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One-stop solution builder for integrating privacy enhancing technologies on a large data scale.


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PrivacyGo-PETPlatform provides users with a one-stop solution builder for integrating privacy enhancing technologies on a large data scale, which offers distributed task management and modular implementation. The whole system consists of four key submodules:

  • PETPlatform: PETPlatform serves as the main repository of the project, and is also a service for job management and scheduling. It is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the operation of the other three submodules.

  • PETML: PETML is a machine learning framework based on multi-party computation and federated learning.

  • PETSQL: PETSQL is a data analysis framework based on secure multi-party computation.

  • PETNet: PETNet is a lightweight data proxy gateway which supports real-time data exchange between parties.

Submodules Organization

Key Designs of PETPlatform

PETPlatform adopts a four-layer architecture: the App Server, the Job Manager, the Task Executor, and the Operator.

  • App Server: The App Server mainly supports user-level interactions, such as job submission, job status queries, etc.

  • Job Manager: The Job Manager is responsible for job scheduling based on the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) configuration. It determines the execution order of tasks and manages their dependencies.

  • Task Executor: The Task Executor is responsible for executing tasks handed over by the Job Manager, and it updates and synchronizes the task execution status with the Job Manager in real time.

  • Operator: The Operator encapsulates different private computing tasks. By abstracting them as Operator objects, the Task Executor can indiscriminately run different privacy computing algorithm protocols, currently provided by PETML and PETSQL.

The end-to-end task execution process in PETPlatform is as follows:

  1. The service loads DAG definitions from the configuration file and stores them in the system's database.

  2. Users prepare the input data and grant the platform the corresponding data read and write permissions.

  3. Users submit task requests through the command line, and the App Server accepts these task requests.

  4. The App Server initializes the Job Manager based on user input and the task DAG.

  5. According to the DAG, the Job Manager identifies the ready tasks that are dependent on others to be executed and hands them over to the Task Executor.

  6. When the task execution is completed, the Task Executor reports the status back to the Job Manager.

  7. Steps 5 and 6 are repeated until all tasks are completed. The matching result is then returned to the user.

Features of PETPlatform

PETPlatform provides a comprehensive suite of privacy computing features, allowing users to perform a wide range of tasks. Here are the key features provided by PETPlatform:

  • Private Set Intersection (PSI): PSI is a secure protocol that allows two parties to find common elements in their datasets without revealing any additional information. It is particularly useful in scenarios where data privacy is paramount.

  • SQL on Privacy-Preserved Datasets: PETPlatform can run OLAP jobs on datasets from two different parties. It computes SQL query results while preserving the privacy of the datasets. This feature enables complex data analysis tasks across multiple parties.

  • Privacy-Preserving XGBoost Classifier: XGBoost is a popular machine learning library known for its efficiency and effectiveness. PETPlatform provides a privacy-preserving XGBoost classifier that allows users to train classification models with datasets from two parties without compromising data privacy.

  • Privacy-Preserving XGBoost Regressor: In addition to classification, PETPlatform also provides a privacy-preserving XGBoost model training for regression tasks.

  • XGBoost Classifier Prediction: PETPlatform supports privacy-preserving prediction tasks with the trained XGBoost classifier model.

  • XGBoost Regressor Prediction: PETPlatform also supports privacy-preserving prediction tasks with the trained XGBoost regressor model.

  • Leiden Algorithm for Community Detection: The Leiden algorithm is a method to extract non-overlapping communities from large networks. PETPlatform provides a privacy-preserving Leiden algorithm, enabling users to perform network analysis while keeping the data private.

Getting Started


System Toolchain
Linux Python (==3.9), pip(>=23.3.1)

How to Build

Switch your work directory to the root of PETPlatform:


Firstly, if you want to build PETAce on yourself, please refer to Build PETAce

cp ${YOUR_BUILDING_PATH}/petace-0.3.0-py3.whl external/

Secondly, you need to download the PETML and PETSQL to the root directory of PETPlatform.

git clone .
git clone .

Finally, to build PETPlatform as a docker image, execute:

docker build -t petplatform:latest . -f docker/Dockerfile


Party Information Config

You need a config file to record all the parties and their application info:

  "party_a": {
    "petplatform": {
      "type": 1,
    "petnet": [{
      "type": 1,
  "party_b": {
    "petplatform": {
      "type": 1,
    "petnet": [{
      "type": 1,

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Value Description Required
PARTY None Name of the party Yes
CONFIG_FILE "/app/parties/party.json" Path to the configuration file No
NETWORK_SCHEME "agent" Network scheme No
PLATFORM_DB_URI "sqlite:////app/db/petplatform.db" Database connection URI No
PORT_LOWER_BOUND "49152" Lower bound of the socket port range No
PORT_UPPER_BOUND "65535" Upper bound of the socket port range No
SAFE_WORK_DIR "/app/data/" Safe working directory for preventing path traversal attacks No

Docker Compose Config

Note that PETPlatform also depends on PETNet. Here we show an example of a complete docker-compose.yml.

version: '3'
    image: petplatform:latest
      - ./db:/app/db
      - ./data:/app/data
      - ./logs:/app/logs
      - ./parties:/app/parties
      - PARTY=party_a
      - "1234:1234"
      - petnet

    image: petnet:latest
      - PARTY=party_a
      - ./parties:/app/parties
      - ./certs:/app/certs
      - "1235:1235"
      - redis

    image: redis:6
      - redis-data:/data


How to Run

To run the Docker container using docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

User Manual

In version v0.1.0, task lifecycle management was managed via HTTP interface calls, requiring users to have specific background knowledge and input numerous parameters during operation. In the updated v0.1.1 version, we have introduced support for command-line interactive tools, added new interfaces, and optimized the output of some interfaces. These enhancements aim to improve user experience and facilitate better task management.


System Toolchain
Linux/Mac Python 3.x, pip(>=23.3.1)

How to Install

First you will need the wheel package of the petplatform client. Then you can install it with the following commands:

# enter operating directory
cd my_project
# create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
# activate
source env/bin/activate
# pip install petplatform-cli
pip install petplatform_client-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

You can run the following command to check whether installation succeeded:



We have added an authentication mechanism named JWT Token for better service quality and security. Users need to initialize the commandline tool before using it to manage their jobs. Run the following command:

petplatform-cli init

In the following interactions, users need to enter the platform's URL and their own JWT token.


  • Users only need to perform the initialization operation once. Once the user completes the input, the above configuration information will be saved to the .env file in the current directory. In subsequent uses, as long as the directory and .env file have not changed, users do not need to perform the initialization operation again.
  • If you need to change the configuration items, just re-execute the init command and input the new configuration items, the original configuration will be overwritten. You can also directly access the .env file to view and modify configuration items.
  • If the commandline tool is not correctly initialized, it might not work. Please contact us for technical support if you have any questions.

Job Management via Commandline Tool

Get Help Message

# get commandlie tool help message
petplatform-cli --help

# get help message for subcommands
petplatform-cli [subcommand name] --help

Submit a Job

# If your job parameters is a json file, e.g. /tmp/params.json
petplatform-cli submit --json-file ${YOUR_JSON_FILE}

# If your job parameters is a json string, e.g. {"mission_name": "psi"}
petplatform-cli submit --json-string ${YOUR_JSON_STRING}

List History Jobs

# By default, jobs submited in the past 24 hours will be shown (10 at most)
petplatform-cli get-jobs

# Filter by job status, e.g. if you only want to see running jobs:
petplatform-cli get-jobs --status RUNNING

# Show earlier jobs, e.g. if you want to see successful jobs in the last 48 hours:
petplatform-cli get-jobs --status SUCCESS --hours 48

# Enlarge shown jobs number limitation, e.g. if you have 10-20 successful jobs and you want to show all:
petplatform-cli get-jobs --status SUCCESS --hours 48 --limit 20

Show Single Job Details

petplatform-cli get-job ${YOUR_JOB_ID}

Stop a Running Job

petplatform-cli cancel ${YOUR_JOB_ID}

Rerun a Failed/Cancaled Job

petplatform-cli rerun ${YOUR_JOB_ID}


Please check Contributing for more details.

Code of Conduct

Please check Code of Conduct for more details.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


This software is not an officially supported product of TikTok. It is provided as-is, without any guarantees or warranties, whether express or implied.


One-stop solution builder for integrating privacy enhancing technologies on a large data scale.



Code of conduct





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