A trie-based auto-completion system that allows efficient insertion, searching, and prefix-based suggestions.
- Use compressed trie by default
- Have support for standard trie
- Use utf-8 NFC to normalize utf-8 encoded string
t := trie.New() // or trie.NewStandard for standard trie
t.Search("car") // returns car, cart
- compressed trie
- standard trie
- insert text is empty -> return
- insert text is not empty
- children is empty -> insert the word as a new child
- children is not empty
- loop through children, find the longest common prefix between a child & insert text
- no found -> insert the word as a new children
- some found, check the length
- the prefix length == the word at node
- the remaining of the inserting word == 0 -> set node's isWord = true
- the remaining of the inserting word > 0 -> call word.insert with it
- the prefix length < the word at node
- the remaining of the inserting word == 0 -> break the word at prefix, mark its isWord = true -> connect its children to the remaining part of it -> replace the node with the prefix node in its parent's children list
- the remaining of the inserting word > 0 -> break the word at prefix -> connect its children to the remaining part of it -> replace the node with the prefix node in its parent's children list -> insert the remaining of the inserting word as the new child
- the prefix length == the word at node
- loop through children, find the longest common prefix between a child & insert text
- searchText is empty
- node has no children
- text so far is empty -> return
- text so far is not empty -> collect
- node has children -> collect text so far if node's isWord is true -> call child.collect, with text so far include text so far + child.value
- node has no children
- searchText is not empty
- node has no children -> return
- node has children
- loop through children, find the longest common prefix
- no found -> return
- some found
- both searchText & child value has remaining -> return
- only searchText has remaining -> call child.search(text[prefixLength:])
- only node value has remaining -> call child.search(text[prefixLength:])
- no has remaining -> call child.search(text[prefixLength:])
- loop through children, find the longest common prefix
- insert text is empty -> return
- insert text is not empty
-> break it into runes
- node has no child
-> insert runes[0] as a new child
- runes[1:] is empty -> mark new child.isWord = true
- runes[1:] is not empty -> call new child.insert(runes[1:])
- node has child
-> loop through the node children to see if any child has value as the first rune
- no
-> insert the rune as a new child
- runes[1:] is empty -> mark new child.isWord = true
- runes[1:] is not empty -> call new child.insert(runes[1:])
- yes
- runes[1:] is empty -> mark child.isWord = true
- runes[1:] is not empty -> call new child.insert(runes[1:])
- no
-> insert the rune as a new child
- node has no child
-> insert runes[0] as a new child
- search text is empty
- node has no children
- text so far is empty -> return
- text so far is not empty -> collect
- node has children -> collect text so far if node's isWord is true -> call child.collect, with text so far include text so far + child.value
- node has no children
- search text is not empty
- node has no children -> return
- node has children
-> find a child node with its value == runes[0]
- no found, return
- some found, call child.search(runes[1:], text so far + child.value)