Functional configuration management.
Use Typescript / Javascript to generate yaml, json, ini (or register your own format) configuration. Could be used for:
- Generating configuration for Kubernetes
- Generating configuration for databases
- etc.
Functional programming and Typescript have some great traits, which are also really beneficial when writing configuration:
- Composition - you can build your configuration like lego.
- Re-usability - create functions that define entire workloads and reuse them across projects.
- Type checking - intellisense FTW.
Name | Description |
@fpk/core |
Package that provides the config generation functionality |
@fpk/cli |
The CLI tool for generating configuration |
@fpk/k8s |
Collection of functions for generating Kubernetes configuration |
$ npm install -g @fpk/cli
$ fpk --help
export default {
"00-one": {
key: "value",
"02-two": {
foo: false,
"03-three.json": {
json: true,
"04-four.ini": {
ini: "yes",
$ fpk -d src -o out
MKDIR my-app/
CREATE my-app/00-one.yaml
CREATE my-app/02-two.yaml
CREATE my-app/03-three.json
$ tree out/
└── my-app
├── 00-one.yaml
├── 02-two.yaml
├── 03-three.json
└── 04-four.ini
1 directory, 4 files
$ cat out/my-app/00-one.yaml
key: value