernelStackBytes: newuint64(1654784),
PageTablesBytes: newuint64(5414912),
NFSUnstableBytes: newuint64(0),
BounceBytes: newuint64(0),
WritebackTmpBytes: newuint64(0),
CommitLimitBytes: newuint64(8021086208),
CommittedASBytes: newuint64(543584256),
VmallocTotalBytes: newuint64(35184372087808),
VmallocUsedBytes: newuint64(37474304),
VmallocChunkBytes: newuint64(35184269148160),
HardwareCorruptedBytes: newuint64(0),
AnonHugePagesBytes: newuint64(12582912),
HugePagesTotalBytes: newuint64(0),
HugePagesFreeBytes: newuint64(0),
HugePagesRsvdBytes: newuint64(0),
HugePagesSurpBytes: newuint64(0),
HugepagesizeBytes: newuint64(2097152),
DirectMap4kBytes: newuint64(93323264),
DirectMap2MBytes: newuint64(16424894464),

have, err := getProcFixtures(t).Meminfo()
Expand Down

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