Releases: timhul/ClassicSim
Warlock T3, Druid PvP, lexical search bar for items
v0.5-alpha-1 (released 2021-03-23):
- Warlock T3 and Druid PvP sets added.
- Lexical search bar for items added.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
jkil4, veluria.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Equipping two Mar'li's Eye trinkets causes application crash.
Template character configuration, Raid Setup crash fix, DLL fix
v0.4 (released 2020-11-23):
- Template characters used for raid setup are now configurable in template_characters.json.
- Fixed raid setup application crash.
- Missing DLLs in 2020-11-22 release is now fixed.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Equipping two Mar'li's Eye trinkets causes application crash.
Warrior rotation, 3PC Rogue AQ20 Fix, Warlock/Mage Items & Enchants
v0.4-alpha-27 (released 2020-11-22):
- Fix crash when equipping 3 pieces of rogue AQ20 set (thanks yellowmia11).
- Items and enchants for Warlock and Mage (thanks veluria, dieck, hyspace).
- Warrior rotation updates to properly use Bloodrage (thanks LawrenceMz and veluria).
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
veluria, dieck, hyspace, LawrenceMz, yellowmia11.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
- Equipping two Mar'li's Eye trinkets causes application crash.
Feral AP, Hunter Base RAP Fix, AQ Items
v0.4-alpha-26 (released 2020-09-26):
- Add Feral AP as a stat.
- Fix hunter base RAP (now 100 RAP, was 160 RAP).
- Add several AQ items.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
veluria, yellowmia11, LawrenceMz.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
- Equipping two Mar'li's Eye trinkets causes application crash.
Set trinkets as unique
v0.4-alpha-25 (released 2020-07-12):
- Set several unique trinkets as actually being unique. This implicitly fixes a crash when switching the trinket slots for these trinkets.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
- Equipping two Mar'li's Eye trinkets causes application crash.
Druid / Mage / Rogue Updates, TPS, Items, 64-bit and Qt 5.15
v0.4-alpha-24 (released 2020-07-07):
Mage rotation updates to use mana pots over Evocation, as to avoid using Evocation until out of options.
Mage Armor now available.
Druid shapeshifting cooldowns on GCD (cancelform is not).
Darkmantle now available.
Only proc Shadowcraft on white hits.
Affix ID should now be stored between sessions.
Internal change: Class setup strings now in JSON rather than proprietary encoding.
Internal change: Project now 64-bit and compiled with C++ 17 and Qt 5.15.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
Henrik Olsgaard, beefbroccoli, yellowmia11, jokal2, f90, veluria, Ben Earl, Hetian Huo.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
More Items
v0.4-alpha-23 (released 2020-05-04):
- More items added, mainly from ZG and Silithus.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
jokal2, yellowmia11, f90, beefbroccoli.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
Druid Forms Bugfix, Caster Weapons and Buffs
v0.4-alpha-22 (released 2020-04-27):
- Druid forms bugfix when used as a pre-combat action which caused the cast to fail.
- More caster weapons (Aurastone Hammer, Lokamir) and buffs added.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
Bear DPS, ZG items, bug fixes
v0.4-alpha-21 (released 2020-04-25):
- Bear DPS available (thanks to yellowmia11).
- Many items added.
- More lower-level enchants added.
- Fixed Offhand PPM scaling from MH speed rather than OH speed.
- Fixed crash when applying 2x Shadow Oil.
- Fix Elixir of the Mongoose not applying ranged crit chance.
- Add attack power scaling for ranged AP (renamed from previous Melee AP).
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
jokal2, weylint, Mizzajl, yellowmia11, bannedlol, Milchfee.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.
Threat Implementation
v0.4-alpha-20 (released 2020-03-15):
- Initial support for threat, mainly for Warrior (big thanks to jokal2).
- Prot / Fury Prot rotation now available.
- More items added, mainly tank items.
Thanks to the contributors to this release (in order from merge date since previous release):
wentsa, jokal2.
Known Restrictions and bugs
- Raid simulation with party members in other groups may cause application crash.