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Rewrite based on LoweredCodeUtils.CodeEdges
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This is a major rewrite of the backedge component.
Moving it to LoweredCodeUtils and giving it
a "real" API led to many improvements
in selectivity of code-evaluation.

This rewrite aims to make Revise do just one thing,
which is to update methods. "Data" is not touched.
In this world, #249 is not a bug.
The benefit is that `includet` should work much more
reliably to distinguish "code" from "method definitions";
by and large, the days of needing to separate code
from method definitions in order to avoid confusing
Revise should be over.

Importantly, this introduces multiple "modes" of
operation. `:sigs` is for signature extraction,
`:eval` is for full evaluation (as you might do
during the initial `includet` on a file), and
`:evalmeth` is used during revision. This is essentially
a generalization of `define::Bool` to allow more
nuanced behavior.

Fixes #479
Closes #249
  • Loading branch information
timholy committed May 29, 2020
1 parent da6dc22 commit f282cc7
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Showing 10 changed files with 264 additions and 406 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Revise"
uuid = "295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe"
version = "2.7.0"
version = "3.0.0"

CodeTracking = "da1fd8a2-8d9e-5ec2-8556-3022fb5608a2"
Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Unicode = "4ec0a83e-493e-50e2-b9ac-8f72acf5a8f5"
CodeTracking = "0.5.9"
JuliaInterpreter = "0.7.16"
LoweredCodeUtils = "0.4"
LoweredCodeUtils = "1.1.0"
OrderedCollections = "1"
julia = "1"

Expand Down
53 changes: 40 additions & 13 deletions src/Revise.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ using OrderedCollections, CodeTracking, JuliaInterpreter, LoweredCodeUtils
using CodeTracking: PkgFiles, basedir, srcfiles
using JuliaInterpreter: whichtt, is_doc_expr, step_expr!, finish_and_return!, get_return
using JuliaInterpreter: @lookup, moduleof, scopeof, pc_expr, prepare_thunk, split_expressions,
linetable, codelocs, LineTypes
using LoweredCodeUtils: next_or_nothing!, isanonymous_typedef, define_anonymous
linetable, codelocs, LineTypes, is_global_ref, is_quotenode
using LoweredCodeUtils: next_or_nothing!, trackedheads, structheads, callee_matches

export revise, includet, entr, MethodSummary

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,11 +67,12 @@ environment variable to customize it.
const tracking_Main_includes = Ref(false)

const revise_mode = Ref(:evalmeth)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ function eval_new!(exs_sigs_new::ExprsSigs, exs_sigs_old, mod::Module)
# ex is not present in old
@debug "Eval" _group="Action" time=time() deltainfo=(mod, ex)
# try
sigs, deps, _includes, thunk = eval_with_signatures(mod, ex) # All signatures defined by `ex`
sigs, deps, _includes, thunk = eval_with_signatures(mod, ex; mode=revise_mode[]) # All signatures defined by `ex`
append!(includes, _includes)
if VERSION < v"1.3.0" || !isexpr(thunk, :thunk)
thunk = ex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,6 +476,26 @@ function eval_new!(mod_exs_sigs_new::ModuleExprsSigs, mod_exs_sigs_old)
return mod_exs_sigs_new, includes

Create a cache for storing information about method definitions.
Adding signatures to such an object inserts them into `CodeTracking.method_info`,
which maps signature Tuple-types to `(lnn::LineNumberNode, ex::Expr)` pairs.
Because method signatures are unique within a module, this is the foundation for
identifying methods in a manner independent of source-code location.
It also has the following fields:
- `exprstack`: used when descending into `@eval` statements (via `push_expr` and `pop_expr!`)
`ex` (used in creating the `CodeTrackingMethodInfo` object) is the first entry in the stack.
- `allsigs`: a list of all method signatures defined by a given expression
- `deps`: list of top-level named objects (`Symbol`s and `GlobalRef`s) that method definitions
in this block depend on. For example, `if Sys.iswindows() f() = 1 else f() = 2 end` would
store `Sys.iswindows` here.
- `includes`: a list of `module=>filename` for any `include` statements encountered while the
expression was parsed.
struct CodeTrackingMethodInfo
Expand All @@ -490,12 +511,18 @@ function add_signature!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo, @nospecialize(sig),
push_expr!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo, mod::Module, ex::Expr) = (push!(methodinfo.exprstack, ex); methodinfo)
pop_expr!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo) = (pop!(methodinfo.exprstack); methodinfo)
function add_dependencies!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo, be::BackEdges, src, chunks)
function add_dependencies!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo, edges::CodeEdges, src, musteval)
isempty(src.code) && return methodinfo
stmt1 = first(src.code)
if isexpr(stmt1, :gotoifnot) && isa(stmt1.args[1], Union{GlobalRef,Symbol})
if any(chunk->hastrackedexpr(src, chunk), chunks)
push!(methodinfo.deps, stmt1.args[1])
# This is basically a hack to look for symbols that control definition of methods via a conditional.
# It is aimed at solving #249, but this will have to be generalized for anything real.
for (stmt, me) in zip(src.code, musteval)
me || continue
if hastrackedexpr(stmt)[1]
push!(methodinfo.deps, stmt1.args[1])
# for (dep, lines) in be.byname
Expand All @@ -516,18 +543,18 @@ function add_includes!(methodinfo::CodeTrackingMethodInfo, mod::Module, filename

# Eval and insert into CodeTracking data
function eval_with_signatures(mod, ex::Expr; define=true, kwargs...)
function eval_with_signatures(mod, ex::Expr; mode=:eval, kwargs...)
methodinfo = CodeTrackingMethodInfo(ex)
docexprs = DocExprs()
_, frame = methods_by_execution!(finish_and_return!, methodinfo, docexprs, mod, ex; define=define, kwargs...)
_, frame = methods_by_execution!(finish_and_return!, methodinfo, docexprs, mod, ex; mode=mode, kwargs...)
return methodinfo.allsigs, methodinfo.deps, methodinfo.includes, frame

function instantiate_sigs!(modexsigs::ModuleExprsSigs; define=false, kwargs...)
function instantiate_sigs!(modexsigs::ModuleExprsSigs; mode=:sigs, kwargs...)
for (mod, exsigs) in modexsigs
for rex in keys(exsigs)
is_doc_expr(rex.ex) && continue
sigs, deps, _ = eval_with_signatures(mod, rex.ex; define=define, kwargs...)
sigs, deps, _ = eval_with_signatures(mod, rex.ex; mode=mode, kwargs...)
exsigs[rex.ex] = sigs
storedeps(deps, rex, mod)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -901,7 +928,7 @@ end
Load `filename` and track any future changes to it. `includet` is essentially shorthand for
Revise.track(Main, filename; define=true, skip_include=false)
Revise.track(Main, filename; mode=:eval, skip_include=false)
`includet` is intended for "user scripts," e.g., a file you use locally for a specific
purpose such as loading a specific data set or performing a particular analysis.
Expand All @@ -925,7 +952,7 @@ function includet(mod::Module, file::AbstractString)
tls = task_local_storage()
tls[:SOURCE_PATH] = file
track(mod, file; define=true, skip_include=false)
track(mod, file; mode=:eval, skip_include=false)
if prev === nothing
delete!(tls, :SOURCE_PATH)
Expand Down

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