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snoopr ("snoop recompilations") to detect method invalidations
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Also provide infrastructure analyze and explain these invalidations.
This organizes the call chain as a tree and adds analysis and
printing to facilitate understand of the most consequential invalidations.
  • Loading branch information
timholy committed Jun 9, 2020
1 parent cc80f2d commit 99fb305
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Showing 9 changed files with 691 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "SnoopCompile"
uuid = "aa65fe97-06da-5843-b5b1-d5d13cad87d2"
author = ["Tim Holy <[email protected]>"]
version = "1.2.4"
version = "1.3.0"

OrderedCollections = "bac558e1-5e72-5ebc-8fee-abe8a469f55d"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/make.jl
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prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true"
modules = [SnoopCompile],
pages = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
pages = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""]

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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ functions and argument types it's compiling. From these lists of methods,
you can generate lists of `precompile` directives that may reduce the latency between
loading packages and using them to do "real work."

SnoopCompile can also detect and analyze *method cache invalidations*,
which occur when new method definitions alter dispatch in a way that forces Julia to discard previously-compiled code.
Any later usage of invalidated methods requires recompilation.
Invalidation can trigger a domino effect, in which all users of invalidated code also become invalidated, propagating all the way back to the top-level call.
When a source of invalidation can be identified and either eliminated or mitigated,
you can reduce the amount of work that the compiler needs to repeat and take better advantage of precompilation.

## Background

Julia uses
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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# Snooping on invalidations: `@snoopr`

## Recording invalidations

DocTestFilters = r"(REPL\[\d+\]|none):\d+"
DocTestSetup = quote
using SnoopCompile

Invalidations occur when there is a danger that new methods would supersede older methods in previously-compiled code.
We can illustrate this process with the following example:

```jldoctest invalidations
julia> f(::Real) = 1;
julia> callf(container) = f(container[1]);
julia> call2f(container) = callf(container);

Let's run this with different container types:
```jldoctest invalidations
julia> c64 = [1.0]; c32 = [1.0f0]; cabs = AbstractFloat[1.0];
julia> call2f(c64)
julia> call2f(c32)
julia> call2f(cabs)

It's important that you actually execute these methods: code doesn't get compiled until it gets run, and invalidations only affect compiled code.

Now we'll define a new `f` method, one specialized for `Float64`.
So we can see the consequences for the compiled code, we'll make this definition while snooping on the compiler with `@snoopr`:

```jldoctest invalidations
julia> trees = invalidation_trees(@snoopr f(::Float64) = 2)
1-element Array{SnoopCompile.MethodInvalidations,1}:
insert f(::Float64) in Main at REPL[9]:1 invalidated:
backedges: 1: superseding f(::Real) in Main at REPL[2]:1 with MethodInstance for f(::Float64) (2 children) more specific
2: superseding f(::Real) in Main at REPL[2]:1 with MethodInstance for f(::AbstractFloat) (2 children) more specific

The list of `MethodInvalidations` indicates that some previously-compiled code got invalidated.
In this case, "`insert f(::Float64)`" means that a new method, for `f(::Float64)`, was added.
There were two proximal triggers for the invalidation, both of which superseded the method `f(::Real)`.
One of these had been compiled specifically for `Float64`, due to our `call2f(c64)`.
The other had been compiled specifically for `AbstractFloat`, due to our `call2f(cabs)`.

You can look at these invalidation trees in greater detail:

```jldoctest invalidations
julia> tree = trees[1];
julia> root = tree.backedges[1]
MethodInstance for f(::Float64) at depth 0 with 2 children
julia> show(root)
MethodInstance for f(::Float64) (2 children)
MethodInstance for callf(::Array{Float64,1}) (1 children)
julia> show(root; minchildren=0)
MethodInstance for f(::Float64) (2 children)
MethodInstance for callf(::Array{Float64,1}) (1 children)
MethodInstance for call2f(::Array{Float64,1}) (0 children)

You can see that the sequence of invalidations proceeded all the way up to `call2f`.
Examining `root2 = tree.backedges[2]` yields similar results, but for `Array{AbstractFloat,1}`.

The structure of these trees can be considerably more complicated. For example, if `callf`
also got called by some other method, and that method had also been executed (forcing it to be compiled),
then `callf` would have multiple children.
This is often seen with more complex, real-world tests:

julia> trees = invalidation_trees(@snoopr using SIMD)
4-element Array{SnoopCompile.MethodInvalidations,1}:
insert convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{R,N}}}, v::Vec{N,T}) where {N, R, T} in SIMD at /home/tim/.julia/packages/SIMD/Am38N/src/SIMD.jl:182 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Tuple{DataType,DataType,DataType}},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pair{DataType,Tuple{DataType,DataType,DataType}}(::Any, ::Any) (0 children) ambiguous
2: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{NTuple{8,DataType}},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pair{DataType,NTuple{8,DataType}}(::Any, ::Any) (0 children) ambiguous
3: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{NTuple{7,DataType}},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Pair{DataType,NTuple{7,DataType}}(::Any, ::Any) (0 children) ambiguous

insert convert(::Type{Tuple}, v::Vec{N,T}) where {N, T} in SIMD at /home/tim/.julia/packages/SIMD/Am38N/src/SIMD.jl:188 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Tuple},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Distributed.RemoteDoMsg(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (1 children) more specific
2: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Tuple},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Distributed.CallMsg{:call}(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (1 children) more specific
3: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Tuple},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Distributed.CallMsg{:call_fetch}(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (1 children) more specific
4: signature Tuple{typeof(convert),Type{Tuple},Any} triggered MethodInstance for Distributed.CallWaitMsg(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) (4 children) more specific
12 mt_cache

insert <<(x1::T, v2::Vec{N,T}) where {N, T<:Union{Bool, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}} in SIMD at /home/tim/.julia/packages/SIMD/Am38N/src/SIMD.jl:1061 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(<<),UInt64,Any} triggered MethodInstance for <<(::UInt64, ::Integer) (0 children) ambiguous
2: signature Tuple{typeof(<<),UInt64,Any} triggered MethodInstance for copy_chunks_rtol!(::Array{UInt64,1}, ::Integer, ::Integer, ::Integer) (0 children) ambiguous
3: signature Tuple{typeof(<<),UInt64,Any} triggered MethodInstance for copy_chunks_rtol!(::Array{UInt64,1}, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Integer) (0 children) ambiguous
4: signature Tuple{typeof(<<),UInt64,Any} triggered MethodInstance for copy_chunks_rtol!(::Array{UInt64,1}, ::Integer, ::Int64, ::Integer) (0 children) ambiguous
5: signature Tuple{typeof(<<),UInt64,Any} triggered MethodInstance for <<(::UInt64, ::Unsigned) (16 children) ambiguous
20 mt_cache

insert +(s1::Union{Bool, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, Ptr}, v2::Vec{N,T}) where {N, T<:Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}} in SIMD at /home/tim/.julia/packages/SIMD/Am38N/src/SIMD.jl:1165 invalidated:
mt_backedges: 1: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{UInt8},Any} triggered MethodInstance for handle_err(::JuliaInterpreter.Compiled, ::JuliaInterpreter.Frame, ::Any) (0 children) ambiguous
2: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{UInt8},Any} triggered MethodInstance for #methoddef!#5(::Bool, ::typeof(LoweredCodeUtils.methoddef!), ::Any, ::Set{Any}, ::JuliaInterpreter.Frame) (0 children) ambiguous
3: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{UInt8},Any} triggered MethodInstance for #get_def#94(::Set{Tuple{Revise.PkgData,String}}, ::typeof(Revise.get_def), ::Method) (0 children) ambiguous
4: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{Nothing},Any} triggered MethodInstance for filter_valid_cachefiles(::String, ::Array{String,1}) (0 children) ambiguous
5: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{Union{Int64, Symbol}},Any} triggered MethodInstance for pointer(::Array{Union{Int64, Symbol},N} where N, ::Int64) (1 children) ambiguous
6: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{Char},Any} triggered MethodInstance for pointer(::Array{Char,N} where N, ::Int64) (2 children) ambiguous
7: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{_A} where _A,Any} triggered MethodInstance for pointer(::Array{T,N} where N where T, ::Int64) (4 children) ambiguous
8: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{Nothing},Any} triggered MethodInstance for _show_default(::IOContext{Base.GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}}, ::Any) (49 children) ambiguous
9: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{Nothing},Any} triggered MethodInstance for _show_default(::Base.GenericIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}, ::Any) (336 children) ambiguous
10: signature Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{UInt8},Any} triggered MethodInstance for pointer(::String, ::Integer) (1027 children) ambiguous
2 mt_cache
Your specific output will surely be different from this, depending on which packages you have loaded,
which versions of those packages are installed, and which version of Julia you are using.
In this example, there were four different methods that triggered invalidations, and the invalidated methods were in `Base`,
`Distributed`, `JuliaInterpeter`, and `LoweredCodeUtils`. (The latter two were a consequence of loading `Revise`.)
You can see that collectively more than a thousand independent compiled methods needed to be invalidated; indeed, the last
entry alone invalidates 1027 method instances:
julia> sig, node = trees[end].mt_backedges[10]
Pair{Any,SnoopCompile.InstanceTree}(Tuple{typeof(+),Ptr{UInt8},Any}, MethodInstance for pointer(::String, ::Integer) at depth 0 with 1027 children)

julia> node
MethodInstance for pointer(::String, ::Integer) at depth 0 with 1027 children

julia> show(node)
MethodInstance for pointer(::String, ::Integer) (1027 children)
MethodInstance for repeat(::String, ::Integer) (1023 children)
MethodInstance for ^(::String, ::Integer) (1019 children)
MethodInstance for #handle_message#2(::Nothing, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::typeof(Base.CoreLogging.handle_message), ::Logging.ConsoleLogger, ::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, ::String, ::Module, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::String, ::Int64) (906 children)
MethodInstance for handle_message(::Logging.ConsoleLogger, ::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, ::String, ::Module, ::Symbol, ::Symbol, ::String, ::Int64) (902 children)
MethodInstance for log_event_global!(::Pkg.Resolve.Graph, ::String) (35 children)
MethodInstance for #artifact_meta#20(::Pkg.BinaryPlatforms.Platform, ::typeof(Pkg.Artifacts.artifact_meta), ::String, ::Dict{String,Any}, ::String) (43 children)
MethodInstance for Dict{Base.UUID,Pkg.Types.PackageEntry}(::Dict) (79 children)
MethodInstance for read!(::Base.Process, ::LibGit2.GitCredential) (80 children)
MethodInstance for handle_err(::JuliaInterpreter.Compiled, ::JuliaInterpreter.Frame, ::Any) (454 children)

Many nodes in this tree have multiple "child" branches.

## Avoiding or fixing invalidations

Invalidations occur in situations like our `call2f(c64)` example, where we changed our mind about what value `f` should return for `Float64`.
Julia could not have returned the newly-correct answer without recompiling the call chain.

Aside from cases like these, most invalidations occur whenever new types are introduced,
and some methods were previously compiled for abstract types.
In some cases, this is inevitable, and the resulting invalidations simply need to be accepted as a consequence of a dynamic, updateable language.
(You can often minimize invalidations by loading all your code at the beginning of your session, before triggering the compilation of more methods.)
However, in many circumstances an invalidation indicates an opportunity to improve code.
In our first example, note that the call `call2f(c32)` did not get invalidated: this is because the compiler
knew all the specific types, and new methods did not affect any of those types.
The main tips for writing invalidation-resistant code are:

- use [concrete types]( wherever possible
- write inferrable code
- don't engage in [type-piracy]( (our `c64` example is essentially like type-piracy, where we redefined behavior for a pre-existing type)

Since these tips also improve performance and allow programs to behave more predictably,
these guidelines are not intrusive.
Indeed, searching for and eliminating invalidations can help you improve the quality of your code.
In cases where invalidations occur, but you can't use concrete types (there are many valid uses of `Vector{Any}`),
you can often prevent the invalidation using some additional knowledge.
For example, suppose you're writing code that parses Julia's `Expr` type:

julia> ex = :(Array{Float32,3})
:(Array{Float32, 3})

julia> dump(ex)
head: Symbol curly
args: Array{Any}((3,))
1: Symbol Array
2: Symbol Float32
3: Int64 3

`ex.args` is a `Vector{Any}`.
However, for a `:curly` expression only certain types will be found among the arguments; you could write key portions of your code as

a = ex.args[2]
if a isa Symbol
# inside this block, Julia knows `a` is a Symbol, and so methods called on `a` will be resistant to invalidation
elseif a isa Expr && length((a::Expr).args) > 2
a = a::Expr # sometimes you have to help inference by adding a type-assert
x = bar(a) # `bar` is now resistant to invalidation
elsef a isa Integer
# even though you've not made this fully-inferrable, you've at least reduced the scope for invalidations
# by limiting the subset of `foobar` methods that might be called
y = foobar(a)

Adding type-assertions and fixing inference problems are the most common approaches for fixing invalidations.
You can discover these manually, but the [Cthulhu]( package is highly recommended.
Cthulu's `ascend`, in particular, allows you to navigate an invalidation tree and focus on those branches with the most severe consequences (frequently, the most children).
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions examples/invalidations_blog.jl
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using SnoopCompile
using SnoopCompile: countchildren

function hastv(typ)
isa(typ, UnionAll) && return true
if isa(typ, DataType)
for p in typ.parameters
hastv(p) && return true
return false

trees = invalidation_trees(@snoopr using Revise)

function summary(trees)
npartial = ngreater = nlesser = nambig = nequal = 0
for methodtree in trees
method = methodtree.method
invs = methodtree.invalidations
for fn in (:mt_backedges, :backedges)
list = getfield(invs, fn)
for item in list
sig = nothing
if isa(item, Pair)
sig = item.first
item = item.second
sig = item.mi.def.sig
# if hastv(sig)
# npartial += countchildren(invtree)
# else
ms1, ms2 = method.sig <: sig, sig <: method.sig
if ms1 && !ms2
ngreater += countchildren(item)
elseif ms2 && !ms1
nlesser += countchildren(item)
elseif ms1 && ms2
nequal += countchildren(item)
# if hastv(sig)
# npartial += countchildren(item)
# else
nambig += countchildren(item)
# end
# end
@assert nequal == 0
println("$ngreater | $nlesser | $nambig |") # $npartial |")

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/SnoopCompile.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,4 +21,8 @@ include("parcel_snoopc.jl")

if VERSION >= v"1.6.0-DEV.154"

end # module

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